Did Hackson kill it with his dreadful Hobbit Trilogy on purpose?
Franchises no one gives a fuck about any more
Tolkien's son won't give the rights to hollyjew for more movies because he felt LOTR didn't capture his papa's vision.
I'm fine with normies losing interest in it. No more fucking ring tattoos.
Please be fake
>people literally camping out to buy the next video game prequel to these movies
That picture really captures 2017 Hollyjew's sensibilities. This is exactly how Bob Iger's Disney would cast Lord of the Rings, for example.
Christ, can you imagine the articles that would be written about that disgusting negress Lupita Nyongo and how gorgeous and elegant she was as Galadriel, how she really captured the essence of that character etc.
Imagine a silmirilion anime
fuck no
I never gave a fuck about it, downloaded the first episode, looked at the duration, said fuck it and never looked back.
Alan Tudyk as Gollum is good unironically.
Chinks and Spics BTFO
He'll die soon and whoever inherits the rights will probably sell it and never look back
I'm reading it now. I've read a lot of books over the years but none feels as magical and engrossing as LotR.
There's no way Disney would have destroyed the ring.
Wish I could read it for the first time all over again. Truly a magical time in my youth. And it was like a year out from The Fellowship coming out at the movies. Never been swept away into another world like that before or since.
This is fake right guys, right??
That would unironically be a better way to adapt the Silmarillion than a series of movies.
this is like a nightmare you cant wake up from
People complained about the LOTR triliogy because most of the entire cast was white and male, so they added some minorities and added the unnecessary Tauriel storyline. They also added a bunch of unnecessary action scenes (the barrel chase in the river, etc.). It would have been better if the director just stuck to his original vision and just did one epic movie instead of three mediocre ones.
actually that was due to the hobbit trillogy
he also blcoked out silmirilion
>people complained
you mean shitskins, numales and feminists
they dont count as people
>People complained about the LOTR triliogy because most of the entire cast was white and male
literally nobody complained about this. how old were you when those movies came out?
This is fake right?
color me triggered.
>Morgan Freeman as Gandalf
That could turn out alright
Do you really want modern hollywood rebooting this?
Maybe when Freeman was in his prime and actually gave a fuck. He's been phoning in his roles for the last 20 years and would just be himself in a white robe
>"Why sir, you shall not pass."
Imagine Gary Coleman as Frodo
He was already Gandalf in The LEGO Movie