dreamy eyed kes edition
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damn, she was so perfect before the drugs
'Cause I've got faaaaaaaaaaith of the heart. I'm going where my heart will take me! I've got faith to believe I can do anything! I've got strength of the soul! No one's going to bend nor break me! I can reach any star! I've got faith! Faith of the heeeeeeeeart!
How is it that all Geordi needed to see was a bunch LiveLeak videos for him to be able to murder O'Brien?
Maybe it's just my middle age talking but why is it a turn off how she currently looks? You're still fucking Kes. The same hot Kes, just years later.
>why is it a turn off how she currently looks?
I'd honestly do every version of her except for the far right one.
She looks like someone whose brain has been scooped out and quite unfeminine.
This version of Kes will make my dick diamonds until I'm 90, and I will reach 90 with my cellular regeneration and entertainment chamber that I put on back order from Alibaba.
How he can have superior shields and an embedded transporter and all that shit by assimilating a portable holo-emitter doesn't make a nick of sense. They are completely unrelated technologies.
The character was ridiculous. I usually like that guy's work but he played the Drone so badly. The acting was pretty laughable at times.
I prefer him as a Nazi.
I prefer pretending the episode didn't happen. That drone can not exist the first place. Absorbing a 27th century holodeck won't make a 27th century drone with all bells and whistles.
Well yes and the civilisations borg assimilate must be millions of years apart in technological advancement so 29th century earth technology won't be as effective against them but it was still a great episode for voyager.
Good song for it, also I have a soft spot for episodes like the offspring
I hold Voyager in higher esteem than most other sci-fi, so "good enough for Voyager" means something totally different for me than you. This was one of their worst episode.
>This was one of their worst episode.
Sry, busy boning Ziyal.
>one of
This was shit too. This one was where they forcibly sent off Kes, because reasons. Fuck them.
>27th century holodeck
It was a holoemitter with an advanced computer processor, it powered the drones internal systems
That episode was a while before they replaced kes with a bimbo
>tfw no qt3.14 borg gf
I know exactly what it was, I just don't feel like writing portable holo-emitter every fucking time I talk about it. Still doesn't make sense how he acquired other futuristic technologies just by assimilating it.
A while? It's the same episode she took a shuttle and GTFO.
>I hold Voyager in higher esteem than most other sci-fi
*unleashes bbc*
>stop liking things I don't like
No its cold fire, season 2 episode 10
I don't mind voyager actually
Its why I've watched half of it and still have another 60 hours to go, all I'm saying its a little silly to put it in high esteem compared to most other scifi due to so many inconsistencies
Ah, my bad. Maybe I should watch them again. It's not as if I got anything else to do. #justNEETthings
And I am hating those inconsistencies. But inconsistencies aside, I liked it better than BSG for example. I liked it pretty much more than any sci-fi with a similar theme, where someone or an entire group of people are stuck somewhere in space with nowhere to go but towards home. Including farscape.
You have to admit the voyager writers were awful though
Pre-7 of 9 Voyager
>Acuchimoya, We are far from the bones of our people.
>Kes asks a Wesley Crusheresque question but nobody is there to tell her to shut up like Picard did.
>Neelix, despite having access to treasuretrove of food makes crap nobody likes.
>The Doctor's bedside manner is criticized by someone and they leave his program activated all night AGAIN.
>Janeway, despite her intense grief of stranding the ship in the delta quadrant finds every excuse to delay their journey meandering along at warp 6
>A dilithium crystal ship/planet/nebula shows u on sensors
>Harry hails it, hoping it knows who his parents are
>It's a Kazon spy and opens fire.
>Tom flys the ship, "It's going to be a bumpy ride!"
>B'elanna has a few Maquis tricks up her sleeve.
>Kes, despite her immense telepathic abilities, is little more than a sounding board for morality.
>Neelix talks about one of his jobs he had before Voyager and remarks how he dealt with a similar problem.
>Janeway says open fire.
>Tuvok knows the ship ran out of torpedoes by end of season 1 but he keeps humoring Janeway
>The prime directive is an absolute marvel of futuristic ingenuity and they can't break it
>Janeway says "Coffee, black. Just like you, Tuvok ;)"
Typical post-7 of 9 Voyager episode plot:
>Voyager runs into a cosmic phenomenon/alien race/odd technology
>7 of 9 says "The Borg encountered this before. I know how to proceed"
>Janeway looks at 7 of 9 with contempt but has to act professional on set.
>Basically just going to run the ship out of the ready room and drink coffee all day.
>Tom Paris is getting into hilarious holo-deck hi-jinks with Harry.
>Chakotay doesn't even acknowledge the fact he's an Indian anymore, not enough room on the script.
>7 has a detailed reminiscence about her time as a drone with The Doctor/Naomi/The Children of the Borg
>Neelix is stuck in the galley cooking for the crew.
>Tuvok chimes in with help and a well-timed point of logic.
>The ship is under attack by a prime-directive metaphor.
>7 of 9 says "I believe I can use a Borg enhancement to boost our deflector dish."
>Tom remarks how these modifications aren't exactly Starfleet regulation.
>Harry says "There's no effect, it's some kind of inverse tachyon tetryon based polaron field"
>B'lanna reroutes warp plasma through the secondary power systems.
>Janeway says "Divert all available power, even life support!"
>Voyager survives and is a few hundred lightyears closer to home.
On and on and on again
>>Tuvok knows the ship ran out of torpedoes by end of season 1 but he keeps humoring Janeway
lel, but accurate
>>Tuvok knows the ship ran out of torpedoes by end of season 1 but he keeps humoring Janeway
Objection. When they traded 3 of those fuckhuge containers of water, where do you think they got it from? They had crew members fill it up with a pitcher from a food replicator?
No, they must have had an industrial size replicator and once they had the materials needed, they made new torpedoes.
In the Season 1 episode Cloud Janeway explicitly states "And no way to replace them once they're gone"
Yea, no way to replace them could mean a number of different things. And I've seen that video with the minus... what.... 87 count?
Dude, they made a fucking shuttle from scratch, the Delta Flyer. Don't you think replacing spent torpedoes is no biggie compared to that? They must've had acquired the means to manufacture shit like this.
>I will reach 90 with my cellular regeneration and entertainment chamber
Sometimes I love /trek/
>Ms. Ryan, how much did the on-set bullying stop when you started sleeping with the show's producer?
Was this the worst Trek shipment?
When a Bajoran terrorist marries a real...
How did this guy not end up being homeless? I mean come on, whenever they had to write a test, by the time he finished writing his name on the paper the lesson was almost over.
I honestly think she looks the best in the starfleet uniform.
women in uniform do have a special appear
but the tight bodysuit does have an appeal too
Skin-tight uniform then?
>Skin-tight uniform then?
one could certainly call it that since it was provided for her
pic related
not sure if altered though
Bodysuit for sex appeal, uniform for class.
a sharp mind could deduce that the uniform is for work and the bodysuit for after hours
I prefer top. No idea what happened to her by S4.
Looks like cheek implants to me. Do women think the "alien cat" look is attractive or is plastic surgery still really shit?
>mfw 7 of 9 will never impale herself on my rock hard erection and then look down into my eyes before whispering "We are as one..."
"Commander, tell me about your sexual organs."
>tfw you forgot about /trek/ because of /orville/
what a decline from 2001 to 2006 lol thats the worst one i d say
>japanese tng
That's spooky as fuck
The next phase is a great episode and it has best girl
I liked the one where roe decides to stay a kid.
I liked that ending for the character. Going back and having a real childhood that wasn't constant-gangrape by spoonheads.
they ruined it though
I wish she'd lovingly dominate me
Cain was a vulture, nothing of value was lost
>that face you make when you write fetish fanfiction about Jonathan Frakes and you can feel a piece of you die on the inside
>tfw Weyoun never got the chance to carry a tune
They were safer with her than without her
Wow, Frakes is looking kind of big there.
*blocks your path*
*cums in your daughters eye*
NERYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYS Garak is bullying me again!
>Star Wars is fantasy, Star Trek is science fiction
I mean, all of that is very much known. It's very shitty of Gene, sure, and I don't understand why people idolize him, but there's really not much new to talk about anymore.
I appreciate you I feel similarly whenever I write one
he is VERY t h i c c here
>Everyone knew that about Roddenberry
>Everyone knew that about Cosby
>Weinstein's abuse was an "open secret"
At this point, any woman that goes to work in Hollywood is openly and willingly there to subject herself to this.
I wonder why Jimmy Saville got turned into He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named over the same thing but Americans keep getting away with it. Even people like Clement Freud who were accused by unnamed people years after he died and with no investigation got treated the same.
(((Really makes you think...)))
I agree actually. I mean, I doubt everyone went through the same shit with pervy producers and such, but it's also really annoying how people afterwards come out and pretend they didn't know about any if this. I realise why they might not want to talk about it earlier, you probably can't prove all those claims, but letting rumours loose can work as well, even as just a warning. Though how much that will actually help is unknown.
If I was really willing to take up the mantle of defending fucking Voyager for some reason, I could argue that the holographic technology is built exactly upon forcefield technology. From that we could take the mobile emitter to reverse engineer a 29th century level shield, or at the very least much more advanced stuff than what Voyager had, but I am not willing to give the show as much credit, plus the emitter gave us more and more varied Doctor episodes. Also the difference, if any exists, between energy shields and tangible forcefields is unknown.
I love Voyager, warts and all, but it has the most episodes of any series I take out of my head canon. Oddly enough, DS9 is second in that regard.
That Odo wasn't evil tho. He just wanted his waifu to live. I can respect that.
>tfw no comfy vietnam holodeck episode with gook accent harry kim being chased through the jungle by american soldiers paris and cha-ko-tay
>this is a high budget CBS/Netflix-funded Sci-Fi series in 2017
And before you ask, yes I've seen this in motion, I've seen all 4 episodes so far, and it was still crap
Greetings, Bajoran workers.
I have made a fascinating discovery! Apparently Bajorans and Cardassians are genetically compatible! I was fortunate enough to be allowed to observe a mating session involving Gul Dukat and Kira Meru. Miss Meru seemed especially excited, despite already being a mother and a wife! Fascinating what effects a virile Cardassian male can have on a Bajoran female!
Oh, please, continue your activities. Phlox out.
>most episodes of Season 1 and 2 of TNG
>practically the entirety of Seasons 1 and 2, plus a good chunk of 3 and a few of 4 of Enterprise
>a metric fuckton of Voyager episodes across the board
>that one episode of DS9 with the gambling aliens, and as I recall, the Season 1 two-parter plus the episode with the space gypsies. Oh, and Profit and Lace.
Granted, I have not seen DS9 in years, but by memory even the early episodes were merely awkward and directionless, not the violently terrible shite that some of the lows of Trek in general.
Are you me from the future?
You know that Asian chick? Stay the FUCK away from her, she really is as crazy as you thought. Also improve on your spacial awareness and balance, for fuck's sake.
What do you mean you love me?
Back against the wall and odds
>Back against the wall and odds
With the strength of a will and a cause
>With the strength of a will and a cause
Your pursuits are called outstanding
You're emotionally complex
Against the grain of dystopic claims
Not the thoughts your actions entertain
And you have proved to be
A real human being and a real hero
Real human being and a real hero
Real human being and a real hero
Real human being and a real hero
Real human being
A pilot on a cold, cold morn’
One-hundred fifty-five people on board
>One-hundred fifty-five people on board
>One-hundred fifty-five people on board
All safe and all rescued
From the slowly sinking ship
Those were the best strawberries I've ever had
Nerys, when a man can only cum inside you after he slaps you with a copy of The Never-Ending Sacrifice and screams you should have let the implant kill me over and over again at you, that means he loves you, right?
>You're wrong about Garak, Father. He's a good man. Just because he makes me dress up in a medical blue Starfleet uniform and calls me his "dear doctor" before he can ejaculate inside of me doesn't make him a bad man.
>You have no idea how it pains me to hear you say that.
Why couldn't she act?
I just left my trip on in a Love Live thread in Sup Forums on accident.
attention workers, I killed your waifu
Why would o'brien want to kill this?
Eh I think it made sense. The drone got some magic tech that controlled energy really well so suddenly decided to add a bunch of high powered bullshit.
What bothers me the most is the borg were too autistic to target the emitter after this.
tfw no qt cardie gf
>deletes your wife and turns you into sexbot
Oh god Nerys you look hideous.
>tfw no holo-bf
Who was a bigger slut? Kira or her mom?