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Television and Film #889
Television and Film
Wow this is deep
Did he realize that Joi didn't love him and she was programmed for it?
No black people
Opinions on him?
This is a damn good show
/Balding/ general
Well, you're a nobody and NOTHING SPECIAL...
The Comfiest Film of 2017:
Sophie turner engaged to jonas brother
So what films of his should i watch?
Star Trek /Discovery/ General
Unpopular Opinions
Actor denounces Woody Allen after starring in his newest film
You can't refute any of his points
The average orville fan and discovery detractor
Is a purge about to happen?
Tomb Raider reboot
Rian Johnson: I've addressed it the only way I possibly can – by spending the past three years of my life making a...
How do we combat this Sup Forums?
Every movie role she has ever done was Kino
Wtf did I just watch?
Endings women cannot possibly understand
Name a Sup Forums caharacter who could defeat him
/who/ - Doctor Who General
The English intercepted and published letters about his unfaithful wife to embarrass him
ITT: Forgettable films that received acclaim
He was telling the truth, and no-one believed him
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree Suicide Squad was pretty comfy? Can't wait for Gotham City Sirens
Marrying an appliance
To accept Villeneuve as a quality director is to garb yourself in a coat of hot pockets and video games and then writh...
Do you think that the last jedi will be as kino as rogue one...
Recommend me more comfy mystery/horror flicks like Ninth Gate, In the Mouth of Madness, 1408 etc
People keep calling her Joi. Doesn't this mean Jerk Off Instructor? Is this real?
Name's Bond. Jane Bond
Times where Sup Forums was totally wrong about whether one movie was better than another
You're following Monster Madness this year, right?
Thinking about watching this tonight
Beta male fantasy: the movie
One thing doesn't add up...was K a replicant or not?
Is DVD collection still symbol of status in America?
Walk up to liberal gathering with a microphone
Damn IT looks like that?
Holy shit lars von trier tried to rape bjork
This image. Where the fuck do I even begin?
Anybody watch K-dramas? A co-worker got me to watch one and now I can't stop
The Shining
Memes aside, I'm honestly shocked Dan Schneider have not been outed yet. What's going on here? Is he "that" powerful?
What did she mean by this?
Mark Zuckerberg parody
How much do you like Porgs, Sup Forums?
X-Men Horror Movie
Should I watch Blade Runner 2049 again as 3d or 2d?
Post your favourite film and your philosophical position
The most beautiful man in the world has been a vegan for decades
Will it win any Academy Awards?
Why was he supposed to be the villain?
Fuck you Sup Forums I like it
Why hasn’t anyone made a film about the Fall of Constantinople?
Can DC do anything right?
What was he trying to convey here?
Women will never understand
Isabela Moner more like Isabela Moaner amirite guize?
Something doesn't add up. All these pics of him with the actresses he "raped", they're smiling and hugging him...
This was really good. Much better than I expected. Why did nobody tell me?
Brawl In Cell Block 99
What the fuck was his problem?
Why are all the batsuits in movies since 1989 so uncomfortable and impractical?
What are your thoughts on the manchild epidemic?
Why didnt Sauron just make two rings?
British police investigating three more Weinstein sex assault claims
Jake Gyllenhaal giving asian actors an acting lesson
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Who's eyes are these?
How would you end the Simpsons?
Misato san
Tfw not Weinsteined
Dean just listen 2 me
Make this Sup Forums related
What movies do dumb pieces of shit watch?
How did Luv infiltrate the LAPD twice, kill a person each time (including a department head), and get away with it?
But how did he know about the horse?
Cletus has a snake tattoo on his right arm
Post your potter fu
He was easily the worst part
Why are GotG so much better than other marvel flicks?
No jews
Blade Runner 2049 BTFO by the RazorFist
The /orville/ general
Why were the Americans rude to him all the time?
Left or right?
This movie was decent and you know it
Is vidya more kino than films?
Claims to love kino
She did nothing wrong
This is No Man's Land
Sci-fi movie
My fellow white supremacists...
"Haha let's have the 12 year old girl in the movie say super profane things like "anal sex" eksdee! So funny!"
Woody Allen 'sad' for producer over sexual assault allegations
/MHG/ Mindhunter General
But why?
How did they pull off turning a reboot of a remake into a trilogy consisting of some of the greatest films of the...
Find out she's infertile due to PCOS and biologically unable to ever have children
What has the better theme Gondor or Rohan?
*scratches chin* really makes me think
Why are so many people shitting on this character...
Webm thread
Diagnostician isn't a real profession, right?
Scarlett Johansson in The Island is one of my all-time favourite performances
The 3000 year old virgin
The Bitchelorette
Virgin photography vs Chad Kinematograhy
About to experience this kino, what should I expect Sup Forums?
Franchises no one gives a fuck about any more
What are some great films about Vikings?
So who else cried when Tears In Rain played at the end?
I hope you've paid your TV license lads
Wait you guys have no szechuan sauce?
Was she harvested?
Why do people hate black characters?
American Psycho General
I just finished this show. What does Sup Forums think of it?
Show me a character more out of place than this baboon Sup Forums
What went wrong?
Hotel staff calls him "The Monster"
What's the smartest show currently on the air?
How is this movie a thing? I mean seriously, at least in Pretty Baby they presented it as somewhat taboo...
It's a jordi kino
Modens Pollens
NOT Wesintein'd
Why are people calling this movie offensive? And in general, why does it have such a low rating...
*teleports behind you*
I really got a taste for goosekino after the new blade runner and the nice guys
Was shooting this in SD the worst cinematography decision ever made?
ITT: Characters that are literally you
What the fuck was her problem?
What are some good movies from the last decade?
Could Buffy work in 2017, or would they completely ruin it?
Since a video game was able to profit and succeed by using old style type of animation to style it's game as a main...
Brilliant game of cat and mouse building up to a possibly thrilling climax of protagonist vs antagonist
What are the ultimate nostalgia movies and tv shows for those born in 1997-2001?
Holy shit this is FUCKING KINO
Every normie I know hated TFA and doesn't care about this one
ITT: Films straight people will NEVER understand
What went wrong?
Jennifer connelly
Is Anya kino?
What's the scariest movie you've ever seen?
*heavenly music starts playing*
I'm obsessed with this year of films right now. Lists, rankings, etc. Let's reach bump limit
“We haven’t done anything!” she remembered him saying. “It’s like being in a Walt Disney movie!”
Was he really evil at all? He only killed yuppies
Episode VII
How was Justified?
ITT bad/ridiculous scenes in mainstream movies and TV shows. Starting off with this classic...
What was the first movie that genuinely disappointed you?
What do you want to see in Denis Villeneuve's DUNE?
Movies the world has forgotten
What episode of the sopranos should I watch tonight?
Home Cinema vs Going to the Cinema
You've been given the responsibility of preserving the greatest films of all time...
Half way through this piece of shit
So he didn't really play that big of a role, they kind of built him up, showed the facility...
You're browsing Sup Forums when you see a Blade Runner thread
Whats the manliest film you've ever seen?
The Nice Guys
Thoughts on this?
Big Mouth Is Good, Deal With It
Write a movie with this cast
Even his own BROTHER has turned on him
Two characters talk about evolution
10/10 Special Effects
What's next for her career?
I never watched a single episode of this...
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
ITT Post your Sup Forums harem
Nerd Crew Episode 6
What movies look as good as Paris Texas...
The absolute state of Sup Forums
Crushes your holographic waifu
Why hasn't there been a better food crossover?
/STD/ General - Star Trek Discovery
How can whitebois even compete?
Fuck white people
SNL General
Why are you not watching it
Season 2 of Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency just premired. I can't believe there's no thread...
The first nintendo DS ever built..."
How the fuck was this man the Headmaster of Hogwarts for so long
But mike! while you're waiting for that to come out-
How rich do I have to be to own a house with a lobby like this?
ITT: Actors who ooze kino
Is there anything worth watching on this that is not littered with jewish trickery?
ITT: gifs that are pure kino
Ever end up watching your mom's novelas ?
*snoring loudly* Mmmm watuhmelons n fried chickn 'finna *licks lups*
Man, that hitler guy was a real jerk
Should I get it?
God bless these brilliant men. The sane voices of America
Is there a show as good as Sopranos or Mad Men? Or one that comes even slightly close?
Movies Ruined In Their Final 10 Minutes
Name the Best Japanese Director
ITT: Movies you're pretty sure were money laundering fronts
Las Vegas shooting
Fuck they are catching on lads
Has there ever been a trilogy where the third installment is the best one?
Power Rangers Zeo movie adaptation when?
Best Simpsons qoutes
Is this the best movie in the last 10 years?
SOOOo after the success with Dog with a Blog what's next for Francesca Capaldi's career and shit?
Memes of Sup Forums
Who the fuck recites poetry before they're about to die...
Hey man why don't we take the harry potter world and make a story about a guy that runs around the world collecting...
Wonder Woman sequel
This right here
Ana De Armas
How the FUCK did Lindsay Bluth have such a hard time hooking up? Most unbelievable thing in Arrested Development, tbhfam
Jonah won
Recommend me some cyberpunkino that's not Blade Runner or The Matrix
No one has mentioned the best cameo in BR2049
The Dunwich Horror (1970); also Lovecraft General
This movie was pathetic. Literally cowardice glorified
/BRG/ Blade Runner General
Daisy Ridley is one of the best things to happen to the Star Wars franchise
ITT cursed images from movies
/STD/ General - Star Trek Discovery
I Love You, America
What the HELL is her problem with Hollywood?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Fuck this fucking cuck. These sluts knew exactly what they were doing
Well that first season sure was grim
Watching Man of Steel for the fist time
A 20 year-old film company bet their entire future on Blade Runner 2049 being a success
I dont get it
You must pick one of these actresses to get drunk with (tequila), one to get stoned with...
Are we doomed?
European Crime Films
Ive got a big bowl of popcorn, give me some kino to go with it
Sup Forums's flavor of the month has been destroyed
Best character in TV history
Does he deserve all the hate?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
ITT: shows for dumb people who think their smart
After the success of IT, what can we expect to see next from Sophia Lillis' acting career?
So was she even sentient or was she just like one of those teddy bears that goes "I wuv you" when you squeeze its paw?
Holy shit, they actually did this movie 1:1 like the anime. The result blows my mind. Instant classic for me
"Blade Runner 2049 is Bad and You Should Feel Bad"
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
Was this any good?
What is the best movie of these "distant" sequels?
So after the success of Transformers The Last Knight from visionary director Michael Bay...
After STD gets canceled will people finally stop pretending this isn't shit?
Today is the 14th of October, the birthday of Lillian Gish. Today she will be one hundred and twenty four years old...
Ya happy Sup Forums?
Why did it fail to spawn any new memes?
Bladerunner 2049 IS a feminist masterpiece
I'm going to announce this really awesome project and put it in development hell forever
Series Finale Tonight: Possible Watch Thread
"Where are we?"
Halloween horror general
SNL General
The fact that Billionaires like Harvey have to rape to get laid shows that money truly can't buy you love...
How do you deal with a guy like Richie Aprile in your crew?
Find a film
Seth MacFarlane Calls Out Harvey Weinstein Back In 2013
What happens if you shut your brain off for a film, and then aren't able to turn it back again?
The Foreigner
"Peter is that a picture of me? What are you doing with it under the sheets?"
They literally beat the bad guys by playing really loud beastie boys® music
Ungrateful fat lip, crumb encrusted, pizza smelling mouth, wheezing, lard nosed eating all the white man's food...
What's next in her career?
/BRG/ Blade Runner General
Hollywood is screwing movie theaters
Literally the whitest woman in Marvel
/rlmg/ It's up
She will never beat the shit out of you then kiss your bloody lips
Did she really love him?... Or was she just programmed to?
Am I in trouble if I relate to this film?
What the fuck are they thinking?
Director switch
Who will play him in the inevitable next biopic?
Films that could not be made today
Sup Forums dubs baby driver
Mike Stoklasa is unironically a conservative
There is an idea of a Nathan Fielder, some kind of abstraction, but there is no real me, only an entity...
What are some films where girls loves other girls?
Guys what's got ben Affleck so down? He's got a big new movie coming out soon
Nostalgia Critic: The Dork Ages Thread Special #1
What's Sup Forums's honest opinion of Anya Taylor-Joy?
Adam from Girls: the archetypal modern male?
BR2049 plot hole
Jay! Mike! You guys are late!
Tfw no Monster Madness this year
Feminism is not going to ruin Star W-
You got fifteen rib roasts thirty ten pound bags of hamburgers. You got twelve turkeys...
Films that if you don't cry, you're not human
ITT: Characters whomst you literally fell in love with
Is there more depraved and hilarious reality tv like this? Looking for recs
They photoshopped her into a completely different person
How did K end up with Stelline's memory?
This guy is coming to kill you. The protagonist of the last movie you've seen is there to protect you...
Can we have one of these threads
My Bladerunner 2049 review (spoilers)
Has the generational change finally happened?
Was he /ourguy/?
Studio: Hey Villeneuve make us some half assed sequel so we don't loose the rights
Resident Evil 1
He did nothing wrong. In fact, the replicants would be much better off if they just let him complete his plan
So who woks first? You wok first? I wok first?
Hello, we are the three best horror movies of all time
What the actual fuck?
What are some films like this? I liked it a whole lot more than I expected to
ITT: characters who are literally you
4 Bedrooms
Deckard is a replicant, right?
Fuck white people
What are some films where the bad guy gets what's coming to him?
There's a lot to be said about the imagery of a cyborg hurling a merman into the sky so that that merman can throw his...
ITT underrated actors/actresses
Female lead is introduced as a badass that can clearly handle herself
What am i in for?
IT's Finn Wolfhard Was Cast in the Same Role Twice
Was our Daisy Harvested in exchange for the role of a lifetime?
Star Trek /Discovery/ General
Why does Beyond Thunderdome get such a bad rap? I like it. Sure, I like it least out of the three real Mad Max films...
Any other UK patricians watching this opera documentary? I love this woman so fucking much
This thing will win a CCA and be nominated for a Golden Globe and an Oscar
What is the best film of 2017 so far?
In Crank 3, Chev Chelios has to constantly _________ in order to survive
How do you pick a movie to watch for the night? I can't decide on what to watch
What does Sup Forums think of my owl? it was expensive
She broke her NDA that she agreed to for $100k when she settled
The disneys starwars movies are ruinning the prequals
I feel like I literally sat through 2 hours of reddit being directly streamed into my eyeballs
Mfw all this Weinstein business has forced Sup Forums to decide whether they want to side with women or defend a Jew
Will this be a kino or a disappointment?
/Porg/ - Porg General:
Your thoughts on BR2049's ost?
What movie star do you look like Sup Forums?
*heavenly chorus plays*
Explain this right now
No spoilers regarding the bleak outcomes for both of their relationships, but which representation did you prefer more?
Mr Robot S3
Blade Runner 2049
Is it considered alpha going to the movies alone?
ITT: Endings women simply cannot comprehend
The Leftovers
How did this ugly son of a bitch score such a cutie?
How prevalent is steroid and HGH use for actors?
Scars look like the scars of vader
Mon Mothma's first act as Chancellor was to sue for peace with the defeated Empire...
Really Oodles My Noodles
Is Mike good at sex?
T-this can't be happening
I carry nothing!
I don't share Harvey Weinstein's opinion that Hayley Atwell is a fat pig. The fat is in the right places
Why do directors insist on having women shrieking during childbirth?
What the fuck is this bitch doing in a Star Wars movie...
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Stars and spaceships and shit
What was so great about this movie? People talk about it being one of the best movies of the year...
What's the scariest movie you've seen?
Teenager Jodie Foster is cute
Honestly this is better than Capeshit
How does a harmless, admittedly unfunny joke, have such an impact on Sup Forums culture? Why does it trigger you so?
Soundtrack by hanz zimmer
Why is the sound mixing in 90% of movies and TV shows shit?
So was he left or right?
How do we fix it?
Who /going to watch it again today/ here?
How does George sleep at night, knowing what he's done?
How would Disney marvel handle this scene ?
Watching moviewith family
Movies which there is no escape even when you're dead because there is an afterlife where you're tortured
Clears your path
What are your favorite Shakespeare film adaptations, Sup Forums?
Is Rogue One kino?
Tom Cruise - how?
Is there a better actor in Hollywood right now?
Well that was awful
'Emma Stone is a badass for tackling the rain'
God damn Wizard of Oz is an old movie. Even the dog is probably dead by now
What are your thoughts on this young, up and coming actors career Sup Forums...
Sci fi movie
Could he lead a movie?
*offers you a role in a movie and winks*
Why do Americans pay this British person to act smug and make fun of them on TV?
/tpg/ - Twin Peaks General
What's the most boring film you've ever seen?
Btw, is this guy's relation to deckard and rachel that he tried to save rachel or he delivered the baby?
34 days till justice league
/lbg/ - Letterboxd Thread
It begins
I thought this would at least be watchable
Why does there seem to be a scarcity of horror films...
How did Disney get away with this?
For me? It's the Akira class
ITT: Hollywood Actresses who have never been associated with Harvey Weinstein
Alright, which one of you wrote this?
What's the Sup Forums equivalent of this controversial scene?
A friend of mine is convinced Blade Runner 2049 is a retelling of the fallen angels account from the Bible/Jewish...
/who/ - Doctor Who General
Has any character ever been as friend zoned as much as this guy?
Who is the best asstress working today?
What do you think they tasted like?
ITT: We think of possible titles for the Avatar sequel, since it obviously won't simply be called "Avatar 2"
Don't pay to see this movie
Are audiences to lazy to appreciate Blade Runner 2049?
Don't mind me, just being the best Cenobite
Look, all he's saying is Africa for the Afrians, Asia for the Asians, and Europe for the Europeans. I mean...
Am I supposed to believe they are related?
Is this accurate?
6 10 21
So this thing is going to be kino
How is she getting chosen for roles in big budget blockbusters over more talented actresses?
Honestly imagine being emma watson
What are some movie with good cinnamon tograpy?
Why THE FUCK did you cunts not tell me that Mad Men is the fucking GOAT?
Have any films or scenes been shot in or around where you live?
DCucks eternally BTFO
There are literally normies right now watching this movie who haven't seen the first one
Comedy films
Do you fantasise about having a loving significant other before going to sleep in yet another lonely night? Cells
Did Zander do anything wrong?
What does Sup Forums think of this movie?
It's a Luanne episode
Yes yes well done slitherine well done slitherine
The /orville/ general
Why isn't he on network television? he's way funnier than any other late night host
How did K know where to find Luv and Deckard?
Do these retards actually think they're funny?
Justice League movie trailer came out along with the Weinstein scandal
Why did they make him gay and then reveal it in the most gimmicky and pathetic way imaginable?
What are some movies with /ss/ vibes?
In real life he would have brutally raped her
What are the best movies about current politics?
Recommend a comfy, non-violent movie? Also, i love you
Why is br2049 seemingly doing better in europe than america (among normies)?
Give me one thousand dollars
How could anyone side with the jedi during this scene?
I just watched this movie, is Emma Watson retarded?
Just finished episode 8
"Intellectual" as fuck
Would you guys like to discuss SML's body of work?
I don’t get why women don’t get this movie
Was Audrey Hepburn the most beautiful actresses that ever lived?
I'd also like to express my fondness for that particular beer
Marvelshits eternally btfo'd by a 9Gag meme
/sg/ - Simpsons general
Wasn't I the one who gets dubs? How'd you get them?
G-guys? i really want to see blade kino but i'm scared to go see it alone...
Why are Disney trying to sabotage the DCEU universe...
If you don't love Krteček, you are a terrible human being
Dan literally molests POTUS wife on camera
People aren't watching this? It's great
X-Men: The New Mutants Trailer
Is there a more punchable movie director face?
Whore herself out for money and fame
She wanted his repli-cock, right?
Minimalistic posters thread
What were some moments where he was actually in the wrong?
Great show although the last two series were kinda rubbish. What happened?
Any films/tv/anime about people having to live in a bunker/underground?
So she fucked Harvey willingly. What a slut
/trek/ general
George Lucas appreciation thread
Fuck me. This is incredible acting. How is Sean Young not a Hollywood legend?
Is Eisenberg's Lex Luther the ultimate pleb filter?
Rewatching this scene as an adult really makes me sad
What's some other Burger Kino?
How come he was ignored and mocked when he warned the public that there existed a paedophile problem in Hollywood?
Have you bongs paid the BBC for your TV License yet?
Anyone else bored waiting for NeverKnock to premiere on Syfy tomorrow?
What the fuck was that? what the absolute fuck was this shit? How do you fail to parody an autist like zuckerberg...
Gangs of New York
Why did speilberg portray wehrmacht soldiers as skinheads?
What went wrong?
Trump will never build the wa-
In the middle of all this BS Gianna Michaels got thicc again
Name a good movie featuring this
Being a teenager is thinking Bill Murray is the most likeable actor in Hollywood and funniest comedian alive today
Supernatural Season 13
Is anyone else obsessed with this movie?
Star Trek general. Keep your shitposting out
Judd apatow plays a skank secretary who tries to seduce her boss in Twin Peaks
So he raped my precious Emma?
Feels that NEETS will never understand
What kind of kino fuel should me and my gf get at Whole foods?
What was C.I.A. doing in Star Wars Battlefront 2?
ITT: Right-wing leaning movies
Racist actors
Sup Forums
How to fix Blade Runner 2049
Doctor Who General - /who/
This guy fucked your favorite actress
I don't get it
"It's a deconstruction of the genre"
/hor/ - horror general
ITT: Oh, that exists: TV Edition
ITT: Actor or Actress impossible to hate
Fellas, is this movie gay? Would it be gay to go see this or is it good?
Lets settle this once and for all
Brawl in cell block 99
Why doesn't anyone watch this...
Is this the best horror kino of all time?
It is pretty evident that Blade Runner 2049 was made specifically for normies, and young teens
Who would you cast?
This is the worst movie of the year and also the worst MCU movie made. If I could describe it with one word...
I need some kind of cool movie to watch on LSD with my GF
10 years?
Teen comedy
Explain this guy's character
Women that age like fine wine
What rhymes with orange?
Did Tom Cruise write his own imdb bio?
A real human bean
Sad Movie or TV Scenes
Is 'I Am Jazz' kino supremo? this is... the power.... of the simpsons
Anyone else find this chick hotter than Joi in the end?
Is Kylo Ren the Good Guy?
Now that the dust has settled, Who was in the wrong here?
Overrated horror flicks
Kill, marry, fuck
What do you call this hair style?
What did she mean by this?
What's the consensus on this channel?
/STD/ General - Star Trek Discovery
Why haven't you seen blade runner 2049 yet?
Honestly how does he not kill everyone he comes into contact with in the show? This show is hilarious and great...
Blocks yo path
Boring Running 2049
ITT: Films you didn't want to end
Amid the shocking sex abuse scandal swirling around disgraced producer Harvey Weinstein...
It's Mace Windu
Is this a good thing, bongs? Do you want to see more British programming on TV?
What makes Jessica Jones so much better than other capeshit?
Do Americans really do this?
I just finished watching this movie and it sucked. literally convince me otherwise
Stand the fuck up, ape
Let's get one of these threads going
Is Anya kino?
Guy in Every Movie
HOLLYWOOD SCANDAL GENERAL (stop with all the threads)
I wish Robin Williams were still around to lampoon our current times
I stopped coming here three years ago because the mods let it become the Sup Forums media annex
Star Wars is a series for childr-
There are "people" in this board RIGHT NOW who hasn't seen the movie of the century so far
What are some movies that women can't understand?
Your order is ready, sir. Enjoy the movie!
What does Sup Forums think ofher body of work?
Imagine fucking her ape pussy and the whole time she's making loud monkey noises
What does this look try to convey?
Is this one of the most /chestpain/ movies ever made?
Is there any chance this won't be shit?
What does Sup Forums think of the breakfast club
How are Dany and Jon going to react when they find out they are aunt and nephew and will they break up because of it...
Weinstein did nothing wrong
So, K was Deckard's son but just didn't give a shit?
Canceled stuff only you remember
Protag fights and kills dozens upon dozens of bad guys efficiently and stylishly
After the success of IT, what can we expect to see next from Sophia Lillis' acting career?
Please don't be true
Would you?
When did you realize that RLM were unironically hacks
Tumbling down
Ghostbusters had also 150 million budget and it made 230 million in box office...
What happened?
/who/ - Doctor Who General
So am I the only person that doesn't actually like the original Blade Runner?
If Lord of the Rings was made into a film series today...
Best part of the trailer
Christ it happened again
Why haven't you watched it yet?
Sean Young
It would be extremely botanical
ITT actors who could beat the shit out of you
Chris Tucker
They will never make a film this good again
I unironically saw Abbey Lee in a grocery store in LA today
What other directors and producers are quaking in their boots and paying people off right now?
Wow I just realized something...if you took out Joi's scenes and Wallace's scenes, it wouldn't change the movie at all...
She so fucking hot
What emotion is Marky Mark feeling here?
Heart breaking dramas
"My name is Clarence."
Should I go see it high as fuck? Or sober
What was his problem?
Why did it take 32 accusers 3 victims (and counting) to finally expose him?
What was the best Friday The 13th Movie?
Post-divorce Bill will be remembered as the greatest comedian of all time
I don't like capeshit but
Ruin a movie in 10 words or less
ITT: characters men will never be able to understand
Is this woman attractive or not? Got weird half boners during Homecoming
She actually has a good voice
Why would they cast an 18+ girl for this role?
What the fuck happened to the Olsen twins?
They're leaning so hard on this that I can't help but wonder if it's not another misdirect like "Finn is a Jedi!" from...
Post yfw he was right all along
Anya>>>Sophia Lillis
Was it any good?
Is American Psycho a perfect movie?
Good films that feature no white people
Movies set in the 50s/60s
Nothing Happens: The Movie
Was Seinfeld the only sitcom to never have a 'dramatic' episode?
My need to get repeating digits on a massive scale cannot be be corrected, but ah...
Just who is he?
Ronan Farrow, Woody Allen's """son""" broke a huge story on how NBC helped cover up Weinstein's activity
What is there to study? I feel like this was as straightforward as a social commentary could be
Was our Daisy Harvested for the role of her lifetime?
Minka "Gimme Attention" Kelly got HIT ON by Harvey. "He was gross" she says, but if Harvey looked like Derek Jeter...
So can any woman just make claims about someone in the film industry and ruin their careers without any evidence now...
Tarantino Statement about Harvey Weinstein
Gal Gadot will kill Germans in another movie
So since no one else will ask outloud
Snowkino thread
/BRG/ Blade Runner General
Let's get a Pickle Rick thread going
Who's hype for (((her))) (((off-beat))) take on America and white privilege? And most importantly, what's best for you!
Colbert even brings up Trump in a 3 minute clip titled "Harvey Weinstein is a Bad Person"
I dont even like starshit but this design is so fucking badass
No comfy Simpsons thread? Let's fix that
So this is the power of capeshit philosophy
Just Watched Bladerunner
Cult Of Chucky (2017)
Was he gay? Why did he always kill hot naked girls without raping them first (or after)? What a fucking waste
What are the best Nathan skits
What a great movie
Why does this nearly benign merchant attract so much irrational hatred...
Why didn't Frodo have a girlfriend?
Background actor makes eye contact with camera
Holy shit, is he /ourguy/?
Jawline made her career
Disney starts massive layoff at ABC, sale of the broadcaster rumored
Why can't marvel nail CGI
Was this RLM's peak?
ITT films only you've seen
TVs of Sup Forums
What name would you have chosen?
Arrested for hazing balls in college
Why was anakin such an autismo creep?
Reminder Precious (2010) is a Miramax production
The guest is a stand-up comedian
Do you think it is true?
How do we solve the nigger problem boys?
‘ER’ actress calls out Clooney, producer in misconduct claim
For Phil...your destiny
Is Lily James a good actress?
ITT scenes that made you cry
What took them so long to make good movies?
Who will play him in the inevitable biopic?
What's with the not-so-subtle SJW pandering?
How come movies set in Ancient Greece and Rome are always cast with nordics?
It's a "hey, this porn parody is actually pretty good" episode
ITT : movies that upset females
If you were to make a Bloodborne kino, how would you go about it?
/nu/ - numale general
So user, what movie are we going to see tonight?
Name a movie or tv series that features eating ass. I'll start: Girls
/BRG/ Blade Runner General
Wtf is his problem?
Miss me yet?
If all three of them starred in a movie together would you watch it?
The /orville/ general
Told my fiancé how good the first movie was so she took us to see it in IMAX
Webm Thread - Friday edition
ITT: Predict what percentage JUST-ICE League will get on RT
This portrayal of Chad in ST is so accurate. A huge asshole that women can't resist
Post you're favorite jedi
ITT: moments careers were ruined
Why does this structure look so huge even when we know its a model? what fucking trickery is going on here...
/lbg/- Letterboxd General
Favorite 1920s movie?
Who is this?
Eva Green's mother speaks out, calls Weinstein a Pig
Is Nathan just pretending to be awkward?
Gonna need a Person of Interest thread here, Finch
Mr Robot Season 3
ITT: cynical, soulless films without a shred of artistic merit
ITT: Movies that were a cultural phenomenon when they came out but nobody remembers anymore
Anybody else watching this kino?
Is rick and morty a good show? No edgy fags pls. Just honest answers
This explains why there's a general for a movie(blade runner 2049) now. The boards actually being invaded
Is this movie kino or what?
This movie was fantastic but afterward everyone left the IMAX theater complaining about how dull it was
What would filmmakers from the early 20th century say if they saw the state of Hollywood in 2017?
Of course that's your contention, you're a first time Sup Forums poster...
Was anyone else shocked by the amount of casual racism in this show?
What are some films about honest men with an iron clad set of ethics?
Be rich enough to fuck whoever you want, whenever you want
The men that destroyed cinema as an art form
So is his career over?
Am I the only one here that enjoyed this movie?
Hellraiser: Judgement
This is Magik, say something nice to her
Louis Theroux: Miami Mega Jail
How do you feel that now Blade Runner is out, there literally isn't a single interesting sci-fi film to look forward to
Trumptards buttmad because the show hurt their feels
The chad humour vs the virgin quips
Why did this stupid fuck have to relapse? Why?? ARRRRGH! Still pissed about it
Any other movies that depict a properly alien environment?
I'm going to be watching Scott Pilgrim vs the World soon, what should I expect? I've been getting mixed opinions on it...
Why Seth Rogan is allowed to rape?
1) Make a cover for a film in a stupidly reductive, minimalist way
Future Harvey Weinstein effect predictions
ITT: Scenes women will NEVER understand
/BRG/ - The Goose Is Loose Edition
How did I get meme'd into watching this piece of trash?
You. Me. My hotel room. 15 minutes
Are you ready for Jodelle's new film?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...
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