damn IT looks like that?
Damn IT looks like that?
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Is that a porn parody? Does the guy stick his dick into the storm drain and get sucked off?
Her impression of Hillary was fucking amazing.
>Is that a porn parody? Does the guy stick his dick into the storm drain and get sucked off?
lol hope its true, that would be hilarious
>In this pre-record short "Kellywise," the Counselor of President Donald Trump (brilliantly portrayed by Kate McKinnon) takes on a much more sinister role as Pennywise the Dancing Clown from the recent remake of Stephen King's It.
>After Anderson Cooper (played by Alex Moffat) signs off from his show for the night, having nixed the idea of inviting Conway on for the next day's episode, he dons a bright yellow raincoat and walks home through a downpour.
>After his newspaper is blown out of his hand and down a gutter drain, and when he looks into the darkness, a pair of shining eyes pop open and Conway – decked out in Pennywise's iconic makeup and costume – tries to convince Cooper to let her be a guest on his show.
I thought it was Daisy at first
>Anti-Trump propaganda
Should have known.
attacking a women over her looks (again)
double standard in action (again)
vviewership declining (again)
Is this SNL? Why are they so obsessed with Trump?
she looks like the crypt keeper from tales from the crypt
they were being pretty generous desu
>attacking a woman instead of Weinstein
Fucking hypocrites.
They know which side their bread is buttered
>all they had to do was make a humorous IT parody
>it still ends up being about Trump
I honestly just feel bad for them at this point.
>people say absurd stuff and are caricatures on tv
>get made fun of for being ridiculous
why would you want to joke about something so serious as sexual assault? its not a joking matter you fucking moron
But when they make fun of Trump for saying "Grab her by the pussy", that's fair game.
As a reminder, the Trump campaign illegally colluded with Russia.
cry more.. god you trump fags are insufferable
>after they made cuts
These people are in showbiz, they of all people should be destroying Weinstein. They just want to keep the idea that Hollywood are the good guys that can do now evil.
>but it’s so easy to make jokes about a guy that looks like this
Attacking the person's looks is all libshits can do.
- Drumpf is orange
- Conway looks old
- Weinstein looks fat and ugly
Such groundbreaking comedy, guise.
>show had prepared jokes about Weinstein but they were cut from the live broadcast after falling flat with the dress rehearsal audience.
When has not being funny ever stopped SNL?
I agree, treason is hilarious.
t. sore loser
Viewership has skyrocketed, Donald.
Too bad it was a loving tribute to a fucked up cunt rather than an actual comedic impression. That Leonard Cohen shit was pathetic
from 2 to 4 people
Fake news. Russia actually incontrovertibly colluded with the Clinton campaign by buying Facebook ads.
your parents didnt get this assblasted when chevy chase made fun of gerald ford falling down
>- Conway looks old
She's pretty good looking for her age
Realistically, they probably did. They just didn't have Sup Forums to shitpost on.
>recent remake of Stephen King's It
>recent remake
not again, yobanyi v rot.
>"Guys, we weren't tasteless enough the first time!"
desu I think SNL helped Trump. Morons who watch it probably thought it made me him likeable
curb your autism
i want to be that couch
I voted for Trump after watching only leftist media if that counts.
How that work out for you?
I dunno, user, you tell me.