In real life he would have brutally raped her.
In real life he would have brutally raped her
Other urls found in this thread:
in real life he was 50 and she was 10
If you read the real story she ran off with him consensually and even went to England. Although john hit it and quit it and never called back and went back to England.
She isnt even the biggest feather whore. Look up malinche. Now that was a real race traitor ride or die bitch that loved white cock
In real life this gave me a chubby.
The closest one to the movie was a native girl who switched sides when spaniards arrived to the New World, became Cortes' lover and helped Spain to conquer America.
>In March 1614, the standoff built up to a violent confrontation between hundreds of English and Powhatan men on the Pamunkey River. At Powhatan's capital of Matchcot, the English encountered a group of senior Native American leaders. The English allowed Pocahontas to talk to her countrymen. When Powhatan arrived, Pocahontas reportedly rebuked him for valuing her "less than old swords, pieces, or axes", and said that she preferred to live with the English, "who loved her".[43]
Truly a heroine.
>Meanwhile Chad has already slipped out the back and stowed himself below decks on the first boat back to the real world
Ye olde roastie roast
>For the conquistadores, having a reliable interpreter was important enough, but there is evidence that Marina's role and influence were larger still. Bernal Díaz del Castillo, a soldier who, as an old man, produced the most comprehensive of the eye-witness accounts, the Historia Verdadera de la Conquista de la Nueva España ("True Story of the Conquest of New Spain"), speaks repeatedly and reverentially of the "great lady" Doña Marina (always using the honorific title Doña). "Without the help of Doña Marina," he writes, "we would not have understood the language of New Spain and Mexico." Rodríguez de Ocaña, another conquistador, relates Cortés' assertion that after God, Marina was the main reason for his success.
The lesson we learn from this is that woman are giant whores with no loyalty.
always the women
roasties will always love exotic cock
go to a nightclub in central america as a blond blue eyed guy and there'll be sluts begging you to put a baby inside them
they always frame these things as rape. I think liberals dont want to confront the reality that these women willingly went away with white men and in malinche's case actively helped white men conquer their own people
I don't think white women are any better in this regard.
In real life, he would've been scalped by the peaceful savage.
they certainly don't want to confront the reality that women were beaten, raped and abused in most these cultures especially in south america.
>your own women destroy your civilization for Chad dick
really makes me think
What if Pocahontas were white?
its always women.
light skin mestiza are best mestiza.
oh no doubt. white feminists especially are self indulgent harpies
the moral of the story is that women are traitors. Muslims atleast know this and keep their women on lockdown because of Eve eating the forbidden fruit and fucking humanity up.
the reality of native american life before the white man was endless blood shed and tribal warfare. I imagine women werent treated that nice. Although libs want to maintain that image of the noble savage destroyed by the ebil white man
Lol,muslims are shit. I have never met a Muslim woman but i imagine its catholic school girl syndrome on steroids. Must be gianttttttttt whores
Female loyalty can decide the fate of a race war.
If I were you, I'll think twice before calling for one.
Pocahontas has thousands of living descendents, my former roommate is one. From time to time I will send him unsolicited pornographic fan art pieces of the Disney princess. He doesn't much care for me, but he has yet to block me from social media. Why, I wonder?
modern warfare is nothing like it was back then. Shit a war like ww2 will never happen again either. If ww3 happens then the nuke go flying boyo.
Disney movies are very realistic though.
In real life vocal male SJWs are universally bad people who have committed sexual assault or are just really creepy towards women.
This is what feminism will do to you tribe and nation.
ummm you clearly failed american history class sweatie
the concept of feminism didnt even exist back then moron. She was actually a slave girl and she was given to cortez by the natives. She just decided to help him destroy them.
eve was the first feminist you nu-male.
My first self-insert NTR
>self insert as a hunchback
Muslim women are also whores, just low-key whores. This is even truer in the west where they have more freedom.
all women are wqueens
you are now aware that they pussied out and changed the captain from an asshole chad into a noble chad and quasimodo becomes a hero when he actually starved himself to death beside esmeralda's grave in the novel
God dam I'm getting all sorts of redpilled in this thread
>you will never have a cute girl betray her entire race for you
>According to surviving records, Marina learned of a plan by natives of Cholula to cooperate with the Aztecs to destroy the small Spanish army. She alerted Cortés to the danger and even pretended to be cooperating with her native informants while Cortés foiled their plot to trap his men. Cortés turned the tables on them and slaughtered many Cholulans.[6] In this manner, she is often considered as a traitor by many and her name is not revered among many locals
>Feminist interventions into the figure of Malinche began in 1960s. The work of Rosario Castellanos was particularly significant.[20] Her subsequent poem La Mallinche recast her not as a traitor but as a victim.[21] Mexican feminists defended Malinche as a woman caught between cultures, forced to make complex decisions, who ultimately served as a mother of a new race.[22]
Lets be honest here. We'd all rape her.
Bitch was a goddamn opportunist
She came from one of the Aztec subject states, she hated the Aztecs more than Cortes. She pushed Cortes to destroy the capitol when he would have rather saved it. Cortes was Marina's tool of vengeance.
Why would malinche be called a traitor when she helped to destroy the Mexica when they enslaved her? Are the other thousands of native warriors that fought for the spaniards also traitors?
absolute state of mexican feminists
>destroy her whole race
>years later feminist call her a hero
wow, haha too bad it's never going to happen now
mexican aztec pride is the dumbest shit ever anyways
>Later, she became a mistress to Cortés and gave birth to his first son, Martín, who is considered one of the first Mestizos (people of mixed European and indigenous American ancestry).
blond hair and green eyes, i am a lanklet and wristlet though. Will it still work? :(
>born too late to explore the world and create new races and nations thanks to your dick
Superior movie coming through
I don't blame her desu. She was born to a chief, who died when she was young. Her mother then married another chief, who forced her mom to sell her into slavery. If you were betrayed like that, you would have no loyalty toward your people either.
If i was a conquistador i would have tried to convince ferdinand to name himself emperor and king of kings just so i could bame my self king of the andes
Then try to create a proto-mormon christian cult just so i can fuck as many native women as possible
it's how I got my hip fetish
>Mexican feminists defended Malinche as a woman caught between cultures, forced to make complex decisions,
The decision of fucking over your people or your invaders.
Women are not to be trusted with matter of state ever.
I havent read the book. How much did Disney waterdown and change?
spoiler alert
The native girls threw themselves at the Spanish conquistadors.
>better looking
>had all the power
>your kid would be higher in the cast system
No shit
A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted by a deus ex machina with the girl's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn't exist in this universe at all. She is the girl's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.
Keit-ai is already a webcomic. Stop posting it.
i dont know about traitor but they were definitely retarded
>he isn't jacking off in this scene
not that realistic
Stop posting that because it's already a thing.
I did research on the whole Aztec/Cortes stuff because I was going to write a novel about it and in the end she gets pregnant with his child and he hands her off to some officer of his that she gets married to
the only thing that got me mad about that was how willingly the officer wanted to be a cuck like wtf dude
john smith fucked Pocahontas, went back to England. then Pocahontas married some beta provider. And even after she married the beta she took a trip to England and saw john smith at a party and blushed and called him daddy.
Ye old ancient alpha chads
Pocahontas and Rolfe lived in the suburb of Brentford, Middlesex, for some time, as well as at Rolfe's family home at Heacham Hall, Heacham, Norfolk. In early 1617, Smith met the couple at a social gathering, and later wrote that when Pocahontas saw him, "without any words, she turned about, obscured her face, as not seeming well contented", and was left alone for two or three hours. Later, they spoke more; Smith's record of what she said to him is fragmentary and enigmatic. She reminded him of the "courtesies she had done", saying, "you did promise Powhatan what was yours would be his, and he the like to you". She then discomfited him by calling him "father", explaining Smith had called Powhatan "father" when a stranger in Virginia, "and by the same reason so must I do you". Smith did not accept this form of address because, he wrote, Pocahontas outranked him as "a King's daughter". Pocahontas then, "with a well-set countenance", said:
Were you not afraid to come into my father's country and caused fear in him and all his people (but me) and fear you here I should call you "father"? I tell you then I will, and you shall call me child, and so I will be for ever and ever your countryman.[57]
Finally, Pocahontas told Smith that she and her fellow Native Americans had thought him dead, but her father had told Tomocomo to seek him "because your countrymen will lie much".[57]
is there any era where a man need not fear Chad
Pretty much this. People didn't have any real concept of race until after the colonial administration started their casta system. Malinche saw an opportunity to get back at those who wronged her and took it all the way.
>feminists:she was a gud girl, she didn't do nuttin
someone should seriously make a film about this. it would be feminists vs injuns.
>native women betray their people
>now white women betray their people
the eternal roastie strikes again
100x more ugly
black women are doing the same
>muh race
>muh women
Marina is someone to look up to. She was mistreated all her whole youth but took control over her life and took revenge upon the everyone that had done her wrong. Strong as fuck.
>not trying to score a QT jewish gf to breed
>gets bullied by a few people (don't even know this is true or not)
>"i know, let me destroy my entire race"
women indeed are irrational.
>thinking any woman of any race is loyal
Seriously though, read any of the stuff disney movies were based on. Little Mermaid, Sleeping Beauty, and Pinocchio all really stand out as very particular examples of Disneyfication.
if I had been in Jamestown or Roanoke I would've just tried to fuck the native women. The early settlers wasted time by waiting for white women and not trying to mix with the natives, their descendants would've ended up bleached again anyway
The eternal roastie will doom entire civilizations just for Chad dick. The Native Americans are a cautionary tale.
>muh race
>muh race
>muh race
She did the right thing and you can't deny it. The world is literally a better place thanks to her.
does anyone else totes hate white men but they still make their vagina moist?
This. It's biological imperative and sexual selection at work. Get mad at biology, not your headcannon inspired by deep seated white guilt you hide behind a feigned persecution complex.
this is pretty much every colored girl who is "woke" and a sjw
>She did the right thing by helping genocide her race
I bet Hitler did the right thing to huh?
>People didn't have any real concept of race
Yep just like no form of currency or bartering existed till quite recently and shield maidens were some of the most feared warriors ever to fight on the battlefield. Also 50% of all science was done by women but a man took credit for it.
>fuck up Europe like no one have ever done before for literally no reason
>hasten the inevitable and bring yourself from rags to riches
The invasion was already ongoing and the outcome were preordained.
Tfw libcucks try to make settlers into muh evil whitey?
Small pox blankets are a myth. The truth is natives heavily valued european trade goods, it's not like we were ripping them off like libcucks think.
>its ok because she didn't know better. it's not her fault, it was gonna happen either way g-guys.
You are such a fucking nu-male pussy.
>the outcome were preordained.
You will die one day so why not get it over with ?
Are you sure you replied to the right post?
That's exactly why Disney exists, to sell lies to children and help their parents pretend that the world is not a dog eat dog kind of place.
If I were suffering from some horrible incurable disease (the invasion) I sure would.
>(the invasion) I sure would.
So you'd be a coward who betrays all of his people.
Your words are meaningless then. No one should take you seriously.