Holy crap how did you not tell me that this is the best movie ever, Sup Forums?

Holy crap how did you not tell me that this is the best movie ever, Sup Forums?

It's a perfect metaphor for every people's revolution.

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LOL decent bait OP. It has a good premise and some interesting scenes but completely falls apart about 90 minutes in and limps towards the finish.

people's revolutions aren't a real thing

The survivors were eaten by the Polar Bear. They are the only land predator that actively hunts man. .


The director specifically stated the opposite, as much as that's worth to you.

> surprise ed harris out of nowhere
love it when movies do based shit like this

New to Sup Forums I see. There were a billion threads about this when it came out. Evidently, it really got the braincells juiced for all the resident 14 year olds.

I thought the twist was amazing.

what that Chris Evans eats babies or that they were using children to power the train?

The director is a retard

That the revolution was planned.

Fuck, I thought it was Peter Walker.

The baby eating thing was fucking stupid and didn't even make sense

That was clever. But the rest of the symbolism is so fucking ham fisted. Give us some credit, we could probably figure out the themes with them being shoved in our faces.


The kindergarten scene was hysterical.
I love korean movies

It was literally a perfect satire of the Fichtean education system.

Agreed. Look at any revolution in history and there are still people pulling the strings of the masses so that they can get in power and make the changes they want to make--many times despite what their supporters actually want them to do. Snowpiercer wouldn't been more accurate if there was some entitled dickhead from the party car passing notes to the prole car to rile them up.

IT wasnt a people's revolution though, it was a revolution manipulated by the bourgeois class

Many people choose to believe that the polar bear symbolises a return to nature, and that humanity is over as soon as the bear finishes off the last two humans standing. Bong remarked that ‘he should have shot a deer’ if he had known a bear would be misconstrued so easily.

its a Marxist film

It was a very good idea that was executed somewhat poorly

I actually loved this movie

Not everyone on this board is as clued in as you are. Take that as a compliment.

That's literally what happened tho.

Why did the Koreans gut a fish?

Would love to see a way "darker" adaptation of this.

Sup Forums /like this movie for a week, then once it became clear that everyone liked it of course Sup Forums's opinion changed.

One of my favorite scenes

>And when I returned, the others were cooking his legs for dinner. Would I have stopped it had I been there? I don't know. But I must say... when I stepped inside that cave... the smell of meat cooking... I thanked the Lord.

quite comfy movie.

Would you eat human flesh, Sup Forums?

Only if I can slather that long pig in sweet baby Ray's bbw sauce

The film had potential but it sucked in actuality

Maybe the train running around for 18 years, with the Almighty engine started, warming the planet again?

>bbw sauce

sorry, brainlet here..

but why did tilda swinton murder the children and why was the Earth frozen?

shit premice >civilization on a train that never stops

how can these braindead ideas get millions budgets funding?

That was Ravenous and delicious.

So long as its young enough and reared properly. People eat and do all kinds of nasty shit, imagine the unpleasant taint of NEET-meat, it would be disgusting.

>bbw sauce

>Bong's Korean films are pitch perfect tonal balancing acts that combine family drama, horror, procedurals, black comedy, slapstick, and political commentary

>his English films are broad and silly and take themselves completely seriously while beating you over the head with it's simplistic political message

What went wrong?

>It's a perfect metaphor for every people's revolution.
ebds in a trainwreck?

i didnt have korean translation - did i miss a lot from the story?

he targets americans

>working class tries to fight for a better life
>makes mankind go extinct

It was okay, I dont regret watching it. The scene with the balaclava dudes and the fish was neat though.

Lies, this one was genuine.

>entitled dickhead from the party car passing notes to the prole car
tfw you will never inspect the army from the party car

Took me half the movie to figure out the guy wasnt played by Keanu Reeves. I dont even know why I though it was. Also the Sup Forums banner I am looking at is Keanu Reeves.

what is even remotely good about this movie

i just remembering hating it after it was over

good concept and the execution