could he lead a movie?
what should hollywood reboot/remake with /ourgorilla/ as the lead?
Could he lead a movie?
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I'd like to see him take another direction than the Rock and not just be in action/comedy schlock. He was great in Blade Runner. Maybe he could just be in Denis Villenueve's next film
he could basically play any Sylvester Stallone "tough guy with a heart of gold" type of lead.
Last Action Hero
something like that
He already did lead a movie. Bushwick was good.
Buddy cop movie with Sinbad, where he keeps asking him about his dick.
based batty with the homer
Is he the kino version of the Rock ?
A fucking super-brutal Frazetta version of Conan.
Yes. Based Bautista.
Mad Bull with Big Dick Dave as the hard drinkin', whore plowin', (unintentionally) racist lead. An ultraviolent buddy comedy with the potential to be the first watchable film adaptation of a niptoon.
Give him to the Bone Tomahawk guy
or Dredd guy
I hope not.
He seems to shine most a suppprting character.
Like a John Berntral type of guy
I hope not.
He seems to shine most like a supporting type of character.
Like Jon Berntral type of guy
Wish he had been in the film for longer. He was nailing it.
He's going to be Stilgar in Dune. Screenshot this.
He needs a dramatic role as a father in some kino something like The Road without too many lines
Maybe even sports like a Moneyball sort of gig
I hope not.
He seems to shine most like a supporting type of character.
Like Jon Berntral type of guy
His role in BR2049 should have been larger. He was good in the short.
Judge Holden
Shock the world with a dandy, erudite performance.
he was the most standout performance besides Luv tbqhy
kino or litty?
He is going to be a breakout star in the next few years. Expect him to be the new Daniel Day-Lewis.
and how would you explain him being built like a brick shithouse?
kinda limits him to action roles.
He's mentioned he wants to be taken seriously as an actor and not be typecasted. He's doing a good job. Also he's mentioned wanting to direct films
>and how would you explain him being built like a brick shithouse?
there are plenty of kino opportunities for hunks
Kino. He's actually a good actor
Fucking why? The best equivalent star is Arnold and he worked when he's funny or carried by other actors, he failed miserably anytime he went near drama.
Bautista was his wrestling name.
Batista is his acting name.
Better match for Raban though?
>next DDL
is this a new meme?
If they ever make a live action adaptation.
He's my choice for Marcus.
Terrible idea. Gears of War is a bad game that would make an even worse movie. Gears of War is basically Starship Troopers minus the self-awareness and satire. Bautista needs some kino to act in, I say let him make a Refn movie.
He's slimming down purposely and naturally with age. There are big guys like Chris Hemsworth getting work like Blackhat and Arnie Hammer. He can change his build.
Bautista is his real name
Batista was his wrestling name
Its got that psycho david from Narcos looks "fun"
For sports movies he is just an ex athlete could be anything like Foxcatcher for example maybe not a lead though
It's too bad we've gotten multiple Frankenstein movies within the last decade. I think Bautista would be great in that role as long as they stick to the book where he becomes intelligent and not Boris karloff
1:16:00 for some kino acting from him
Of Mice and Men. Joaquin as George.
Big dick Dave would make a great cheesy action villain
He could have been lead in The Wrestler although Rouke nailed it.
No, he could be halleck, playing on a tiny baliset.
>what are fatsuits
>bit pat in the biggest flop of the year
Sorry Autista, I can't hear you over all this money Jumanji is making.
Watched an interview and he said that's his goal.
He said he's passed on numerous scripts because they're all action movie shit, he wants to do more artistic things
>Gears of War is a bad game
Nobody will take him seriously unless he does a full body change like 50 Cent did.
Play a bodybuilder who gets cancer, receive Oscars, become actor
Aside being a good artistic decision, that is also an actually sound marketing strategy.
He sells a lot more with his "dumb wrestler turned serious dramatic actor" persona.
>cover shooter
>anything but a shit game
nice b8
>He plays Gears like a cover shooter
oh right you can play it as a slowass console shooter as well... how thrilling.
I've always pictured the Fremen as having a more lean and wirey frame.
Halleck (as this user said) is a better shout. Although he could make a good Raban too. That being said, he wouldn't have much of a role if they only took material from the first book considering Raban doesn't pop up too frequently.
>Gears of War
Was it really him in Blade Runner? I thought it looked a bit like him, but didn't see him in the credits for some reason.
>tfw he will never batista bomb someone in a movie
Make him a main character in the next True Detective. Or he could be The Judge in a Blood Meridian adaptation.
Both of them are Box Office poison
I don't even know what this is and I want it.
leading man, no.
great, successful character actor, yes.
I mean it really isn't that great man, what do you want him to say. It's good co-op fun.
This.....he would be perfect
It's genuinely a good idea for him to market himself as the thinking man's wrestler turned actor. There's a market for that.
Sup Forums would you rather be the rock and have the fast sudden super stardom, with all the millions and undeniable levels of fame, but shitty roles and a limited actor or be Batista with the slow burn, smaller roles, less fame, less money but be the better actor?
I think I'd still pick to be the rock
The latter, definitely.
I want him for Batman instead of Affleck
hahah he look like a penis haha
I'm a big fan of his slow burn, especially in classic masterpieces such as guardians of the galaxy and the scorpion king 3: battle for redemption