Just who is he?
Just who is he?
Straight white male
a disneyfag
A crazy Dutch bastard.
The physical manifestation of the alt-right.
a fucking white male nazi
He's a failed clone grown from Luke's hand.
Space Dracula from outside the galaxy.
Some random old dude they had to make CGI for no apparent reason.
gee i wonder
They look nothing alike.
That would be kinda cool
>nose the same
>dimples the same
>mouth the same
>chin the same
>eye color the same
>jawline the same
>hair color the same
>ears the same
>he looks nothing alike!!
mace windu lol
>nose the same
>dimples the same
>mouth the same
Kind of
>chin the same
>eye color the same
>jawline the same
>hair color the same
No shit, they're both old men
>ears the same
Can't tell
too EU/fanfictiony
>nose the same
Didn't even read the rest, they look completely different
He's the first Dark Side user, who's been transferring his spirit from body to body for millennium.
It's why he wanted Ben and now Rey. He seeks out powerful force users, corrupts them to the Dark Side, and then transfers himself into their bodies to continue living.
he's qui gon jinn
hope this is it, it's the only way to recover from the disaster that was TFA. bonus points if he was once (or is) Plagueis
>Explaining why CGI was the only way to create Snoke's unique appearance, Serkis said before the film's premiere, "The scale of him, for instance, is one reason. He is large. He appears tall. And also just the facial design—you couldn't have gotten there with prosthetics ... he has a very distinctive, idiosyncratic bone and facial structure.
He's a big guy.
Then why the fuck didn't he transfer himself to Kylo already? Surely that would be a better vessel than the decrepit corpse he's currently in.
if you believe that Ian Mcdiarmid is coming back as palpatine to play snoke, it means that you're quite a stupefying idiot
Snoke specifically said at the end of TFA to bring Kylo to him so he could complete his training. He isn't ready.
A big guy
so why didn't he transfered to Kyloren already then? was he waiting for friday the 13th or something?
Why would Kylo even need to train? Surely all of Snoke's power's would carry over if he took over a new body. Otherwise it would be pretty damn stupid.
>He isn't ready.
and somehow rey is ready because hey, it's rey right?
I took a screenshot of this post
I hope you visit Sup Forums often. It'll be so funny when you sell your PC, house and car and kill yourself via great shame when casting Serkis was just a deliberate trick has been revealed to you
Literally Luuke.
No one will care... untill he the put the mask
oh I get it. serkis is going to play sheev in the role of snoke.
You're right I must be a turbo moron to not see that one coming
Literally Orochimaru.
Shit tier ancient evil awakens villain by lazy writers of a shit franchise
Obi wan
malformed luke clone
>Not Luuke
>Not Luuuke
Need glasses or a brain.
I've got this