>It's a Luanne episode
It's a Luanne episode
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There are literally no bad King of the Hill episodes.
No, though certain characters being the focus can sure drag them down.
See: All Lucky episodes.
Who is the most unlikable character in KOTH?
Hard mode: No Bill
Peggy or Lucky
>all lucky episodes
I liked when he went stumping, or when he got his GED. I never really understood the hate for Lucky, everybody hates Lucky and I genuinely don't see why. I always liked Tom Petty.
fuck you
>its a john redcorn or dale episode
i dropped off around season six. i need to pick it back up again
been really liking tales from the tour bus so far as well
>been really liking tales from the tour bus so far as well
That shit is 10/10
I just watched the ZZ Top episode, that one was bad.
Peggy is the worst but even then she has great episodes when paired with other characters or her being legitimately retarded as the focus. Luanne should have had more episodes with Bobby because all I remember was when Bobby got her pregnant then married her and when Bobby saw her naked.
for you
I love you, user, I love you.
>its a John Redcorn episode
automatic kino
daily reminder that shop class can happen anywhere with adequate lighting and ventilation
>Its a Bobby episode
Kill yourself
>its a prebattle charge-up episode
How about when him and his goon friends were going to beat the shit out of a child after Lucky tried to ban Luanne from the prom? How about when Lucky and Luanne went around threatening people into giving them wedding presents? I'm not sure who was worse, that violent hick or his dumb fuck petulant child of a wife.
>tfw Luanne and Lucky are dead
How will they do a KotH reboot now
>being upset because characters make morally wrong choices
Ok, you're missing the fun of the show but ok I guess. I can't imagine you enjoy much tv or movies at all if that's the case.
Nancy. No contest
Oh yeah?
What about the episode where they think Lady Bird and Hank is racist.
What the fuck man didn't know he died
Not many people know Tom Petty was the voice of Lucky
Doesn't that one end with them determining that Hank isn't racist, he just doesn't like repairmen?
Pretty based
season 9 Dale Gribble.
>hating on Bernie "I hate black keys on a piano" Mac showing up as repairman
I bet you hate Chris Rock as Budda Sack you fucking nigger.
>Episode where Bobby doesn't want to get beat up for wearing mascot costume; ends with him deciding to get beat up because everyone was giving him shit for it because "muh tradition"
>Episode where Luanne ends up killing the creepy pig-guy on a conveyor belt
>Episode where Hank loves the ventriloquist dummy more than Bobby and tries to make a new one when Dale destroys the other one
>Episode where the old lady wants to die in Hank's house
>its the shit picking career day episode
Yeah and then doesn't Hank give the repairman a job at Strickland Propane?
You're thinking of Budda Sack because Hank had his license revoked so he had to go see Budda for classes then Bobby takes a liking to him because he was a comedian until Hank offers him the job at Strickland because Budda wasn't really teaching anything just making fun of people so he was fired from the dmv.
Peggy was the one that killed pig man because he regained his sanity after being shocked then didn't warn him to get off the conveyor belt.
Bobby would browse Sup Forums
what's that one story where Bill breaks into the Hill's house and does that bad stuff?? You know the one.
You mean when him and Dale broke in? That's the Japanese one.
>that /s4s/
Call me edgy but a part of me is a little glad Tom Petty died just because I hated Lucky so much.
>it's a weird as fuck Halloween special where Peggy gets away with murder episode
No when Bill does it solo. What's the japanese one?
Yes and?
>It's a Nancy can't stop lusting after Redcorn even though they broke up ep
What about the doghouse and mascot episodes?
Those are great episodes are you joking?
I have never wanted to murder a child before that episode. Now I think about it all the time.
Another great episode.
Is the Hank in Japan 2 parter the most kino episodes?
I've also really loved the Bulldozer ep where Bill actually scores a touchdown in his mid 40's
any streaming sites show KOH on demand?
>its a boomhauer episode
>it's a Bill episode
His license wasn't suspended, he had the option to take traffic class in order to keep his insurance rates from going up
>that's ridiculous
>h'why don't I just take out a loan
>pay for the repairs myself and skip the middle man
>it is illegal to drive without insurance
>not larsen pork products