Is she the pure waifu of all grown men that aren't Sophiefags?
Is Anya kino?
I love her
ayy lmao
she looks like that porn star that does mainly incest videos
What hasn't the CIA disposed of this alien filth yet?
Sophiefag detected!
Pure and sacred.
She seems like she can't handle fame well enough. Normie tier will-be-slut
love her
What is she thinking about?
Anya is thinking about how she was Charles Xavier's prisoner and now she's in a timeline where he's a crippled Professor.
shes literally an alien
>tfw can't decide if i like her more as blonde or brunette - both are great
Real men prefer Anya.
>not giving us a name
anya is a doe, not an alien
molly jane?
>anya is a doe
A dear?
fuck off esl