imagine fucking her ape pussy and the whole time she's making loud monkey noises
Imagine fucking her ape pussy and the whole time she's making loud monkey noises
Hot monke pusi
Come on man do we really need another Thor Ragnarok thread?
I thought this was an inter-racial porn troll thread and that I was on Sup Forums. all it needs is a little '' in the corner.
... women already making loud monkey noises during sex
So, basically getting it on with an African American? Geeze
What does ape pussy smell like?
Human beings have the largest cocks of primates. Gorilla penises are only about 3inches. That monkey slut was dying for the big human cock to pound her tight simian pussy.
Do women actually do that? Whenever I fap I'm silent as a mouse, do women really need to moan out when they have something inside them?
>t. eternal virgin
Michelle Obama?
szechuan sauce
giv black gf
You have to wonder if Burton was banging her in the monkey costume because I sure would
that explains a lot
like most of my tinder dates
not quite.
they have penis bones. makes them larger, but harder to evaluate actual virility.
It's part of their genetic programming. If the female makes a lot of noise during sex it'll likely attract others interested in it, giving the male even more potential partners to breed with.
source: my ass, but it seems plausible right?
>makes them larger
Every source I can find on the Internet says otherwise --gorilla penises are small. And I was fully aware of the penis-bone --humans and spider-monkeys are the only primates without as far as I know. Do not question my expertise on animal cocks ever again.
Yeah, but who knows how much of a show they're putting on?
shut up dude you are a forever virgin like the rest of us
>giving the male even more potential partners to breed with.
It's probably the opposite - it'll give the female more partners to fuck, because the sound she makes fucking would attract other males, upping the chances of her getting impregnated by one of them
Women feel more pleasure during sex.
that sounds like the opposite.
it would attract other males who might be better than the one she's with.
>Do not question my expertise on animal cocks ever again.
kek, your autistic lack of reading comprehension was worth this line alone. "it" (the penis bone) makes the 3 inch dick larger than it would be otherwise. not larger than a human's.
I remember when me mum bought me a new cum rag because she found mine underneath the bed
Based mom, did she keep hold of the old one?
Knowing my mum she'd probably show it off whenever I had a girl over.
I don't have to imagine. I fucked your mother last night.
Imagine fucking her ape pussy and the whole time she's making loud monkey noises
Don't be silly, BLACKED doesn't feature white males with black females. It's exclusively black male white female pairings!
Fun fact, did you know the owner of is Jewish?
Call me Tarzan, King of the Apes.
nah is part of a cultural thing to moan, in porn its standard for her to moan and for him to be stoic. but male and females can shout or take it quiet. Only difference is that in the man you can see the erection, while the woman can fake it.
I guess female whores got it easier in that sense.
based banposter
Is that what a woman's anus looks like? I didn't think it would be so pink.
Where's this from?
only some, most loud ones are faking it
Most don't.
I had an ex that was into pain and such who'd make the most beautiful noises if you twisted her clit and nipple simultaneously with a pair of wire pliers. But, that was unusual.
a g-girl over...?
most guys will tell you no, either because they're virgin like you, or they're white. with that small white dick they can't really do something that will make woman actually moan like crazy in bed
black men however, once he stucks that big black cock inside their vaginas, women turn into different creatures. from nice quiet girl they turn into NIGGER FUCK ME HARD kinda girl. All the blockade is gone, she would never say the word nigger in real life. But right now she's in pure shock, pure ecstasy, she doesn't care. All it matters is right now, in this bed. She tells the black guy to go faster, harder. She yells NIGGER FUCK ME. And what does guy is supposed to do? Tell that bitch to fuck off? Nah, not at least he cums. Until then she can call him a nigger, a monkey, whatever she wants. A fucking meteorite heading for earth, tsunamis, earthquakes. Nothing matters. Only a black guy and his black cock inside her.
It's true.
fucking race mixers
day of the rope motherfuckes