Marvelshits eternally btfo'd by a 9Gag meme.
Marvelshits eternally btfo'd by a 9Gag meme
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You need to go back. Immediately.
what if they were just both bad
Its even funnier now that both Wonder Woman and Justice League went for the Marvel formula.
>If you're a comic book reader it's a damn awesome movie
Damn. I missed that comic where Lex Luthor is a young hyperactive annoying cunt. Or that comic Batman burns a bat on criminals. Or that comic Doomsday was made by Luthor out of Zod's body. Or that comic Jimmy Olsen was a CIA agent That did not work with Luthor to stop Soviet Superman, yes, I read Red Son
Why are you faggots obsessed with which flavour of shit tastes the worst?
dc and marvel are both bad
that really made me think
t. mad marveldrone
>all these triggered nu-males
>If you're a comic book reader
Do comic books regularly have characters acting in ways that stand in stark contrast to their established character traits simply to push the plot forward?
Asking for a friend.
I hate this movie. Everything building up to THE FIGHT is just terrible and then they fight for basically no reason.
>enjoying any form of capeshit
you get the suffering and decaying western civilisation you deserve
>If you're a comic book reader it's fucking cancer
>If you're a casual you're confused by it
>If you're looking for a fun + childish formula then maybe it ain't for you either
>who the fuck is this for?
>>who the fuck is this for?
if you don't read childrens stories at all, its an irresponsible self-infantilizing dereliction of your duty to improve yourself
I have actually noticed that a lot of younger people never even notice when the plot in a movie is pushed forward by not just one, but multiple characters suddenly acting completely different than their established character traits. It seems to go completely over their heads. Why is this?
all myth is essentially capeshit
The Iliad & Anabasis are arguable the foundation of western civilisation
that being said most capeshit is still shit
People who wanna see a good movie taking a more introspective and deconstructive approach to the super hero genre that's currently saturating the market.
If you like any kind of capeshit you need to go back.
Marvel and DC fags.
>damn great awesome
I’m a fan of both marvel and DC. This movie was just lazy and rushed. Stop trying to bait Marvel-Fags.
the real DC movies are the direct to video masterpieces that are rarely ever discussed in this board