Thoughts on this?
Thoughts on this?
I'll save this thread for as long as I have to.
Boring. Low budget. Based off fiction written by underage edgelords who watched too much "Are you afraid of the dark" - creatively bankrupt and ugly to look at.
I'll bite. Did Syfy actually make a TV series about a Sup Forums meme?
I liked it, especially the woman getting killed off out of nowhere. I thought she would last longer, or maybe survive. The way she died was especially fucked up.
Haven't seen season two yet.
Amazing show. Season 2 is the best thing on tv atm
It's from a creepypasta, not a meme.
The creepypasta it's based on is very simple and short. The show uses elements from the story, but it's much more character-driven and based on a specific set of brothers.
Each season is a complete story, and each story is based on a different creepypasta.
it feels more like they had a collection of short stories and merely adapted them around these creepypastas as an aesthetic. usually the first episode or so covers the entire pasta
First season is decent but not amazing. Second season is probably one of the best shows ever made IMO
In other words you're too underage to like it. Perhaps if it were gory and had more jumpscares, you'd love it
>Low budget
well it is a cable TV show. I don't really see how it effects the overall enjoyment you get from it.
>Based off fiction written by underage edgelords
The guy who wrote the original story was an adult when he wrote it and there's nothing even remotely edgy about the story itself.
>who watched too much "Are you afraid of the dark"
which was cozy, not edgy, and not written by underage folks
>creatively bankrupt and ugly to look at.
quality shitposting you got going on here.
>Second season is probably one of the best shows ever made IMO
It's not even fucking finished yet you overhyping sack of shit.
Also what's the deal with season 3? It's called Staircases but I've never heard of that creepypasta.
It's everything AHS wishes it was.
>There are creatively bankrupt( ) screenwriters and producers RIGHT NOW trawling these boards for ideas
and you guys share them here for free.
Shows based on Creepypasta is a great idea as long as they avoid the shitty ones and I know you all know which I'm talking about
Yes. The show is about Candle Cove. It's retarded.
If they ever do one of those "haunted games" ones I'm fucking burning their production studio to the ground.
Candle Cove is one of the most classiest and well done internet stories ever created. If they had started with something like Jeff the Killer, then I would understand your perspective, but that's not the case here.
I actually kind of like some of them.
I hope they do smile dog as some point although I don't know how they could get a whole season out of that
can someone explain what season 3 is based on?
i watched the first 3 episodes on season 1 and forgot all about it
i know what im binge watching today, thanks user!
I'm loving season 2 so far. The blandness of the suburban setting adds a lot to the atmosphere.