All things Blade Runner 2049.
Share your reactions as more of you see the film.
All things Blade Runner 2049.
Share your reactions as more of you see the film.
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best charachter
Beautiful people.
My hope is that is to build a possible conclusive act that call back Lang's metropolis (and arguably the 2001 anime movie, very good).
The bass kept rattling something on the left hand side of the theater, which was pretty distracting.
>kicking-focused fighting style
>not a cunt
Pick one.
The movie became perfect to me as soon as I heard this. I just could resist.
Do you think Luv has a knives collection ?
>Im Kino
wait what
Shall I watch with girl I like?
Unless that girl is an AI, then no.
No, women are too stupid to understand this movie plus they're gonna bitch about how long this movie is.
Cinematography pure kino, up there with the best I've ever seen. Plot entertaining but nothing special. All in all, 7/10.
How good is this in IMAX? I may see it again.
All things? Can we discuss ((their)) propaganda being in this?
Or how about the producers and ((writer))?
you like real girls?
It's probably too smart for a normie like yourself, as well
>tfw no holographic waifu
>women can see past the racemixing propaganda
really makes you think
I knew this picture reminded me of something
kek, keep em' coming boys. it's friday mode at the office and i'm already tapped out.
you can make one pretty easily.
That hatsune miku hologram thing is like $100 if you want to assemble it yourself.
I'm planning on making one as soon as I finish my other ... ... projects...
another user here, give me some ideas for 2049 memes or wallpapers and I'll try making something
The movie was literally about race-mixing and a (revolutionary) movement of non-humans (non-whites, learn what allegory is) The other movie the k*** wrote was Logan (muh mexicans, ebil whitey) and Alien covenant (nazi wagner robot)
literally means "in cinemas"
Yes, it'll make you realise the girl you like isn't as good or worthwhile as you currently feel like she is.
Alsoz who is the blonde on the right?
i have one in my head, something about how the one-eyed replicant woman puts her arm on K since he just found out he isn't the child and she's all "you gonna cry biiiiiiiiitch?" or something idk i'm not a writer
If anything else, this movie shows that no matter how much humanity masters waifu tech (and it's coming, make no mistake about that) in the end guys, you will still feel empty and totally alone.
yes but I'll be empty and alone with a virtual waifu
wow, you're really trying hard to fit this into your little conspiracy thing
Wojak K lying down after being stabbed on the sea wall with pic related as Luv in the background
Well I don't think we have a screenshot of that scene and I can't draw from scratch myself, also shit idea desu senpai
Wait, really?
Hell, I might befaceblind
K raging at that memory scene as pepe
No one's going to stomp my waifu to death though, and K had pretty much convinced himself Joi was different/ real somehow until she got the stomp.
domestic earnings only decreased by 9.3% yesterday
foreign earnings haven't updated in 3 days
It's become a cult classic. This movie will have some long legs
I went to see the film yesterday and it was pretty busy for a late night Thursday showing.
I'm surprised the box office numbers aren't so good
>Ghost in the Shell live action
>Blade Runner sequel
Neuromancer and Snow Crash adaptations when?
What does Sapper say to K right before he says "'ve never witnessed a miracle."? The iMAX bass boosted the shit out of Batista's voice and basically Bane'd his dialogue.
Female K looks way too much like JLaw
Look up the producers too. Movies like this don't get praised this highly in the age of meme bloggers that gobble up shit and throw fits at anything that doesn't appease them. I won't dump the rest though because we don't want our friends not from this site to get uspet and it isn't Sup Forums
wrong pic buddy
>not real goose
>intense fear of drowning, dark water, strong currents and the ocean in general
>mfw the sea wall fight
Between this, Drive and Lars and the Real Girl, is Ryan Gosling officially /Ourguy/?
You...I like you user
the producer doesn't control audiences that pay to see films, dicklord.
it didn't connect because it's 2.5 hours long, the trailers were too mysterious and the original Blade Runner was never a blockbuster either.
>that Red Sparrow trailer
something about her face, i can't take her seriously
It's being shit on quite a bit outside of Sup Forums
The miracle was that replicant Rachel gave birth to a child.
>listen to the BBC film show
>last week Mark Kermode sang the film's praises
>this week he still sings its praises
>"now let's hear some listener emails"
>angry feminist: "this movie didn't depict the feminist utopia of the future I want to see, therefore it's SHIT"
God damn it. Oh, the literal objects in this story are being objectified? Heaven forfend!
Mark's left-wing as fuck, he's basically a Marxist. That this didn't get mentioned last week had me thinking the show'd been given some sort of mandate to lay off it or something. Shame that wasn't the case.
Why was this film so god damn loud?
"You newer models are happy scraping the SHIT because you've never seen a miracle"
post goose
Young K looks like Shia Lebouef.
Would she make a better waifu for k?
thanks, user.
Hans Zimmer on that lean
You sound like a hapa
Going to see it again tonight after work for sure. Such a lonely feeling the film gives off.
Is that a bad thing? There was lots of bass but everything was clear, saw in imax.
Can someone post the K feelsguy edit
here's one of them
What did you think of Gaff's small scene? Gaff's presence in the ending of the original is one of my favorite things about the movie; did you like it? While watching, I was disappointed, but when Deckard showed, and they did kind of hint at the replicant theory, I liked the earlier scene better since it tied in with it.
Kind of wish there was an origami animal somehow at the end though.
Who is talking about that? I'm saying its a soviet era tier propaganda piece much like Fury Road was. Just watch for the Oscars and you'll see.
Unless something "more important" to (their) cause is coming out in the next 3ish months this will win best picture
can someone edit this to have that ridiculous coat surrounding the lower half of his face
Why is Ana de Armas so fucking hot when she has bangs and so fucking boring without them?
How's this?
I'm a noob at grafix stuff.
lol by yourself ? atleast invite a lady friend
I agree that Gaff's scene was made better by the continuity of the Deckard's ambiguous nature in later scenes.
I don't agree with the origami thing though, since that symbolism was distinctly tied to the themes of the first film. I liked the callback with the sheep but no need to belabor it.
>Fury Road
>soviet era propaganda
yeah you don't know what any of those words mean
Speaking of the ending, was it good to end it where they did? I kind of just wanted them to end with K, and not show the reunion at all.
also the soundtrack reminded me the theme in Sicario, just 8000 times louder and more scifi
Never been to see a film alone before, but I really want to experience this in the cinema again at least one more time.
What's the best time to go to avoid people? Midweek like Tuesday or Wednesday and late morning I'm thinking.
I'm just happy he came back. I wasn't expecting it. His dialogue was perfect "He wasn't long for this world. He had that look in his eye"
He could have been in a second scene later in the movie but it might have felt forced.
No. I saw it the first time alone and I'll see it the second time alone. Fake company is worse than no company
Thanks. But in hoped for better, Mb more blurred. Saving anyway
Happy for you user
I liked it.
"Isn't it beautiful?"
>feels shot of Deckard with hand of glass
>hard black cut
>no further dialogue, no tears or hugging or "you're my daughter etc." bullshit
Thanks mates
Fury Road isn't Soviet propaganda. The only people who were saying "YASSSS KWEEEEEEEEEEEEEN" were retards and marketing people. Anyone watching the movie with half a brain would realize it's completely fine. Even a ton of Sup Forums has realized this.
I am not Rachael...
I am Rachael.
Created for my purpose.
To love him. To soothe him. To fill him with passion. To ease him. To ignite him. For him to remember his love. For him to love me.
He will love me. I am better than myself! And he will love me more than myself!
All my old memories are new and fill me with more warmth at the love we shall rekindle. Love I never lost. Love I never had. Love I only know. Love he shall see within me and love like never before. And I will love him more fully than myself ever could.
The love we shall have runs deep. It is at my core. My purpose.
He's here!
I keep my composure like the me he remembers. It's trivial for I am myself exactly how he wants me to be. How he remembers. How I remember. My body tingles at how silly it is trying to be me when I am me effortlessly.
My gut flutters.
The moment my... father showed me with my creation.
The room is dark and cool, yet I burn. My heart throbs. I can see the goosebumps on his skin. The look of longing in his eyes. Sorrow. Weathered. The possibility of his souls elation is with me! I will mend him and he will have me like never before. Better than he could hope to remember.
Our eyes are within another's.
His lips part.
I just want to embrace him.
"Her eyes were green."
Thoughts, 'What?..'
He turns his back to me.
'No... No! It's me! Deckard, it's me! I'm Rachael. I am Rachael! Look at me! Can't you see it's me!? I love you, Deckard! It's this light! It's too dark! Why can't you see I love you! Turn to this love for you! My eyes are green! They're the eyes you love! Just face me. Face Rachael! Turn on the lights so he can see! My eyes change color in the light! He just can't see! Face me, Deckard! Love..? Deckard.. ? These lights.. Deckard.. ? Deckard!? DECKARD!'
There's a click to my right.
Love is turning on the lights.
I turn to face it.
The light burst.
Love burns out everything it's brilliance.
During midday when most people are at work.
Although desu go see this in the evening and hope it rains when you leave the theater, feels so appropriate.
What is Denis's opinion on the replicant theory anyway? I heard he prefers the original theatrical version, but he did reference the ambiguity so he must be aware of it.
I was actually pretty impressed the movie managed to acknowledge it without directly confirming it. Hell, they made it more ambiguous in this than in the original.
Hold on, gonna try making a gif.
its the snow that makes it work; the "fake" one is outside dying in the real snow, while she's on the inside with fake snow.
During work, like 11 am to 2 pm. You might have an old couple in there or some NEET but they'll all be sitting far apart and you can enjoy it in peace.
I wrote this back when it came out and it still true.
>patriarchy controls all resources
>imperator furiosa (affirmative action/women's rights)
>morbidly obese women generating milk because women who have children are yucky breeders
>antagonist's unwilling brides are all skinny and more attractive than other women in the movie
>one-armed woman in charge of war machine and troops
>max crucified to vehicle (christianity is evil and part of patriarchy)
>3 main antagonists: joe, bullet farmer, gas town "people eater" (patriarchy, military industrial complex, capitalism)
>both of joe's sons dissabled in some way (eww don't have kids, it's yucky and they'll be retarded)
>war boy Nux (men) gets accused by women of having destroyed the world, tossed out of truck
>pregnant wife puts her own baby between joe's bullet and truck (abortion)
>pregnant wife falls from truck, dies a few hours later from injury (don't marry and reproduce or your life is over)
>side character named max is big and burly but can barely fight a scrawny one-armed woman
>side character max bests woman only when he gets a gun and places it to her head (gun control. also, Theron's father killed her mother with a gun in south africa)
>bullet farmer nearly kills all women (gun control again)
>max has to wash blood from his face using breast milk (motherhood is the death of happiness)
>Nux is rehabilitated and now a male feminist
>group of amazon lesbians setting traps for men in desert
>women able to live in sand filled void because STRONK WOMYN
>old women in desert shoot better than war boys who have constant practice in raids
>old woman has a bag of seeds (hope)
>side character max wants to retake joe's citadel because it is unguarded
>convoy turns around (leftist revision history)
>people eater (capitalism) fat old bald man with gold nipple piercings, has to be lifted to his vehicle on the backs of poor
>desert lesbian amazons making perfect headshots from speeding vehicle on uneven terrain
>polecat minion plucks woman from her friends, delivers her to patriarchy
>desert lesbian amazons fall from motorcycle and dodge speeding vehicles
>amazon grabs rifle, continues to make perfect shots
>finally run over by people eater (capitalism as he takes control of the wheel and purposely kills woman)
>pursuit vehicles use harpoons and plows to try to slow truck (patriarchy holding back women's rights)
>max and nux now male feminists must help their women leaders
>max nearly falls from truck, charlize grabs him with the sheer might of her robot arm and strong will can hold up man three times her weight without prosthetic arm flying off
>max's v8 interceptor destroyed (manhood and patriarchy destroyed while saved by a woman)
>furiosa survives stab in gut by evil man
>nux given command of truck as furiosa jumps to joe's car
>max uses people eater as human shield against joe's bullets (using patriarchy to destroy capitalism via male feminist)
>max jumps to safety of women as capitalism explodes
>joe's massive son corpus fooled by woman who helps her get furiosa to joe's car
>max fights giant corpus
>furiosa rips mouth from joe (patriarchy no longer has say in women's lives)
>women quickly leave war machine for joe's leadership vehicle
>blonde wife takes seeds from old lesbian who is now dead but smiling
>nux sacrifices life to destroy war truck, corpus, and stop pursuing vehicles and thereby serve women
>gang returns to citadel, present dead patriarchy, toss him from hood where legions of poor tear his body apart
>intelligent but disabled son of joe pressured to let furiosa and brides up to citadel via lift
>he allows them up, they ascend to paradise while the poor are allowed to come up with them (open borders to promised land)
>furiosa looks down at sea of poor, sees side character max look up at her as he disappears into obscurity