Discovery >Cast members openly mocks and shits on fans >Show is behind a paywall >Takes pride that it's not gonna be just another trek show >BTFO of Orville in premiere ratings even with a NFL lead in >In the end drives record numbers of cbs all access subscriptions to 5+million >Critics and audiences adore it
Orville >Takes pride it's a cheap knockoff of trek shows >All the jokes fall flat >Bleeding viewers with every episode >Butchered by critics >Critics and viewers alike only liked the Krill episode because it wasn't written by seth macfarlene unlike the rest of the series
Can you guess which series is gonna get a second season? Press F to pay respects
Don't forget seth's pathetic attempt at drumming interest by doing a Q&A tweetfest for orville. All questions asking why it's so bad compared to STD and Family Guy. JUST
Grayson Cruz
STD! Hahahahaha seriously tho no one cares about your shitty thread you should Kys sage
Wyatt Martin
STD = kino Orville = TNG fanboy containment show
Simple as that, The Orville only fits a niche audience while STD was designed for the modern television viewer
Evan Murphy
>Critics and audiences adore it
Audiences ? I don't think so.
Jason Phillips
Samuel Reed
Rhe only reason STD is doing well (if it is, can't wait for those subscriber numbers next month after all the feebies are gone) is because it's got Star Trek in the title. It's not Trek it's a shitty expanse knock off
Andrew Scott
It's such a shame that STD is on a nothing network
Liam Nguyen
now i'm definitely not watching this victim nigger show
>orville general dies due to lack of interest despite it airing a new episode just last night
This is beyond sad
Gavin Morgan
It reached bump limit genius
Nathan Young
What's STD's budget? Doing 'well' might not be enough.
Nicholas Sanchez
>Jason Isaacs not there Based
Camden Phillips
he should have just died on 9/11.
Logan Bell
Juan Gutierrez
bruh look at this dude ohoho wait till you see the ph- ooohuhuhu oh nononono ohohohooooooo..... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA AHHH LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD HAHAHAHAHAAAAH LOOK AT HIS LIPS HEHEEEEEEEE
Isaiah Ward
>Freakishly Strong >Powerset based off of John Carter of Mars, same as Superman >Basically localized Space Cop >Those uniform colours >Ayy Lmao God damn it. All the Dragonball/Jiren spam threads from a few days ago are getting to me.
Grayson Barnes
We don't have any idea if it's doing well or not.
The pilot episode was shown on CBS network tv and had a 1.9 rating, Orville pilot had a 2.7 rating as a comparison.
From there on it's been on CBS All Access, which means we don't know how well it's doing, CBS claim they doubled their subscribers, and I believe that is true, but it means jack squat since we don't know the number of subscribers prior to STD making it on to the platform.
As for budget and a second season, given that Netflix paid the lions share of the production costs for this season, unless they are ready to pony up for a continuance this show is dead. There's no way CBS All Access subscriber fees will pay for anything close to the production budget of this series.
Brandon Robinson
>don't release ratings of your private internet show >endlessly proclaim better ratings when quite literally its not possible, because fucking nobody subs to your shitty online service
Gabriel Foster
Both are shit, it's just that the Orville is the bigger pile.
Oliver Nelson
Help me understand television business, why do ratings matter on the very first episode aired? People need to watch one and then make up their mind if they plan on watching it further, right? Pitting pilot against pilot seems weird to me. Bleeding numbers is perfectly understandable though.
Robert Bennett
> pretty good show > not so much a knock-off of trek but a real world trek.
> Virtue signaling, the series > Rob black and brown people of money forcing them to pay to watch and convincing them they have a duty to do so.
Kayden Wood
>Riker shaved >Riker gets a beard >Alara shaved >Alara gets eyebrows >Klingons unshaved >Klingons get shaved by the faggot Singer
Robert Edwards
Nevermind that shit, actual good Sci-Fi show coming through.
Grayson Williams
>general That's your problem right there you fucking redditor. Everything doesn't need to have a fucking general.
Landon Howard
Season 3 soon.
Dylan Taylor
It matters as those are the only comparison numbers we have with which to gauge interest, which in turn could translate into CBS All Access subscribers.
If we had CBS All Access numbers, this would be a discussion of facts rather than guesswork.
Nathaniel Powell
You only like STD because it has pretty visuals. Everything else about the show is just mediocre.
Carter Cook
The initial viewership drop was caused by them moving to a different day, which was completely expected. Other than that, the ratings seem to have stabilised.
Michael Edwards
>a real world trek. What do you mean?
Ryder Rodriguez
Why do people think Orville is not the SJW show and Discovery is? I've been trying Orville and so far every episode has been retarded levels of SJW like the female sex change episode. The scenes where the lawyer reasonably pointed out where the single examples of other species don't really relate to the question only to be called a dick stand out. The one I'm watching now is "religion is for close minded zealots duders".
Sebastian Roberts
Firefly was cancelled on the third show
Brandon Perry
Actually like both (despite Mcfarlance being a cuck) because I enjoy the theme, about to check out EP1 of
will report back soon. Here's a cool pic in the meatime.
Kayden Green
oh god it's Syfy ...
Alright, I took a bite, now I've gotta chew it.
Liam Myers
>star trek is all about screaming, people punching each other, and explosions! truly a nu-male opinion worthy of nu-Sup Forums
Brody Young
>The initial viewership drop was caused by them moving to a different day, which was completely expected Why do Fox always do that though? It's such a common pattern you'd think someone there just hates sci-fi with a passion.
Ethan Brown
And all was right in the world.
Thomas Thompson
Not that user but I think he means Orville is an actual Star Trek show in all the ways that STD is not it just doesn't have the name. When you see how many Star Trek people are in the credits for Orville and how many people in the credits for STD are people who have been making cookie cutter bullshit for their whole careers it makes sense.
Samuel Mitchell
Jason Martinez
STD is so overdesigned is almost hurts to watch.
Blake Perry
what was the point of making geeky things mainstream and then pumping it full of diversity and hyperleft politics?
what was the fucking end game?
Joshua Price
>cbs all access subscriptions to 5+million
So you're saying 5 million is a lot on an internet user base with an optimal of multi-billions daily?
By your own data STD would be alongside The Orville, or lower in viewership.
Gavin Fisher
I'm sure those people are all super smart so we should definitely follow their lead
Adrian Lee
But then there would be no American Dad and American Dad is great. At least it got immensely better once it stopped being really "his".
Cooper Hughes
TNG is the shittiest Star Trek series. I have no idea how it is the most popular. Probably because the kiddos grew up watching X-Men 1 and X-2.
Nathaniel Nguyen
> STD was designed for the modern television viewer
It's a fucking JJ Abrams festival. His films physically fucking exhaust me. I don't know how on earth anyone would watch that show.
Ryan Torres
Last episode proved the Orville is far superior. They effectively made an episode of the first 2 episodes of STD.
They were facing a religious zealot (nuKlingon/Krill), but instead of the first idea being blasting them to kingdom come, they wanted to understand them through their religion ("Thats a Federation sentiment if I ever Heard one"). And even when they had to kill the crew to save the colonist they wouldn't kill the children, and had them returned to their home knowing that they might become enemies later.
Simply because it was the moral and right thing to do. The Orville did STD BETTER than STD.
Charles Lopez
episode was reallytt good and made me laugh quite a bit and hit the spots of questioning morality and stuff that trek does
where as in STD, fuck all has happened and fuck all to care about, like just pure cringe and tryhard and elluding to things with no end in sight , juts terrible
Elijah Jones
Orville is garbage. Poltards here only pretend to like it to spite STD for casting a black chick as the lead.
Hudson Rivera
Speaking of black actors this guy can't deliver a line for shit. It's not just the dialogue that's written for him that's bad but his performance as well. >next episode is centered on him aaaand gonna be the worst episode
Lucas Brooks
the left knows it looks like shit, the right is unaware it looks like shit
Sebastian Taylor
>Alright guys it's the premiere night of our show but before it comes on we have to teach drumpfy a little lesson by taking a knee and posting a picture of it on instagram
Kevin Garcia
Why continue using this argument? Even Sup Forums loves Benjamin Sisko, a black lead character. The problem is Michael's a shit character, and that wouldn't change if she's made a white male; but being a black and female enables them to label those who criticize her as both sexist and racist.
Luis Cruz
Marketers don't know about Sisko. I can't find an archive of the articles before they started editing them, though google has some of the original titles cached.
Samuel Wilson
Has this fat numale ever had an original idea?
Owen Evans
fucking really They're saying all of this as if Star Trek didn't have quite a few black actors already, including a lead, and including one of the first black women to have a regular role in a TV program.
Jeremiah Johnson
The Orville is doing incredibly well with its ratings and is the highest rated new show on Fox.
Jaxson Long
No one cares. Fuck off.
Dylan Baker
It's literally the topic of this thread.
Isaiah Rogers
I care
Robert Clark
No hes not, he's a big time anti-trump faggot.
Christopher Wood
why are they all taking a knee anyway?
Parker Cox
Ding-Dong Diddly cringe
David Gomez
These are the same people who think cops "murder" blacks in cold blood.
Lincoln Cook
> can confirm Sup Forums here Sisko was fine because it wasn't in our face most of the time, except for that shitty comic book episode. Mummy janeway was based too.
Austin Hughes
Because of institutional racism
Tyler Collins
>Show is behind a paywall
Is it really? LOL Glad I pirate everything. I'm so far removed from where the content of anything comes from now that I literally don't know what shows come from what networks or companies. Nor, do I fucking care. But, seriously, people PAY for that shit? hahaah
Chase Bell
Yeah I wonder how long it will be before Sup Forums admits they backed the wrong horse. From what I've seen most people who talk shit about STD didn't actually watch it and they're trying hard to like Orville every episode, even ones about cutting up baby genitals.
>Hurr diversity! Orville has a lower ratio of whites and men on the main cast than STD, and is 10x more political. I just don't get it.
Kevin Ramirez
Ever notice that the people who do this sort of thing are typically the same people who follow just about every 99%-styled event or propaganda? It is like they are desperate to belong yet desperate to be different.
Lincoln Martin
Lol cry more Mr man tits
Joseph Kelly
What is this the remake of Gay Niggers from outer Space?
Jeremiah Lewis
Why do Orville fanboys have to go out of their way to be jackasses? If you love the show Orville is ripping off then surely you know you're being an awful human being.
Isaiah Bailey
whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa muh Sup Forums
Jeremiah Bell
Sounds like your saying more about yourself then anything Tbvh.
Ian Taylor
I won't watch discovery because it has a nigger lead.
Ayden Butler
As objective as I can be, it seems to me The Orville is winning.
You can tell whe.n people are Luke warm, or are invested and thus defensive on flawed shows, movies, ideas etc.
You can also tell when people love something. Fans love the Orville. The STD fan base is truly split, and even then I don't see the American level of positivity. Every serious YouTube review I've watched starts with, " looks great"
Nathan Stewart
So a myth.
Dylan Flores
No (you) for you shill
Thomas Powell
>6 episodes >1 is a muh animals episode >1 is transgender/sexism episode >2 of them is le religion is evil episodes This is far up its own ass than Discovery
Landon Russell
MacFarlane is smarter than you and it shows.
Blake Flores
You 100% correct
Carter Nelson
Modern televisions fucking sucks then. Why can't they even afford proper lighting?
Anthony Allen
Kevin Sanders
>STD watchers mad that The Orville watchers enjoy themselves I don't understand.
Blake Foster
Both shows kind of fall flat imo but Orville at least makes me smile a few times and feel comfy whereas Discovery just makes me bored and uncaring
Jose Brown
>I've been trying Orville and so far every episode has been retarded levels of SJW like the female sex change episode. the protagonists were against the operation happening to a child. >The one I'm watching now is "religion is for close minded zealots duders". they're obviously muslims. the war obsessed culture, the severed head, the radicalized children.
Kayden Collins
Well that kills it.
Gavin Cook
Orville sounds deep as shit then, guess I have to pirate that show with no survivors.
Isaac Hernandez
Yeah, by the ratings, of which Orvilles are dropping and STDs are rising.
Most people I see criticizing STD are criticizing the behavior of the cast and crew and not the series itself, or are just bandwagoning with people who didn't even watch it. Viewership doesn't lie, though.
Isaiah Ortiz
Political schlock. I'll just enjoy my comfy neutral Discovery.
Hudson Parker
>Viewership doesn't lie, though. Too bad you have to lie about viewership.
Oliver Torres
And here come the contrarians, defending this tripe because it's made by their reddit hero.
Jason Gonzalez
>Viewership doesn't lie, though.
Where are these viewership figures for STD?
Hudson Reed
He's not talking about you personally, it's about normal people without autist agendas.
Kayden Jackson
>Political schlock. I'll just enjoy my comfy neutral Discovery. see
Nolan Fisher
>Based The badge of honor of the mouthbreather.
Cameron Richardson
I'm watching E6, I'm getting a warhammer 40k feel from the krill. in a good way.
i do like the religious aspect, not in a fedora way but it sets them apart from the trek empires Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians.
Jason Ward
I am defending Orville because It's kept me watching. I don't really over-analyze my media. I have so much to choose from that either something entices me to watch more or I shut it off and move on to something else. There's no agenda to my viewing habits outside of entertainment.
I shut STD off right when Michael vulcan-neck pinched her captain so she could mutiny and start a war. Not because she's black and not because the cast took a knee, but because that moment crystallized how poorly thought out and written that character(and the overalls story) is and probably will continue to be.
Dylan Turner
>not afraid to name the jew Weinstein >not anyone's here He is literally the best actor in Hollywood as we know it, cuck.