I know No where boy exist but that was before Ringo and was during their leather jacket stage at the end. I want a full beatles movie like they did for Ray Charles or Jerry lee Lewis or the temptations. If you've read the beatles life you'd know there is so fucking much to work with, when the first label said they sucked and kicked them out and the other one hired them and became huge, John and Pauls need to one up each other, John lennons remarks like "We're bigger than jesus" John having a kid and marriage he hated and beat his wife and told his kid he wish he never had him, when they went to India and got high, and the movie could end with John getting shot. And there is so much more I left out that happened on each album, like when they decided to not play live anymore because the women screamed too loud over their music so they went pure studio and messed around with backwards synths and sounds.
You have to wait for Ringo and Faul to die. It won't happen before it.
And I'd love it more if it was a complete series made by Matthew Wiener
Lucas Jones
Faul > Paul
Joseph Perry
Adam White
Josiah Cruz
Paul seemed a bit more genuine and charming than Faul. But I guess Faul is under a lot of pressure, what with...you know.
Jaxson Young
The Madmen guy is just waiting for pic related to be old enough to portray John, just like he is waitingfor his old son to be old enough to portray Glenn in a Madmen spinoff set in th high finance world of the 80s
I hope they start the Beatles series just a few days before recording Please Please Me (the reaction to it being the Season final), with the drama of firing Pete
Chase Flores
But Faul was the superior songwritter
Ethan Hill
+ "help!" and there's "backbeat" about their hamburg days (so also ringo-less) but it's mostly about john and stu sutcliffe
I've thought about it and it would be an absolute pain to try and fit all 10 years of The Beatles' history into a single movie.
That being said. I think what we have now is fine as is. Nowhere Boy and Backbeat are fine Pre-Beatles films. And I think the films starring The Beatles, despite being all fiction except for Let It Be, do a better job explaining and showing the group's growth musically than any Jersey Boys-style biopic.
Noah Hernandez
>implying a Clnto Kino about the Beatles would be shit and now Absolute Cinema
Kill yourself
Robert Phillips
Gonna blogpost I almost died a few months back due to transplant problems and told my parents I wanted "In my life" as my funeral song, I made it through though.
Love the beatles.
Tyler Thompson
They left out the making of this masterpiece album tho
Parker Ramirez
Clint would probably do a good job directing it. It's trying to cover too much that may kill it.
Luke Howard
Just watch Backbeat
You get the Beatles in Hamburg and Astrid Kirchherr
Jordan White
The fact that so many books still name the Beatles as “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success. The Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worthy of being saved.
Brandon Morales
Michelle > Yesterday
Cameron Watson
Reminder Sup Forums UNIRONICALLY thinks Kanye West is good.
Dominic Anderson
George's solo stuff and stuff with the Wilbury's > Paul's solo stuff and stuff with Wings > The Beatles > John's solo stuff > Dog shit > Ringo's solo stuff
Tyler Richardson
Because he is?
Joshua Watson
>virgin beatles gets no movie >chad beach boys gets movie with classic paul dano starring in it
Xavier Morales
>Ringo's solo stuff Ok! I fell for your bait!
Michael Peterson
Even the most desperate directors don't want to put their name alongside a film that will likely flop.
Easton Clark
>This album was so bad the studio swore they'd never work with Ringo again
Elijah Miller
the four roles he was born to play.
Caleb Myers
There's a reason Y Not? became a meme here years and years ago. Utter fucking trash along with all of his other solo shit.
Kevin Hall
glad you made it
Daniel Johnson
Hoyl cow, Matthew Rhys is a dead ringer for him
Aiden Williams
>tfw after I get my trust fund shekels I'm still planning on renting that house Scaruffi has for rent for a month and plastering every single wall and ceiling and floor in it with Beatles album covers
Parker Anderson
>Sup Forums UNIRONICALLY believes this
Brody Roberts
Prime Beatlekino coming through.
Jaxon Long
>rock still measures success by the most commercial artists >(btw the beatles weren't commercial artists) get to fuck
What about Baul BcCartney, the memest of the Beatles?
Brody Miller
Elijah Turner
Redpill me on Paul is dead The subjective boards were a mistake. Sup Forums and /lit/ are both entry level dumps.
Jeremiah Robinson
Reminder that all the beatles died EXCEPT Paul McCartney
Nathan Hughes
/lit/ at least acknowledges they aren't patricians, and has a notion of what a patrician is
Sup Forums thinks they are patrician, but they are just urban Hipsters with slightly better taste than regular urban hipsters
Hudson Jenkins
Reminder the Beatles never existed and were a government psyop created to further the LSD culture of the 60's amongst suburban teens.
Aaron Johnson
Ringo is going to outlive them all. Beatlies died in order of relevance. The best go first.
Leo Hughes
>I've thought about it and it would be an absolute pain to try and fit all 10 years of The Beatles' history into a single movie. It's not even the ten years, you'd have to cover everything pre-Beatles too. At least with John and Paul since it fed a lot into their songwriting. And then you'll really be punting Ringo to only rock up half an hour to an hour into the movie, and from then you've got the touring years, then the studio years, and both would need to have a lot of time dedicated to it since it leads into why they break up at the end. A TV mini would work, have each episode be a year in the life kind of, or at least each era.
Bentley Phillips
>Sup Forums thinks they are patrician, but they are just urban Hipsters with slightly better taste than regular urban hipsters So Sup Forums? And Sup Forums?
Ryder Young
>John >The best
Isaiah Hill
>John >not Stuart
Adam Scott
I'm talking natural causes. George would've died first.
Aiden Collins
Across the Universe was okay.
Kevin Watson
Sup Forums actually does have taste and, despite shitposting a lot about mediocre films and series, can recognize great stuff. Sup Forums can't
Colton Thomas
would rather a badfinger film in all honesty if you haven't heard about their story then definitely read up on it