Will this be a kino or a disappointment?
Will this be a kino or a disappointment?
Nice tits
nice tits
Nice tits
You mean nice plugs right?
Scorsese is consistently good, so I'm not worried. But I still think the deaging tech is going to be a little uncanny valley, and I wish Pacino could've worked with Marty back when he (Pacino, I mean) gave a shit.
Pacinos thinning old guy hair looks way better then that shit wtf.
Pacino looks like shit
Also no Joe Pesci? I am sure he'd like to have a paycheck some time this decade.
Such a cute couple.
De Niro really stepped up his game to land Pacino.
>tfw finish motor boating Pacino
pacino and de niro havent acted for at least 20 years
Really the only you should be worried about from this movie is the fact that Netflix is funding it. I think they are too controlling when it comes to the final product of something they've funded.
Pesci's in it too, but he didn't want to be. Scorsese had to bitch at him for years to convince him to be in it.
>movie starts
hes playing hoffa who had that sort of haircut
>billed height is 5'9"/5'10"
>is very clearly much shorter than that
That's how 90% of Hollywood is. Shave 1-3" of height off most billed heights.
>doubting scorsese
the absolute state of Sup Forums
Two of the most overrated actors in history desu senpai
>i got into movies only about three years ago: the post
the most overrated actors in history are bogart and brando
lookd like al's had a few too many DUNKACCINOS!
reminder that netflix had to give the money to actually make this movie happen. The absolute state of hollywood, jesus fucking christ.
Pesci is in it along with Harvey Keitel.
i hope they arent playing irishmen
and it's been in development hell for close to 8 years.
hes wearing those lifts because the character hes playing was 6'4
De Niro is a cuck and Pacino looks like he's about to die so it's going to be shit.
Haha from the thumbnail I thought it was lesbians
>Pacino looks like he's about to die
well pacino plays the character that gets killed so why post the obvious?
american gansters or whatever its called was a shit movie
Way longer than that. I remember hearing about Scorsese adapting this book going back to the 90's.
How would I know his character dies? I don't care either way. I wish everyone involved in this movie would die IRL
Fuck. I bet Frank Vincent would've been in it if he was still alive.
He's playing Jimmy Hoffa dumbfuck.
Righteous Kill was one of the worst movies I've ever seen.
yeah, but they announced that they were going into production in 2010.
Dues vult