Of course that's your contention, you're a first time Sup Forums poster. You just got finished watching some Russian auteur -- Tarkovsky -- probably. You're gonna be convinced Stalker is his best film until next week when you get to Zack Snyder and then you're gonna be talking about how BVS and Sucker Punch were severely underrated masterpieces. That's gonna last until next month -- you're gonna be in here regurgitating Armond White, talkin' about, you know, the effects of social justice and how they cause films like Get Out and Moonlight to be severely overrated in the name of diversity and inclusion.
Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or is that your thing? You come on here and mimic the mob opinions of other posters and pawn it off as your own just to prove yourself to a bunch of anonymous mouth-breathers?
See the sad thing about a guy like you is in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinking of your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life.
One: Don't do that.
And two: Kill yourself
Grayson Ward
10/10 copypasta material
Jayden Myers
b-but you are going to serve fries to my kids.
Ryan Adams
Those apples I like them
Samuel Sanchez
Nathan Rivera
Reminder that ponytail guy was right, he was just unlucky Will was standing in front of him
Liam Fisher
Armond White dick suckers are the worst. They worship someone famous for promoting free-thought in film criticism and yet they preach endlessly about "objective taste" (A.K.A. my opinions are the only ones that matter, everyone else is a retard)
Alexander Anderson
William Thompson
He was also a pretentious cuck
Kevin Diaz
He was, but if Will wasn't a smart chap, he'd probably serve him fries in McDonalds on his way to his skiing trip
Parker Myers
well done
Ryder Reed
There's no excuse for being a righteous prick. They're the most hateable kind of people in the world, next to rapists and murderers. You could be always right, but if you were a pretentious asshole while doing it, people would hate you regardless.
Nicholas Reed
4/10, this reeks of effort.
Jaxon Bennett
I didn't say he wasn't a righteous cuck, just said he's right
Aiden Wright
Of course that's your contention, you're a first time Sup Forums poster. You just got finished watching some Russian auteur -- Tarkovsky -- probably. You're gonna be convinced Stalker is his best film until next week when you get to Zack Snyder and then you're gonna be talking about how BVS and Sucker Punch were severely underrated masterpieces. That's gonna last until next month -- you're gonna be in here regurgitating Armond White, talkin' about, you know, the effects of social justice and how they cause films like Get Out and Moonlight to be severely overrated in the name of diversity and inclusion.
Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or is that your thing? You come on here and mimic the mob opinions of other posters and pawn it off as your own just to prove yourself to a bunch of anonymous mouth-breathers?
See the sad thing about a guy like you is in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinking of your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life.
One: Don't do that.
And two: Kill yourself
Jace Rogers
> Maybe, but at least I wouldn't fall for your meme restaurant.
Austin Johnson
about what?
Henry Cooper
And thus a meme is born
Gavin Fisher
Don't care if people hate me, as long as I'm right.
Andrew Reyes
user is wicked smaht
Brandon Bennett
damn man that's wicked smart!
Justin Brown
>a-at least I won't be unoriginal
Eli Ross
You're a tough kid, I ask you about memes and you'd probably throw Pepe at me, right? "Top kek, dear friends." But you've never been near one. You've never seen your thread sink to page 10 and watched it gasp its last breath before 404, looking to you for a bump
Liam Flores
0/10 You look tired OP, get some rest.
Ethan Lee
It's not your fault.
Ethan Rogers
Did he know? Is that why he ended it?
Jace Robinson
Kayden Jenkins
that doesn't even make sense.
Nathaniel Taylor
Of course that's your contention, you're a first time Sup Forums poster. You just got finished watching some Russian auteur -- Tarkovsky -- probably. You're gonna be convinced Stalker is his best film until next week when you get to Zack Snyder and then you're gonna be talking about how BVS and Sucker Punch were severely underrated masterpieces. That's gonna last until next month -- you're gonna be in here regurgitating Armond White, talkin' about, you know, the effects of social justice and how they cause films like Get Out and Moonlight to be severely overrated in the name of diversity and inclusion.
Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or is that your thing? You come on here and mimic the mob opinions of other posters and pawn it off as your own just to prove yourself to a bunch of anonymous mouth-breathers?
See the sad thing about a guy like you is in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinking of your own and you're gonna come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life.
One: Don't do that.
Henry Jones
About having a degree
Adam Price
So if I asked you about film, you'd probably give me the skinny on every cinema book ever written. Storaro, you know a lot about him. Life's work, political aspirations, him and the thespians, sexual orientations, the whole works, right? But I'll bet you can't tell me what it smells like on the set. You've never actually stood there and seen cuts and retakes. If I ask you about italian futurism, you'd probably give me a syllabus about your personal favorites. You may have seen a few of them a couple of times. But you can't tell me what it feels like to be a part of the time, to live during the movement, and feel what the films conveyed. You're a tough kid. And I'd ask you about war, you'd probably throw Pontecorvo and La battalia de Algeri at me, right, "demonstrating a false humanitarianism only leads to ridiculousness and impotence." But you've never been affected by one. You've never held a film to a high regard because it affected you on a personal level. I'd ask you about romantica, you'd probably quote me Michael Cortiz.
But you presume to know everything about film because you saw a few movies, and you ripped Sup Forums apart. You're a plebeian right?
Carson Thompson
I know
Julian Adams
That Southie shit bag is plugging that pesky London Harvard dame as I read Gordon Wood in the lounge area of Barnes & Noble
Connor Bennett
The irony is that he did care what people thought of him. He corrected the phony student to ruin his chances with the girl but also to make himself seem superior in the eyes of his friends and the girls. When Will steps to him, he's visibly embarrassed. He tries to play it cool but is rebuffed for being unoriginal and try hard.
Luis Morris
this board's not perfect. You 're not perfect. What matters is if you are perfect for each other.
Adam Bell
Hey, it's not your fault.
Blake Flores
Not you Sean
Nolan Edwards
Yeah, but i will have a degree in shitposting. and you'll be serving my kids canned spaghetti on our way to my wife's boyfiend
Jordan Cooper
>the virgin ponytail Harvard student vs the Chad genius from southie
Carson Bell
Lol plz take this to Sup Forums also
Bentley Cooper
10/10, we needed this pasta after those "best movies of 2010s" where some plebs kept posting Hong Sang-soo flicks and other mediocre shit, actually pretending that any of them can hold a candle to the more popular Sup Forums kinos of 2010s.
Oliver Thomas
Janny used to put a 24 hour, a 72 hour, and a 30 day ban on the table and just say "Choose".
>Gotta go with the 24 hour there user.
Nah, used to go with the 30 day.
>Why the 30 day?
Because fuck him, that's why.
Owen Cook
>mfw this op
Joseph Watson
the guy with the trayaska and the read beard who says "damn right it's cool"...he was in aother legendary college movie. He played the leader of the skinhead group in Higher Learning.
Samuel Lopez
Good pasta, hope people will actually take its message to heart.
Being original is all that matters! Don't forget that, anons.
Robert Green
oh, it makes perfect sense
Zachary Diaz
yeah but today you get chased for that. If it doesn't translate to money, who the fuck will care about you? It's all about infamy baby
Hunter Powell
How do you like them dubs!?
Brayden Cruz
Very nice.
Easton Anderson
do you like dubs?
Ayden Davis
>Being original is all that matters! Don't forget that, anons. But this isn't' original. The original one went like this Of course that's your contention. You're a first-year film student; you just got finished watching some nouvelle vague cinema, Jacques Rivette probably. You're gonna be convinced of that 'till next month when you get to Godard's maoist period. Then you're going to be talking about how Truffaut's shamelessly became petit bourgeois after the 60's. That's gonna last until next year; you're gonna be in here regurgitating André Bazin, talkin' about, you know, caméra-stylo and mise-en-scène. "Resnais's use of flashbacks mirrors our perception of memory"? You got that from Cahiers du Cinéma n° 97, page 98, right? Yeah, I read that too. Were you gonna plagiarize the whole thing for us? Do you have any thoughts of your own on this matter? Or do you, is that your thing, you come on Sup Forums, quote some obscure opinion and then pretend - you pawn it off as your own, as your own idea just to impress some virgins, embarrass my tripfriends? See, the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own and you're going to come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life: one, don't do that, and two, you dropped 150 grand on a fuckin' education you could have got for a low ratio warning on karagarga.
Adrian Martin
Brandon Evans
no it doesn't; being near one meme? And how is it a meme if the thread goes to page 10?
Oh you mean a creator of a meme? Trying to be original but not getting recognised? Are you this poster?
Evan Lopez
Don't fuck with me, not you
Wyatt Lopez
how you like me now?
Carter Wright
Lincoln Foster
Stopped reading at Zack Snyder. Not even as a joke, not ever.
Elijah Nelson
Look into my eyes. You need therapy.
Luis Walker
Crab legs. You had one job and you fucked up.
Angel Reyes
>original Hello new friends
Mason Scott
Of course that's your contention...
Jason Brown
See. This old pasta is much better written than OP’s garbage. OP is try hard plug and play babby shit.
Jayden Diaz
just b urself :)
Nolan Scott
In 20 years if you're still shitposting here, spamming YAG and making cunnythreads I'll fucking kill ya
Mason Scott
You hold first year film school in too high regard. I have to hear some of these retards thinking they are enlightened after seeing Rashamon and Breathless.
Evan Stewart
Why shouldn't I become a mod? That's a tough one, but I'll take a shot. Say I'm browsing Sup Forums. Somebody shitposts, something nobody else can delete. Maybe I take a delete it and maybe I ban the poster. And I'm real happy with myself, cause I did my job well. But maybe shitpost was the birth of an epic new meme...
David Diaz
...in /got-general/ or Bane threads. Once that thread is erased, they bomb the board where the memes were being posted and fifteen hundred people I never met, never had no problem with, start spamming it in my board. Now the janitors are sayin', "Oh, send in more janitors to clean the board" cause they don't give a shit. It won't be their IP over there, gettin' banned. Just like it wasn't them when their e-mail aplication got answered, cause they were pullin' a tour in the janis. It'll be some virgin from his mother's basement takin' shitposts in the ass.
And he comes back to find that the threads he used to post at got archived from the board he just got back from. And the guy who posted cunny got his old job, cause he'll work for free and no bathroom breaks. Meanwhile, he realizes the only reason he was over there in the first place was so we could install a board culture that would appeal to redditors. And, of course, the redditors used the tripcodes over there to draw attention to themselves. A cute little ancillary benefit for them, but it ain't helping my buddy trying to get (you)s.
And they're takin' their sweet time bringin' redditors, of course, and maybe even took the liberty of posting a screencap on r/Sup Forums, and it ain't too long 'til he gets one trending, spills the good memes and kills all actual film discussion on the board. So now my jani's out of work and he can't shitpost on drive threads anymore, so he's got to take his memes to [s4s], which sucks cause the hotpockets in his stomach is givin' him chronic diarrhea. And meanwhile he's bored as fuck, cause every time he tries to get a fun thread going, the only threads they're postin' is about capeshit.
So what did I think? I'm holdin' out for somethin' better. I figure fuck it, while I'm at it why not just ban my buddy, screencap his thread, post it on reddit, make /got/ threads, ban dubsposting and get a Sup Forums pass? I could be the next Moot.
Gavin Martin
Henry Long
why do we call Mark Wahlberg tenor?
Xavier Anderson
Robert Rogers
I'm confused as to what Will was saying "Don't do that" about.
Mason Allen
This pasta is 100% medically accurate.
Christopher Foster
that behaviour, he was advising him not to flaunt his knowledge since he didn't have wisdom.
David Morris
I remember this pasta, but it describes Sup Forums culture of like 5 years ago minimum. OP is an update that actually applies to today.
I also was referring to the message of the pasta, not to the fact that the pasta was OC.
Camden Scott
Don't do what?
I never understood it in the movie and I don't understand it here...
Kevin Gomez
Eli Edwards
Don't plagiarize obscure passages just to impress some girls and embarrass Will's friends
Isaiah Martinez
Thank you
Sebastian Peterson
Can he do it?
Dominic Parker
Beautiful I visited the bench in Boston Public Garden recently
>And look at you... I don't see an intelligent, confident user... I see a cocky, scared shitless shitposter
Jeremiah Cook
Fuck me that's good.
Oliver Ortiz
Look man I don’t care if you’re posting from the rough
Zachary Nelson
apparently, he already did it
Jeremiah Brooks
2 isn't the right answer doe
Ethan Anderson
The answer is 288. Multiplication and division occur during the same stage. What decides the order then is which comes first reading from left to right. So: 48/2=24(12)=288.
Zachary Gomez
Truly a movie women will never understand
Luis Evans
>what u do with yourself Who the fuck writes like this unironically?
Brayden Wood
Reminder that Matt Damon wrote this scene while jerking off in the shower the morning after BAffleck cucked him
Hunter Gonzalez
Did he really? Affleck and he used to be in all of the same movies, and it doesn't seem like they've so much as talked in 15 years.