>Mon Mothma's first act as Chancellor was to sue for peace with the defeated Empire, allowing them to keep uncontested control of a third of the galaxy after their defeat
>her second act was to cut the Republic military by 90%
>the only notable voice against her in the Senate was Leia, so Mothma publicly revealed her as Darth Vader's daughter and forced her out in disgrace
>that's why the entire "resistance" is a couple obsolete X-Wings Leia bought with her own money
Fuck me, Palpatine was right all along wasn't he?
Mon Mothma's first act as Chancellor was to sue for peace with the defeated Empire...
Other urls found in this thread:
Please tell me this isn't cannon.
A First Order agent revealed Leia's parentage, not Mon Mothma.
No, this is cannon.
bitch was jealous of leia
This almost makes me miss "Sheev built the death star and star destroyers and stormtroopers to defend humanity from an incoming horde of extragalactic crab people"
>her second act was to cut the Republic military by 90%
Just Bernie my galaxy up
>her second act was to cut the Republic military by 90%
Exactly what the Old Republic did some time before the Clone Wars, but this time you have no Jedi to keep peace.
I never understood that
How can ~200 guys with laser swords "keep peace" on 10,000+ inhabited worlds, some with tens of billions of inhabitants?
>first act as Chancellor was to sue for peace with the defeated Empire, allowing them to keep uncontested control of a third of the galaxy after their defeat
Why would you do that?
So to re-create the status quo, they have to have the cast be completely idiotic and self-sabotage?
this sounds like a paraody of the meme:
>if women ruled there were be no war
yeah no war just you getting slaughtered for being fucking stupid.
because you would have an insurgency from the remaining generals of the empire
thinly veiled metaphor for ww1 and ww2 Germany. Jews cant resist shoving this crap in all thier "art"
Probably because there were 10,000 jedi
the galaxy never should have given women the vote
Some people think peace is more important than complete victory.
they were diplomats and probably brokered agreements and used jedi brain voodoo whenever people got pissy at each other
i.e. How do we keep the good guys the underdogs for narrative and toy selling purposes.
Why wasn't this in the film?
>((Mon Mothma))
J-Just a coincidence!
>even when strong feminists are controlling the story, women still ruin everything
really excites the spinal fluids
I know, right? Fuck those mystery boxes JJ keeps pushing. I don't need it spoonfed to me but at least give us some context, yo. This shit wasn't even in the opening crawl.
wow that's an actually interesting plotlines
Genevieve O'Reilly has some nice tits, that's the point.
So.... was the original trilogy pointless?
All of the battles in Star Wars, Empire, Jedi accomplished nothing in the grand scheme of the SW galaxy?
Yes. Because the new Trilogy is largely a rehashing and remake of the first one. Good rebels vs. Evil Empire, death star, sith, and all that. All of the enw Star Wars films are intellectually bankrupt. Each old character is getting a spin off film for no reason.
Which of the twenty side story comic books and novel is this bullshit from
Actually it was Leia's estranged cousin who was royalty on some other planet. She was highly competitive with Leia and stumbled upon a recording of Bail Organa explaining the Skywalker family situation in the event of his death.
Leia was, at the time, lined up to become the next head of state of the New Republic, but during an investigation discovered the existence of the New Order, and this lady revealed the Darth Vader thing to the entire senate to shut Leia down before she could reveal it.
The reason why the Resistance only has a couple of X-Wings is because the only people who believed her afterward were the x-wing squadrons' leaders.
Space Jill Stein (any Green candidate in the end), which does make sense.
Hippy ideologues often attach themselves to social and political rebellions, as the latter things make unlikely alliances.
Because they had to write a reason JJ abrams had a new Empire in his movie 30 years later with no explanation
Realistically, they can't. That's why when the separatists built their army and told the Jedi to fuck off, the Jedi had to get an army of their own. Ambassadors and covert agents don't win wars. They might be able to keep the peace in certain situations, but when war breaks out, you need a functional army.
>women in power
Not a good idea
shit writing
Leia being forced out because she's vaders daughter would actually be interesting
The Jedi literally have mind control powers.
Reminder that it was literally treason
They kept the Warp from overtaking everything.
Free tinnitus, courtesy of the United States he l government!
How many kids did Mothma have? You know damn well some pilot was fucking the hell out of her between missions.
His name was Wedge.
It finally happened last night. I finally started thinking of how I'd do the sequel trilogy. Usually my overinflated ego kicks in immediately and I start brainstorming how to "improve" movies/comics/etc. This took two years. But now I can wallow in my lonesome depression thinking of what could have been.
Sort of. Anakin fulfilled the prophecy and destroyed the Sith once and for all...only for a dark side user to come in and try to fuck the galaxy's shit up again.
>Mothma publicly revealed her as Darth Vader's daughter and forced her out in disgrace
That sounds like bad fanfiction. No wonder they did not even mention it in the movie.
>This took two years. But now I can wallow in my lonesome depression thinking of what could have been
>being this emotionally invested on shitty movies
go for a walk, you need it
It's more just my own hubris. I do this with just about everything, not just Star Wars. I'm more just shocked it took this long.
Based Wedge nailing best girl.
well, if it helps, a blind kangaroo could have made a better movie
I love women that have the face of a man.
>best girl.
That's not Karie Neth.
It would've been more interesting to make the sequel villains terrorists and have them represent Muslims rather than Nazis.
No, it's not. It's canon. THIS is cannon.
That is howitzer. Pic related is cannon.
Bring back Sheev
>tfw mon mothma is literally merkel
>her second act was to cut the Republic military by 90%
>imperial forces still exist
>90% has got to be hyperbole
>look it up
>e Military Disarmament Act was a law passed by the Galactic Senate of the New Republic near the end of the Galactic Civil War between the Republic and the Galactic Empire. The legislation severely limited the makeup and operations of the Republic's Defense Fleet and army, reducing the overall size of the centralized military by ninety percent. The disarmament movement was undertaken in an effort to reflect the values of a democratic peacetime government and allowed the newly-formed Republic to focus on political cooperation instead of military control as its primary means of civil organization. The Military Disarmament Act also acted as a mechanism to legitimize the mandated disarmament of the remnants of the Imperial Military as outlined in the Galactic Concordance peace treaty that ended the war, further promoting the goal of a peaceful coexistence between the two demilitarized powers.
This is retarded writing beyond belief. And people complained about the old EU?
Sheeev's clones are laughing their ass off right about now
>New EU has the republic disband their entire army while the empire still controls a third of it's territory.
This is good and sensible writing, I'm glad we have a story group now.
Was Mon Mothma actually an Imperial sleeper agent?
I hope she died on one of the planets they blew up in TFA
Not only that, but the war for the entire galaxy between the New Republic and the Imperial Remnant lasted only TWO YEARS after the battle of endor in the new canon.
As opposed to the eighteen-or-so years it took in the EU to take back the entire galaxy from the warlords that sprung up in the wake of the Emperor's death -- Thrawn, Zsinj, Jerec, Kaine, etc.
No, in the new canon, the ENTIRE EMPIRE was beaten at Jakku.
actually it looks to have taken less than a year, but fair enough. It's so utterly retarded. Either they massively nerfed the empire or made the rebellion so powerful they could become a galaxy spanning threat over a week, which raises the question why it was a guerilla insurgency for all the years beforehand.
What's stupid is, by ending the conflict so fast they not only make it hard to explain the first order being a thing so much long after endor, they also basicly make the post ep6 and pre ep7 era a boring empty void. We could have had the fall of the western roman empire in space
i wouldn't go THAT far
Women literally don't have balls
I was hoping the Starkiller was some 20,000 year old Rakatan relic that the galaxy forgot about until Kylo and Snoke stumbled onto it and restored it
Or maybe the planet itself is a random freak world with a special crystalline core so an enterprising imperial engineer could jury-rig MacGuyver a Death Star laser just by digging a trench and placing a lens (this would fit nicely with Kylo's broken replica lightsaber)
But nope, the Order that's just a tiny remnant of the Empire with a miniscule fraction of the Empire's manpower and resources built a superweapon much larger and more powerful than the Death Star in less time
>they also basicly make the post ep6 and pre ep7 era a boring empty void.
Yes, yes, THIS a thousand times. The fact that nothing interesting happened that is worth mentioning in the huge gap between episodes VI and VII is retarded as fuck.
It's also canon that nothing interesting happened in the 4,000 years or so before The Phantom Menace
Was the Old Republic way before that?
>let the past die
>kill it
what did they mean by this?
even if they insisted on a relatively quick collapse of the empire, they could've at least tried to justify it with infighting and mass defections, maybe a conflict between die-hard factions and those willing to negotiate with or even reintegrate into the republic. but nope just one setpiece battle and they're crushed
it's like if japan took over all of imperial russia after tsushima
Yes and it's what bothers me the most.
>implying there won't be two trilogies, two cartoon shows and a new video game franchise and Disney World attraction set in that time frame
They're going to milk this cow for all its worth.
If the Trade Federation and even Naboo had a standing army, why wouldn't the Galactic Republic have one?
legends stuff like exar kun, revan is around 4k bby
,TOR 3.3k bby, etc
Progressivist cuckolds.
>there were 10,000 jedi
This makes no fucking sense to me. Why would you allow an empire that was run by a ruthless military that destroyed an entire planet to keep a third of the galaxy and then cut your own military by 90%. Am I missing something here? This seems to me to be a completely bonehead move. What should have happened was a complete purge of the empire and all top military leaders executed.
Thats what I thought it would be too or at least they found something like the star forge and either re purposed it or used its production to make the base
But no fuck it
What, you think Mace brought every single Jedi in the entire galaxy with him?
And to top it off, 30 years later
>It's true, all of it
Sure but who gives a fuck about the Old Republic era, it was a mistake from the beginning
literally who cares you fucking wookiepedia autist
star wars isn't a documentary that needs to justify itself in-universe. No one gives a fuck about how the First Order financed Starkiller Base because it's not what the series is about
>Implying that's all the jedi
Plo Koon ain't even there you dumb nigger
>half the movies to date had literally been about Sheev's tax policy
>just turn your brain off!
Fuck off you Disney defender.
>No one gives a fuck about how the First Order financed Starkiller Base because it's not what the series is about
I do
When I saw VII in theaters and Hux said "This weapon which you have built" all I could do is think "did the stormtroopers dig out the middle of the planet? How? Where'd it all go? How long did it take? What machines did they use? It seems like a task that would require a massive infastructure to support, how does the First Order have the resources to accomplish it? How big is the First Order, anyway? Is this field he's giving the speech to all there is? How did this one field of people dig out an entire equater? How many ships do they even have, since we've only seen the one Star Destroyer? Oh look at that you can see the red space laser from multiple planets even though that's not how light works"
And so forth and so on.
Its such bullshit
In canon the clone wars were massive with serious campaigns and shit lasting a few years
At least make taking back the entire galaxy a decade long period that had many battles and cost
Make Luke a shell shocked vet by the end of the campaign who couldnt take being worshiped as the savior of the galaxy while feeling a force connection to all living things knowing that he had to kill countless in beings in the war. He could have started having visions of all the people who died in the death star explosions. In his nightmares he accidentally hurts people in real life through the force causing him to flee
Leia being Darth Vaders daughter could be explored interestingly, her political base are alderaan natives throughout the galaxy who feel betrayed when the truth of her parentage comes out. She also has a huge fight with Luke over him forgiving Vader the man who tortured her
Han doesnt know how to handle any of this being this awkward third wheel who hates politics and the public life who feels an increasing distance from Lando who embraces politics and only feels comfortable when its just him and chewie. Leia starts talking about forming the a new resistance to keep the fight going and Han tired of either fighting or bullshitting in public events decides to just bail with Chewie
Instead we got what we got
>it's not what the series is about
Haha yeah Star Wars never shows you people amassing military power or building weapons
but weren't the Trade Federation and Naboo both a part of the Galactic Republic? doesn't that mean it's not really a Republic at all but a UN for space?
That are immune to light savers and the force
I was really interested in all the politics shit they filmed and cut out. Genuinely. SOMETHING to explain the clusterfuck that the galaxy is in in ep7 would have gone a long fucking way
But disney doesn't want a believable world, they want to sell you your nostalgia back to you. 'member member-berries?
Is JJ Abrams retarded?
How can someone be such a big fan of sci-fi while also hating sci-fi?
I actually really enjoyed some of the democracy subversion in the prequels
>Anakin indicates a belief in fascism and Padme naively laughs it off because she isnt able to believe someone would actually think that way
>Begins to slowly grasp just how many people are willing to think that way
>Sheev building up his army and sending them off to war was really cool and the little imperial march theme thrown in towards the end worked
>Sheev's I am the Senate is just a really fun line
>His speech just declaring himself emperor and the Senate eating it up was great
the twist at the end of Episode VIII is going to be that the Jedi were evil all along and Sith and Empire were secretly the good guys who just wanted peace and stability. Screencap this
>post-credit scene where JJ is kidnapped and forced to read a neo-nazi manifesto before getting shot in the back of the head