>no jews
>little to almost no blacks
>mostly whites
>3D asian waifus
>always raining so maximum comfiness
Is this /ourfuture/?
>no jews
>little to almost no blacks
>mostly whites
>3D asian waifus
>always raining so maximum comfiness
Is this /ourfuture/?
Other urls found in this thread:
haha you wish
It's also aesthetic.
I thought Blade Runner was supposed to be a dystopia?
yeah it's a dystopia for kikes.
That's why it flopped.
>Blade Runner
>Blade Runner + Drive = Blade Runner 2049
To Europeans this is basically how americans look now
>inb4 some silly meme about Sweden
at least our niggers are self segregated, the white people here are actually white even if they aren't breeding
BR actuallly has a fairly optimistic future for humanity
>inb4 some silly meme about Sweden
Go to sweden.se and start scrolling down
do people actually give credence to these whose?
>it's called Blade Runner
>there are no blades
That's why it flopped
>white is the main neutral color of Jois
what did they mean by this
>it's called Blade Runner
>literally zero scenes of Wesley Snipes jogging
Fucking this
>no Jews
>harrison ford is white when he fits my agenda
Really makes me think
yes, this. very much this.
Haha just like when Jews say they're white themselves when it's convenient then quickly switch to being Israeli when White people need to be thrown under the bus.
looks bleak and dystopian so it's probably the alt-right future
>Jared Leto
He's clearly Japanese
All the diverse people obviously moved off-world. They're smart like that.
goddammit. You people are going to meme this movie forever like Drive, aren't you
user is going to shitpost about Blade Runner forever. CELLS
For a film set in future LA, there were surprisingly few Mexicans. Only Edward James Olmos and Ana de Armas
No reason to keep em around now that we got replicants
Replicants are more effective at mowing the law and they don't rape.
Ana de Armas isn't Mexican.
Hnng Lexi lookin fine in brunette
She's Cuban, which makes her a Florida Mexican. Big fuggin difference
imagine the boob slider
But she doesn't remotely look like Lexi?
She has more in common with Leah.
She's perfect as it is.
Yeah I was actually amused by that black cop they introduce at the begining, never to return again after that. Kek, interlinked.
I thought it was interesting that they went with the 1980's version of the future (half the shit is in Japanese) rather than the modern speculation of the future (half the shit in Chinese).
It was a nice bit of continuation/homage to the period the original came out in.
>>Blade Runner + Drive = Blade Runner 2049
Blade Runner Earth is filled with shitskins, race-mixing and defective/trashy people. Only White people left behind are bussinesmans and rulers in general(CEOs and such), and all the "common" good people flew off-world to live comfy lifes.
Earth is the dystopia, offworld is another tale.
>im kino
KINO confirmed.
apologize to ana
Luv > Joi
is it wierd to say i like them small and perky?
The Soviet Union is still a thing. They sell the Russian ballerina-things.
>the soviet union sells
painful irony, but yeah.
>eye color : brown
Not hazel?
There are going to be more countries in the future, not fewer, so it's certainly possible for a lot of people.
Retrofuturism, remember we're looking into a universe and time period as imagined by a man from 1968.
*slow clap that increases into an excited clap*
Petite >>> Thick
fight me
Lost my shit
I will fight you.
>at least our niggers are self segregated
you don't think that's what America is like? Most white people live in communities with little to no black people.
>every single person in America will have an inconspicuous light brown tone
I'm a lib and even I think this is garbage.
solid NO
>Most white people live in communities with little to no black people.
Confirmed. I live in such an area.
>Skin Tone: Olive
Shes "Cuban" from spaniard parents, no native blood or anything in her.
Blade Runner 2049 gave exactly nothing to this crowd, and it feels good. In an age where shit is constantly being revised and rewritten to accommodate the "muh race muh gender" shrills, BR did nothing of the sort, and held true to its vision.
This movie will become another "flop turned cult classic" that will define sci-fi and futurescapes for another 30 years, and SJWs/feminists/BLM/etc. were not invited to the party. Nothing makes me happier.
they look so ugly
>why are there no black people
>picture shows a black woman
>literally celebrating what amounts to a eugenics movement
Why are the lefty tryhards such literal nazis?
Happy I'm not a burger then.
How do you know it wasn't? Certainly it's a hugely female-centric movie. Most of the central and secondary characters are women: Joi, Joshi, Luv, Dr. Stelline, Mariette, the leader of the resistance, and the movie of course revolves around Rachel. It passes the Bechdel test a couple times. It has a multi-ethnic cast despite what others are claiming (black dude runs the orphanage, like half the cops we see working around Joshi are black, the coroner dude is brown, etc etc).
It's a movie about the sacredness of motherhood in a motherless world. You're nuts if you think it's not a feminist film.
>combining the power of blacks with the intelligence of whites
What's wrong about mixed race again?
>Luv said "I'm the best" when he manage to beat K
>Feminist yet somehow missed this and keep bitching about lack of stronk women
>tfw you realize this is a utopian film
>my dystopian movie has bad things in it
wow who would have guessed.
you didn't even mention the fact that gosling walks around like a retard the entire movie, not to even speak of ford who is too senile to even run anymore, though to be fair he retired from the blade running officially
as another user stated the film has some pretty undoubtedly feminist themes when you analyze it, Villeneuve is known for this, nothing is sacred or for free in modern Hollywood the film is basically completely centered around female reproduction being sacred