How much do you like Porgs, Sup Forums?
How much do you like Porgs, Sup Forums?
Literally a hate symbol, senpai. Don't tell the media.
i liked them before disney cleaned up their image
77/15 zig hail my fellow nasis!
Cute CGI animals? In a major entertainment franchise? Disney must have those BIG BRAIN niggas working round the clock to come up with this stuff!
Please. Please ruin this little Ewok 2.0 for the normies. Make Disney suffer.
I hate how big her fucking head is
Fuck off Disney marketers
Why can't these people just die?
P urity
O rder
R acism
G enocide
Are these the same people that go to GoT screenings at bars?
those bangs are way too short
How does a weak manlet like him get a cute, tall girl like her?
the fuck is a porg?
>How does a weak manlet like him get a cute, tall girl like her?
its probably an open relationship
looks like a tranny
Be a yes"""man""" I guess
Daily reminder that the 'le porgs are nazis xxdd' meme is being pushed by Disney to get alt righters engaged with their brand
I don't understand all the sperging
they look like starwars characters
I think starwars fans don't acutely like starwars but just have clung onto it due to a shaky childhood
Its just not as obvious as someone who wont let his fisher price toys go
This. If there was a real outrage I'd see it on my twitter feed but this is all contained on Sup Forums and Sup Forums. Free advertising for Disney.
Are we sure this isn't a mother and her son on OP's pic?
>jewish run Disney is trying to associate their biggest cash cow with Nazis to get some neetbux
Sure thing, retard
reminder that Disney shot themselves in the foot and spreading the word of PORG is like a cleansing fire to the Star Wars fanbase
It's an easy Christmas gift for my brother I guess.
I'm not going to overthink it in all honesty.
>they look like starwars characters
I wish I could hate you to death.
implying marketing strategies like that never happened user
tell me more
They look awful and annoying.
Yes. Go tell your jewish boss you want to promote your billion dollar franchise by slapping some swastikas and klan hoods on it. Please, tell me more about how Disney wants this.
That's a ftm trans
is this what mental illness looks like?
It's too bad nobody in the alt-right will actually buy the toys.
Jews want Nazis again so they have an excuse to be victims again
Because it's encouraging people who would never have otherwise associated with their progressive movies to become engaged with their brand, and possibly spend money on their products '''''ironically'''''
You aren't fooling anyone. All the edits look like they were done on the same program and by the same person, they're always the same images, and they're always posted robotically with no discussion or OC to go along with them. It makes me envisage some bored interns at some random marketing firm with folders of these edits pre-prepared and ready to go
Everything about these movies and the company that makes them is cynical and calculated and it takes absolutely no stretch of the imagination to imagine that Disney would do this. It's an established fact that marketing firms regularly do this for their clients on a multitude of popular internet sites
Fuck off and die you revolting little shill
>our babies will be short AND beautiful!
As for a citizen of not a blacked ( or turked if you will ) relatively normal part of Europe the things I see about state of US are beyond the point that could be described as "strange". Now I look and think "abstract"
Love the Sup Forums's influence by the way.
this to be honest. Cliched hitler photoshops are not going to convince anyone those things are racist symbol, but instead it makes Sup Forumstards and other faggots think about "porg porg porg" all the time "pooooorg porg porg porg actually they are your favourite thing! poooorg porg porg"
You are fucking stupid man. To get that reaction you should make porgs about modern political climate, as anti-muslim character or something. Maybe a symbol for trans-hate, abortion or something you yankeees rage about.
Hitler-photoshops are like oldest thing of the internet and we've already seen everybody from teletubbies and kermit to domo-monster hang out with hitler. The biggest reaction you can get from your pathetic black n white photoshops is a laugh from some juvenile fella
Sup Forums photoshopping porgs with Hitler is literally the same as when /mlp/ would put ponies in historical paintings or photos.
It's really hilarious they don't see the parallel and this is going to backfire on then hard.
He's on the hit show Game of Thrones™ and desired by women because he is famous.
It's not Sup Forums, it's a paid-up marketing operation
I kind of want to go steal this pathetic manlet's girl. Imagine how easy it would be, I could just go stand next to them and she'd be wet.
fuck off disney shill
Your propaganda is clear
PORGS are a perfect target for parody, satire and outrage
You don't like to see them associated with nazis? It's making your life miserable sweetheart? Fuck off and FUCK PORGS!
PORGS are here. So fucking deal with it redditor and go fuck yourself with your infantile complaints.
Grow a pair of balls for a change, steal porgs and burn them live on twitch like Jews in Dachau. Burn them all.
Honestly, her GoT character would be more likely to do that.
I mean, Christ. All she ever talked about was fucking.
Would getting a Star Wars related tattoo get me a solid 8/10 blue hair GF? If so, I'm all for it!
didn't know dylan roof was a star wars fan. explains a lot.
>You are fucking stupid man
>jews are putting swastikas on their merchandise after painting nazis as the most evil on earth for 70 years.
You think Disney Jews care more about their religion and ethnicity than making money?
Maybe they do, you think they give a fuck about some Sup Forumstards seeing them as hypocrites after that?
They don't give a fuck buddy, cos they are not lifeless faggots who obsess over meaningless childish shit. They obsess over money and power.
If you think jews think like this: "oy vey, this could paint me as hypocrite and cliched greedy jew in the eyes of those internet conspiracy fags" you are wrong
They think like this: "oy vey, this is gonna get me some more income"
>"oy vey, this is gonna get me some more income"
Public association of their intelectual property with nazis could hit their sales, not make them more money. Corporations are obsessed with their image.
Only a whole bunch
Dude, do you know what is guerrilla marketing. Even if they did those photoshops, nobody could prove it was them.
You have a childs brain, man. Grow up
>guerrilla marketing
In what sense associating their mascot with nazis could help them?
to spread the star wars character around. Thats literally it. He could be hanging out with osama, or pretend to shoot a nuke with kim jong, that would still generate em more money. All publicity works, it "implants" porg in peoples mind
Do you actually unironically think this? The only way I could explain why someone would say this is if they're some Disney shill trying to persuade 4channers to stop making porg nazi shops. There is no way in hell nazi porgs are going to convince normalfags to go and watch the shitty movie or buy shitty merchandise.
I love PAWGs
Is this why disney and other corporations convinced you tube to demonetize videos which "depict characters in bad light"?
Jesus fucking christ, don't you get it? Almost all of those photoshops are about hitler, probably the most famous man of the century. You think family guy or simpsons thought including hitler would give them bad name?
Don't you still get it you stupid fuck? If the shops would depict porg murdering interracial babies, or getting ready to shoot theater full of black people and sjw watching star wars, then maybe just then I would believe it is NOT guerrilla marketing.
But hitler? I'm 99% sure its guerrilla marketing
>There is no way in hell nazi porgs are going to convince normalfags to go and watch the shitty movie or buy shitty merchandise.
They already have the normalfag market you dense twat
This is a marketing campaign specifically targeted at neckbeard alt-righters
>work retail
>did a star wars event to midnight release the new toys, same thing we did for force awakens
>huge turnout, expecting similar this time
>store opens, and this tiny squad of families comes marching through
>mfw our dumbass store manager is marching them thru single-file b/c he's expecting chaos like last time, but this time its just a very orderly, small group of over the hill dads and reluctant wives, sons and daughters
>and of course some neckbeards
>one of whom is my manager from dayside
>trying not to laugh while this usually all business dude barely restrains his orgasms at THE LATEST fucking version of the stormtrooper
>night's about over, we hold a drawing
>the prize is a gigantic fucking porg
>draw the ticket
>big surprise, day manager wins
>let it slip to a couple folks that he works here
>now angry star wars nerds are accusing this dude of rigging the contest
>its getting pretty heated and looks like they could actually start fighting
>mfw day manager is trying to fend off an angry crowd of smelly mama's boys while holding this MASSIVE man-sized version of this dumb penguin looking alien
>i swear the porg is beginning to look angry as well
>dude finally hauls that shit into a shopping cart and storms out of *his store*
>already insanely lame night has turned even more bizarre and ridiculous
>mfw his reputation is now entirely one of being a nutty star wars freak
>mfw people, including other managers, call him "porg" now behind his back
>mfw hearing he might be getting fired because he might actually HAVE rigged the drawing, and apparently he's done this before with other popular things like hoarding those hatchimal things to resell and taking home boxes of shopkins
>mfw if this man loses his salary job and the grim reminded will be his giant life size porg, its eyes full of all his sins, staring at him from his star wars room
>yfw someone thinks these are marketing things
Nazi-porg got nothing to do with Disney marketing. It's literally anti-marketing made by few autists.
As soon as Star Wars The Last Jedi trailer shown screaming porg, somone photoshopped it into screaming nazi officer having a speach. Then people who were frustrated by these obviously toy-sale purpose creatures such as Ewoks or JarJar found chance to use internet and meme porgs with nazi, in hope that mass media catch it and hurt Disney sales plan. Similar to Pepe memes. For more connected fact that Walt Disney was actually pro-nazi to some level.
If You find these Trailer threads in archives, You can see for Yourself. Or go on and fool Yourself.
she'd probably move away from your smell
You mean like this? Still think I work for Disney, retard?
How the fuck can they be that popular? It's like a forced meme.
Maybe not knowingly, dumbass.
Or maybe you're the head of some shitty recent guerrilla marketing firm who made a minor deal with some minor marketing boss to get the "alt-righters" to watch the new star wars because of /ourcreature/ or whatever lame catchphrase you can come up with
Come on guys, I'm a paid Disney shill and the PR department said this would get the autist market and NOT alienate a single normalfag. Yes, a marketing departnent had a meeting and all agreed that making pogs hang niggers and chill with Hitler was a good strategy for a company geared towards children and ran by jews. See, I'm helping!
Top fucking kek, these are great.
>You think family guy or simpsons thought including hitler would give them bad name?
Do you know what context is, buddy? And do you really think the people making pictures of nazi minion cash ins to scare away the normalfag market are going to buy the damn things? We're trying to do the same thing that made Pepe a white power symbol or whatever.
You know the point of this is to scare normalfags away from this consumer autism, right?
Keep bumping faggot, I'll be in every porg thread until you shills fuck off. Enjoy the ride.
I got memes for days, senpai.
Made me laugh
jej a few star wars fans dead just means a bit more fertilizer
Jesus christ you really sound like a guerrilla marketer trying to fit in. What a fag.
Next post you probably try to make my claims ridiculous by claiming that its impossible that disney executives would invite you to make memes with them. Guerrilla marketing doesn't work that way. If someone would get a job to force character or movie here in Sup Forums or in plebbit, it would probably be one or two man operation, hired without contract by some sales promoter
Wtf, porgs are so based! I will totally see Star Wars™ The Last Jedi™. If you want to save white race, you should watch it too!
yeah, keep going. Make more of those vanilla hitler pics with absolutely no shock value in 2017. That will surely show those nogging normalies not to support star wars!
>thinking you have a chance
Nigger they value money and status more than anything
Yo is that a porg... chillin with hitler!!??!!? That's fucking awesome I'm going to go straight to my local Target (tm) and buy one of those life sized Porgs right this instant! You know. To save the white race!
he is probably delusional. Probably virgin too who thinks that you simply get pussy by being taller than someone, because he has no actual experience in picking up women
K. And do keep ignoring the Klan and lynching pics. Because EVERYONE loves the Klan.
Haha! thats pretty raaaaaad... I mean hitler :D nooo wayyyyy xD chill out porgieeeeee
deffinitely /ourayyyyylium/ ayyyyyy roflmaoo Xd
My fellow white supremacists, we should all buy porg plushies and alarm clocks to further our cause and trigger liberals!
I will do it too! Shame on this fucking normie Jew, who tries to discourage you, mein genosee
Nice, saved. Have a porg back!
here is 1st example, this is when all started, 4 days ago in thread
And look how fast the normalfags fucked off. See, this is how you end shilling on here.
Don't try to struggle out of this, you know perfectly that klan holds no serious power anymore and is basically ONLY used as comedic relief.
Think about it. What would guerrilla marketer, who is not an actual racist, use in his "raycis" memes?
Hitler and ku klux klan. Lynching pic doesn't fit in but its probably just to be more convincing while trying to recruit help at Sup Forums
he thinks hitler is vanilla enough so he doesn't get bad conscience even if he spams his picture everywhere and glorifies him. Hitler is iconic character and historical figure that no amount of shitting on or glorifying him will change.
The klan? Bunch of pathetic rednecks. Even modern hardcore nazis think them as complete clowns who are probably fbi'd every month just because its fun to bully those rednecks
>pr with the klan and Hitler is a good strategy for a children's company
K, I'll be in these threads for the next two months