Now that the dust has settled, can we agree Suicide Squad was pretty comfy? Can't wait for Gotham City Sirens.
Now that the dust has settled, can we agree Suicide Squad was pretty comfy? Can't wait for Gotham City Sirens
Other urls found in this thread:
feet are fucking gross
>tfw everything regarding DC movies has to fight epic battles against even more epic shitstorms
>Justice League has had years of threads about director changes, plot changes, cancelled sequels, JUSTed actors producers and directors
>almost daily threads (that I dont even see or care about anymore) on how fucked up everything is and how all of these movies might probably never see daylight bacause of the high risk of being cancelled midway due to some new shitstorm
>Suicide Squad was universally hated by critics, which comes as no surprise since critics are faggots and will destroy anything, good, bad or just decent.
I'm kind of tired of this shit.
Why can't we just have comfy movies and stop the reeing?
No we can not agree on that.
How was it comfy at all?
Karen Fukuhara's career is dead.
>Suicide Squad
>it killed the DCEU
Superb oscar winning movie. Leto kills it in this movie too
Comfy & kino
NO, this is crap
I enjoyed it.
People take it too seriously.
>can we agree Suicide Squad was pretty comfy
it was fucking shit, pleblord
Shitty frame, face looks like the offspring of Emilia Clarke and Jag Sbarro.
>Can't wait for Gotham City Sirens.
It wasn't even in the slate of movies announced by DC at this year's Comic Con. Also, David Ayer threw some shade at them while promoting that Netflix movie of his that's gonna come out. Not to mention the fact that Man of Steel 2, Justice League 2, Aquaman, Flashpoint and even fucking Shazam are supposed to come out first.
I wouldn't count on it actually seeing the light of day, OP.
T r a s h .
>This is Soul Stealeru ChingChong. Her sword traps the souls of ppl she kills guise
Jesus Christ, did Chris-Chan write this garbage?
How the hell was this movie comfy?
It fumbled the ball on everything throughout the movie.
Wish they had kept a darker tone
random cool scenes added up to a mess. would have made more sense for A) the characters to already be familiar with each other and B) Joker is the bad guy
those pretending like its worse than the average marvel film are just fooling themselves though
SS was wasted potential. They had a good cast and a good director, but the massive shitstorm that is WB just cannot stop fucking up.
The feet of a healthy petite woman are sweet
>Alyssa Loughran
>Alyssa Loughran
Reddit is THATAWAY
It was just another superhero film by the end. A bit of a disappointment.
>i can't enjoy a woman from head to toe
>when a cosplayer looks better than the original
>those thunder thighs
jesus christ