There are literally normies right now watching this movie who haven't seen the first one

There are literally normies right now watching this movie who haven't seen the first one.

the first one is normietastic nerd porn anyway

Reporting in.

Terrible movie btw :^)

Yeah and most of the are praising this piece of shit

Right on time. Where's "Masterpiece" guy at? He's late.

Yeah there were some normies with no clue what to expect in my theater. When it ended they were angry, talking as we exited the theater about "but it looked so good, bautista and harrison ford." Thought they were in for some WWE action and not pure scifi dystopian noir kino. Plebs.

Terrible. I'd rather hang out with the guys who had tears in their eyes over muh VR waifu and walked the lonely road home draped in the replica coat they bought off Aliexpress.

>he says as he spouts sci-fi is kino

>There are literally normies right now watching this movie who haven't seen the first one.
Literally 90% of the people who enjoyed the pile of shit that was Blade Runner 2049

Any genre has the potential to be kino

Well I've seen the original 5 times.
Not only was 2049 also enjoyable, but it was also better. I'm sorry you're such a bitter pleb

Its a fucking masterpiece.

You're late, see me in my office in 15, we need to check your baseline.

Millennials were a mistake


There were people at my screening who litterally didn't even know that this was a sequel. They kept asking when the movie ended if there would be "a second one"

>mfw dumb normies go in thinking it's gonna be some dumb action flick and get exposed to 3hrs of pure kino

How is this possible if this flick is a flop?

Prometheus>>Alien et al.
[spoilerBR2049>>Blade Runner]
I am not wrong and I am not apologizing.

That's great!

>There are literally normies right now watching this movie
nobody's watching this movie lmao

I saw Tron Legacy in the theater without having seen the original. That one girl was a Cute. I purchased the Daft Punk soundtrack with money that I had earned. I listened to the soundtrack multiple times and enjoyed it.

To this day, I have never seen the original outside of the odd random clip while flipping channels.

but the first one is so old, why would I watch that? :^)

why are you angry user? they liked it if they want something after 2047

First one wasn't even good.


You're not missing out much, just watch the first (interrogation) and last (Roy's monologue) scenes, and you know everything.