I have a feeling Doug Walker will be accused of being the Harvey weinstein of E-celebs. Probably by Lindsay Ellis. Everyone will turn on channel awesome overnight even if it’s unproven. After Doug walker. Brad jones, Jontron and mike matei will be next.
Future Harvey Weinstein effect predictions
but why
>Mike Matei
he doesn't have to force himself on girls to get sex, they willingly submit to his 10" cock
He been on the Feminist shitlist for years
And why Brad Jones? He violates people indiscriminately by showing his pasty white ass to everyone.
I thought the Jontron issue was him calling out rapefugees which he was 100% right to do?
He called the PS4 retarded once and that caused a shitstorm, and not from Sony fans.
I don't believe it, he wouldn't dirty the genepool like that.
No, Lindsay doesn't seem to harbor a grudge against any of the TGWTG people and she seems like an honest person.
Why the hate for JonTron? Because he thinks it's ok to be white?
lindsay already said she got pissed once when she had to wear a sexy star trek costume but that's about it
doug is too autistic to try something sexual, but she is actually pissed and mocks him often about how dellusional he is and how he has no idea how a real movie set works
But that's not what the latest controversy was about with him, now was it? Useless sperg.
Out of annoying YouTube people I'm pretty sure that Max Landis is next. People are constantly gossiping about how he is a total creep behind the scenes.
Mike Matei falls in love with Inspector Gadget.
Unable to confess, Mike is gifted by a deus ex machina with Gadget's phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls him, and is overjoyed to find out that he has a crush on him as well, making his ten-inch cock twitch in his pants.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day's confessions to the inspector, he only looks at him with a perplexed expression and says, "I like to make brown bricks with mine crap." After some investigation, James finds out that the root he called is not the same robot who blasted him with a laser. In fact, he doesn't exist in this universe at all. He is Inspector Gadget's alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with AVGN's best friend's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of his crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of MINEYCRAFTA.
I am almost completely certain Moviebob will have about him come out. No man can be so obsessed with feminism unless he was hiding some serious shit
and stay there.
>the Harvey weinstein of E-celebs
That's Andy Signore
>Lindsay doesn't seem to harbor a grudge against any of the TGWTG people
She's shittalked Douge plenty of times
>she seems like an honest person
Iki wo tomemasu yappa kurushii desu
Iki wo suimasu san ni ichi
Demo kurushii desu yappa kurushii desu
Kimi ga koko ni inai no wa nande da
Iki ga dekimasu boku ikitemasu
Ikite iru noni samishii.
Demo ikitemasu waratte ikitemasu
Kimi ga koko ni inai noni nande...?
Nee waratte ii yo nee naite mo ii yo
Nee okotte ii yo suki ni natte ii yo
Nee KISU shite ii yo nee daite mo ii yo
Nee kimi dake no boku ni shite kurete ii yo
KIMI ni aemasu ATASHI ureshii desu
Ikite iru kara samishii.
Toki wo tomemasu toka itte mimasu
"Douka" to negaimasu unteach....
Nee waratte ii no? Nee naite mo ii no?
Nee okotte ii no? Suki ni natte ii no?
Nee KISU shite ii no? Nee daite mo ii no?
ATASHI dake no KIMI ni shite mo ii no kana...
Nee waratte ii yo nee naite mo ii yo
Nee okotte ii yo suki ni natte ii yo
Nee KISU shite ii yo nee daite mo ii yo
Nee kimi dake no boku ni shite kurete ii yo
"Waratteru." "KIMI datte"
"Naiteru no?" "Kimi datte"
"Suki da yo" "Boku datte"
"Mata aeru yo." "Matteru"
jontron is literally undefeatable at this point coming out as a Trump supporter and a race realist did nothing to his career so why should a false rape accusation
>jontron is literally undefeatable at this point coming out as a Trump supporter and a race realist did nothing to his career so why should a false rape accusation
He lost voice acting gigs and got fired from one of his you tube shows.
Also, he never said he supported Trump and even claimed to have voted for Obama in the last two elections. Shit, one of his videos made before the election joked about how Trump was never gonna win, and he shittalked Dubya during his administration.
Dude as left as they come. The only thing he's redpilled about is mudslimes.
Yeah, if getting exposed as a moron doesn't hurt him, why would rape?
>He lost voice acting gigs
Didn't he get cut from Yokalaylee which turned out to be shlock meanwhile he's still in Hat in Time which is much better reviewed?
No he tried to talk about politics and failed miserably, yet some plebs are still defending him.
Wasn't one of these guys revealed to be a diaperfur a couple of years ago?
Linkara has a dickgirl fetish, not sure about what either of the Walkers is into.
Is it still The Year of Spoony?
It's always The Year of the Spoony.
Isn't Spoony just a twitterbot now?