How does a harmless, admittedly unfunny joke, have such an impact on Sup Forums culture? Why does it trigger you so?
How does a harmless, admittedly unfunny joke, have such an impact on Sup Forums culture? Why does it trigger you so?
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were obviously not talking about the same joke
it was a genuinely good episode too with some kino action sequences.
Did the people who get triggered by this even watch the episode?
Probably because you keep posting it Dan. Fuck off.
I think it has much more to do with the general R&M fanbase and how they basically worship the show at this point and will openly embrace anything Dan Harmon does, however stupid of a joke it is.
Also, this is a series that regularly prides itself on having "smart" humor to the point where a lot of fans legitimately believe they're sophisticated for watching a funny cartoon. So when they unveiled season three and people here saw there was an episode based around Rick turning himself into a pickle, it was very easy for people to make fun of.
It is cringy how fans take the show more seriously than the show takes itself.
Not really no. Judging by most people of Rick and Morty, they just watched the pilot
>Also, this is a series that regularly prides itself on having "smart" humor to the point where a lot of fans legitimately believe they're sophisticated for watching a funny cartoon.
You're making this shit up. This show is more like South Park with less politics and more wacky science
Dude it's the pinnacle of comedy. When I first saw pickle Rick i laughed so hard that I collapsed a lung and was in the hospital for 2 days.
I'm triggered because nothing is funny anymore. We hit the apex and there is no going back
To be fair you have to be extremely intelligent to get the joke
People got shanked because of it
I want to shove that pickle up my vag
it pickled the rick
Do pickle rick make you laugh? Cells
It tried to be a meme and only Sup Forums is allowed t be a meme factory
>fans legitimately believe they're sophisticated for watching a funny cartoon
this is what kills me
>You're making this shit up. This show is more like South Park with less politics and more wacky science
spend time on reddit and you'll see what I'm talking about dude, the fans are obnoxious
I thought this was mostly just a meme. Never met any Rick and Morty fans like this. I'm sure there are comments online you could find of that, but that's true for everything pretty much.
Honestly, this pseudo-intellectual show was like nothing I've ever watched. It's absolute trash that tries so incredibly hard it's endearing. Each episode shows that the directors and writers are creatively bankrupt and yet they continue. Its stellar how such a brain dead show could enjoy such longevity and fandom.
Stuttering, memes, gimmicks, inconsequential narratives and a loose interpretation of comedy don't make for a great show.
I thank god every day that I wasn't born with a small enough number of brain cells to enjoy this content without irony. It constantly challenges the viewer in its simplicity, idiocy and lack of a commitment to a vision. Not in any form of intellectual discourse as its fans seem to believe. It's marinated in cliche, fried in shlock and still tastes raw to any patrician.
If you enjoy this show I must respectfully ask you to reconsider your ability to subjectively assess anything. It's trash.
I have full faith that the type who enjoys this show is a simpleton of the highest order; a low IQ, simplistic mongoloid plebian.
I hope you find peace in death. Seek it soon.
>I'm sure there are comments online you could find of that
there's like entire facebook groups dedicated to this shit not even memeing. and i some people i work with irl unironically discuss the jokes in the show as if there was something to discuss.
I know, Bojack Horseman fans do the same shit. I can't tell you how many people I know that actually claim Bojack is a serious study of depression - they're always saying this like it's a badge of honor that they're depressed, and Bojack is also depressed.
I think it was the first episode written by a woman and the episode literally started with this ''lol so randumb'' ''''''''joke''''''''''.
It's also really out of character. It's like the writer thought ''hmm what things rhyme with Rick? Dick? Sick? Pick? Pickle. Pickle Rick! Hahahahahahahaha''
The issue is the fan base, rather than any one particular joke or moment in the show.
maybe your problem is that you browse and talk about Rick and Morty on Reddit rather than Sup Forums?
you sound like the exactly the kind of person you're describing
The way you wrote all that is pretty cringe but I generally agree. A friend of mine made me watch the pilot when it first premiered and my impression was that it was just another silly Adult Swim show with loose writing and some funny jokes. Fast forward a couple years and it's the BIGGEST THING EVER and Rick is SO CRAZY. All the clips I've seen since show that it really hasn't changed at all.
To me, Rick & Morty feels like the Game of Thrones of cartoons in that there's enough there to entertain people and keep them engrossed, but any perceived deepness is really just a subjective reaction from the sorts of viewers who have a need to think what they're watching is somehow more important than other shows. Like it really is frustrating when my coworkers are unpacking new GoT episodes like they're some new religious texts. The writers don't care about that show nearly as much as the fans think they do.
Because nu-anons are terrified of original thought, which is why every meme that requires any effort are discarded while this shit and baneposting gets reposted into oblivion.
How is that the show's fault?
Also, why the fuck are you browsing reddit anyways?
Does Jerry deserve to suffer? Cells interlinked.
why are you browsing nu/tv/ which is basically reddit at this point?
I like vinceposting and masturbating to disney teens.
it's literally just a play on, "getting in a pickle." Meaning the writers were struggling to come up with something and one of them had a brave, original idea to make an entire episode based off that.
FYI, as much as Sup Forums likes to rip on the female writers this season, the episodes of comedy shows are never actually written by just one person. They're all written collaboratively in the writers room, and then the various staff writers/producers take turns with who gets the credit for an episode. You can't just blame the entire episode on one girl.
>caring about what other people think and not enjoying things regardless of that
Is it just that doesn't like people liking any type of things?
>haha you totes go on REDDIT haha fag!!!
I don't ever go there dude, I've just seen enough R&M cringe threads to know what the sentiment on the show is over there.
>my impression was that it was just another silly Adult Swim show with loose writing and some funny jokes
And what, the popularity changed your mind?
That's literally all it is. It never takes itself too seriously. Sup Forums and reddit are the ones that does that apparently, with all the pretencious shit about how the show apparently has some sort of agenda or "prides itself on being an intellectual show".
Fuck you. It's a good fucking animated comedy, that's all it is. Like south park but less preachy and more mad science.
nice fucking defense reddit scum
Jared Kushner's employee and Sup Forums mod/admin Swaglord forced it for his market research job, complete with board music and unique mouse pointer for Sup Forums. It's a literal corporately forced meme, unlike pure memes of the people like sneed (formally baneposting)
This post may be deleted soon.
So you pretend to be patrician but yet you watch cartoons, yet you consider watching anything coming from some big entertainment company...
Gee I wonder what would be shows worthy of your supreme intellect.
hardmode : no early simpsons, southpark futurama
it's not the show's fault, I have very little issues with the show other than it being something I'm just not that interested in watching. it's the perception of the show that bugs me and ruins any little interest I might still have.
besides, I don't think I can ever pay attention to a cartoon when Nathan for You is on
Wow im not used to seeing such quality posts on this board.
nice tinfoil hat post, anonsama
No, I just meant that there was nothing about the show that made it look any different than stuff I had already seen, which is why I wasn't interested in watching more episodes.
We've all been discussing the generalized fanbase and how they make this show out to be a godsend of comedy when it really isn't. I've been in other fanbases where people enjoyed the show but were also willing to criticize it and call it out when it slips on the writing (like Lost for instance, basically no one was satisfied with that ending). Whereas R&M fans are in your fucking face about how perfect the show is. A friend of mine literally ridiculed me on the phone once when I said I didn't watch it, then proceeded to act confused when I said I thought the fanbase was annoying, despite the fact that he just insulted me for not liking it.
Bring back Snacks
>watch one episode
>Morty's voice is annoying af
>Rick has drolling in his chin for whatever reason
>burps all the time
>the episode is basically Rick is the smartest ever and teenager know-it-all punchlines
>the voices are atrocious
Never saw it again and can't see why anyone would
>Rick has drolling in his chin for whatever reason
>burps all the time
>the episode is basically Rick is the smartest ever and teenager know-it-all punchlines
Rick literally is the smartest man in the universe in the show, but he's also a cynical asshole and an alcoholic which is why he acts disgusting and loves shoving his intelligence in peoples faces
no but, the manchildren writers think all that is cool
so what is the appeal? like, in the series House, House was an asshole drug addicted and overpowered, but he was fun as fuck and the show was mostly entertaining... R&M is kinda meh
This episode was unironically the best of the series thus far. Fucking hilarious.
this guy knows what's up
Kill me
I pity you for not being smart enough to understand this show. Sup Forums gets triggered because they only thing they understand are Drumpf jokes and calling others derogatory terms. You simpletons disgust me and I am so glad I will never have half the brain that you do because I never want you guys to be part of the Rick&Morty fandom. Be jelly.
You realize those people are being sarcastic don't you?
You are a fucking idiot if you believe those rants. With the Einstein and wubba lubba dub dub shit. Those are memes.
Vindicators was better
I watch it. It's humor is below me but sometimes it can be funny. If you can't enjoy things below your intellect you are the pseud.
Are real genius can be an idiot any time he pleases. You are so locked in your self image as a smart guy you feel personally offended that it makes idiots feel smart.
But that's just your ego you shit. You are nothing.
Why do you continue to keep employing language and terms you invented for yourself, to signal to everyone how much of a weak little peepee baby you are, onto other people who aren't anything like you? Literally no one you're talking at here has ever cried for a trigger warning as much as you probably have.
the appeal is Back to the Future meets South Park.
It literally started out as a crude parody of Doc and Marty. The whole show is basically just crazy adventures of crazy scientist grandpa and dumb teenager, with tons of adult humor and over the top violence
I'm a 40 year old nerd and my basement apartment is set up the exact same way. We should hang out and take turns in the dark pretending our buttholes are a tight loli pussy.
This desu.
I went up to the Waffle House near campus at about midnight on Saturday a few weeks ago. These two high retards come in and start talking to each other about Rick and Garbage and Pickle Rick and one comes over uninvited and asks me if I "fuck with" Pickle Rick. Fans of this show are human garbage
is it all ending lads? will weinstein and the nhl kill r*ck and m*rty for good?
It's the Big Bang Theory all over again. Did you visit this site when that show was all the rage?
It was one of those proverbial "jump the shark" moments you may have heard your parents talk about. It's been a while since a TV show had such a clear shark jumping moment - usually they just ease into a slow decline.
Rick and Morty was made by a 4channer though
The Big Bang Theory is gay as fuck. That is a real pseudo show there.
Im gonna write some BBT
>Wow I'm so hungry my stomach is like a black hole
>I know I can hear it from here. It sounds like the Doppler effect
>*canned laughter*
Yeah, it was funny when Rick got so drunk he shitted everywhere lmao xD
Also, what that Christian Slater??
Thanks Harmon, you really cleared things up. Wubalubadubdub!
you obviously don't remember the first season before people turned on it and it was the absolutely hilarious nerd comedy we've been waiting for!
Season 1 is unironically good though, and season 2 has a handful of good episodes too. It's season 3 that's gone to shit.
> Hey Shelton, pass the salt!
> You mean the carbonated nitrogen glucosamine?!?
*screaming agonizing moans of the audience*
Your argument essentially boils down to:
>n-no YOU!
Grow up as much as you can within the next minute and read what I wrote again.
You watching trash and enjoying it makes you a fool. Consuming bad media and choosing to be an idiot is a waste of time.
Clearly you both have much time to waste. NEET, perhaps? Maybe not.
Either way, I don't watch garbage except to critique it, and neither should you.
Your comparison to thrones is spot on. However, the difference with GoT is that it did once have a higher standard. It was never that good, but it was much better than it currently is.
Rick and Morty has remained consistent as you said. It's always been low-tier garbage hiding behind hype and incorrect/shallow philosophical engagement.
I don't watch cartoons. Due to its reputation, I gave Rick and Morty a chance. I also watched it for the purpose of critiquing it and staying informed.
I didn't enjoy it and neither should you.
most of Rick and Morty's humor is low-brow shit like fart jokes, puns and ironic sci-fi jargon. nowhere near the nerdsploitation of TBBT.
Goddamn you people are autistic about things you don't like
Nintendo! *audience piss themselves in laughter*
That's just a buzzword way of expressing the following statement:
"I cannot defend the time I've wasted on this particular piece of media and wholeheartedly believe it is to be enjoyed without any form of intellectual engagement or critique. Your critique of this show is beyond me, but I also find your willingness to point out my mistake in consuming it as shocking. Please leave me alone, I'm scared of coming to the realization I'm enjoying trash instead of the other things life has to offer. "
>I watched it based on reputation
So you let normies on Facebook pick your hobbies for you? I bet you went into it ready to hate cause fuck this normie shit too amirite? I watched it because sometimes I like some shit I don't have to pay a lot of attention too for background noise.
You are an arrogant pseud. Sadly there is no cute.
it doesn't i have never even watched the show.
Nice reddit spacing fedora lord, you just made history
Here, yes. Go elsewhere and you'll find the meme is based on true R&M fan behavior.
Nobody here has mentioned "normies". You're being defensive of your time-wasting, which is understandable.
Do as you like. Some binge drink, some watch garbage television. As long as you understand what you're doing is the waste of a good mind as well as precious time.
Having a vice or two is fine, we all have them. I'm just asserting trash TV is not one worth having.
I don't know what reddit spacing is. I've never been there.
I'm assuming you are very experienced in how they do things there.
Can you tell me what reddit spacing is?
It's the way fags hit enter instead of period to make their posts look big and important.
It's probably from people who have corporate jobs who are used to doing it.
Thank you for telling me, friend.
someone post nigger rick
>reddit spacing
You need to go back.
You're a ponyfag aren't you?
Code for "I have no arguments and I'm embarrassed."
For the record, I've never been to reddit or watched MLP.
Spacing things this way makes them harder to read.
>what a writer puts into a show is what he enjoys
I’m sure the South Park creators love eating shit.
>harder to read
Kek for who? The letters aren't any smaller just closer together.
I think you mean easier to miss. You wouldn't want anyone to not see your very important post.
I'm not embarrassed by some no-fun-police nobody spouting "critiques" on the level of "it's trash" about a show he is taking way too seriously.
And by the way what show would you honor of your supreme intellect so I can shit on it?
If you've been around for long you can easily identify corporate memes. They are completely soulless
Its not really that, but they never portray him as being in the wrong or show any flaws in his way of thinking.
They glorify him in my opinion.
This. I want to know what user thinks is smart. He is on Sup Forums so I don't wanna hear of Sup Forums is a vice time waster
No, that's not what I mean. I mean what I wrote. Them being closer together makes them harder to read.
You're the ones pushing "intellect" on to me. Not enjoying Rick and Morty isn't a high bar. I'm not claiming to be a genius. You don't have to be to not enjoy absolute rubbish.
Mad Men
The Sopranos
The Wire
Those are examples of shows worth watching.