didn't see one up
Halloween horror general
I feel like I've already watched every single horror film worth watching already. Are there any good atmospheric, or schlocky 80s-esque stuff I should see that I probably haven't?
>the Virgin Frankenstein vs the Chad Dracula
Would you watch it?
How about you recommend them instead? You probably have already seen them but I recently enjoyed Brain Dead, Brain Damage, Bad Taste, and Basket Case.
yeah, what were your faves
Singapore Sling
The Gore Gore Girls
Did anyone see that F13 fan film? It was pretty good.
Part 3 is starting !
I'll be watching Rosamarry's Baby later tonight, how is it?
nothing particularly interesting, i was a pleb and stayed away from the hammer films for a while, but they're actually excellent. particularly horror of dracula. also the hellraiser sequels aren't half as bad as they're made about to be.
i'll check out brain damage, seen the others, thanks
Nice list
For you I'd recommend Street Trash
I'm throwing Body Melt into the mix as a rec
That movie is weird, and not in a good way.
Do you like slashers? Cause there are some great slashers.
not particularly, no. i generally go for stuff that has a particularly "halloweeny" vibe, so schlock from the 80s and hammer/universal stuff
Opera > Inferno > Tenebre >>>>>>>>>>> dogshit >>>>>>>>>>>>< Suspiria
where should I go from here?
What's the best non-Halloween movie to watch near Halloween and why is it this?
The Devil's Business
looks interesting, i'll add it to the list, thanks
oh, I know
anyone ever watch Twixt?
yeah. it's an incomprehensible mess. i think coppola is senile
Trick r Treat is a good halloween themed anthology film if that is something your looking for.
I watched Bone Tomahawk tonight, I really liked it. Great atmosphere
I'm watching it now
I'm not expecting much
I saw that a few days ago. A good slowburn that one.
*scurries behind you*
nothing personnel, kid
Even the greatest slasher of all time is still mediocre compared to the best horror films. With that being said, The Burning is pretty decent. Much better than any F13 movie.
There are better Halloween themed anthology movies out there.
The first two movies scared the shit out of me as a kid. Thankfully they turned into the good guys in the further sequels. Pretty decent movies for what they were.
Frankenstein has daddy issues. Dracula is girls' daddy issues personified.
great movie
Is Lucio Fulci's The Beyond technically a zombie movie?
yeah. although the zombie section was forced in because the italians wanted everything to be a dawn of the dead ripoff at the time. that's why it comes out of nowhere and feels completely disjointed from the rest of the film.
It's not perfect, but damn if it ain't ambitious and full of heart
off a tall building
What is best vamp movie?
Into a garbage disposal with the rest of your shitty opinions.
My Best Friend is a Vampire is objectively the best.
Once Bitten
Just watched this. Holy shit. Spooky.
Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire
>no interview with the vampire
>no let the right one in
Near Dark is finger licking good, tho
I know it's more Christmas horror, but this one of the few horror films that consistently manages to make me unsettled. I think it has to do with the confined setting and the proximity of the killer at all times.
Vampire's Kiss
>no Blacula
Only Lovers Left Alive
The Fearless Vampire Killers
>no interview with the vampire
That movie is fucking gay.
not a vampire movie
What We Do In The Shadows is heavily under rated
Little baby bunting
Daddy's went a-hunting
Gonna fetch a rabbit skin to wrap his baby Agnes in.
It is also a great vampire movie
I'm playing Resident Evil 7 right now. It basically proves that all women cheat.
It was good until the emo faggot showed up and ruined the fun for the rest of the film
Herzog’s Nosferatu is very atmospheric
>tfw it switches from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre to Evil Dead II
Shadow of the Vampire is a great concept with a couple good scenes but overall super disappointing and forgettable
It's also the best Dracula movie
I'm glad I wasn't expecting much
Val Kilmer was fine
Bruce Dern was great as always
movie should have just been shots of the town with Tom Waits narrating imo
Apparently the guy who wrote/directed Bone Tomahawk is writing the next Puppet Master film. Could be interesting.
updated the vamp movies
RIP thread
>Salem's Lot
Gives me fuckin nightmares just thinking about the master vampire
We watched this child kino yesterday on the sleep snug room;
Very good movie.
What is the strongest movie monster?
>Cloth Mummy
>killer doll
is that the one where some kid calls an older woman and tells her to masturbate what the hell am I thinking of
Objectively a vampire. There is no contest. We're talking super speed, strength, the ability to transform, has the power of undead slaves at his/her command.
he discover there is a gate to hell in his garden
now it is going to drive me nuts trying to figure it out, some movie with a similar name fuck
Any newer, good, non-supernatural horror movies to download? Something with an actual story.
>can't be in sunlight, around garlic, and can drive a steak into it's heart while it's napping during the day
Only appears one night out of the entire month. Way to go, faggot.
Every time I see it I'm a horrified child all over again...
>can't be in sunlight
learn the lore
Hellraiser sequels are super hit and miss. There are some good ones to be sure, but some absolute shit too.
oh it was called The Pit (1981) I got those movies confused as a kid, he didn't make the woman masturbate just show her tits but it was pretty weird fucking scene
Every Fulci film feels disjointed, except for his early giallo films.
Werewolf should be strongest but in the condition that he only appears thrice a month
Who is best vamp?
>page 9
for fucksake guys
Brain Damange
Pretty good 80's horror movie
It's a fun homage to the Hammer Dracula movies crossed with Rear Window. It's very 80's but still pretty fun.
The remake is criminally underrated too.
just finished up my Corman for the night: The Haunted Palace
This was pretty cool, too bad it's been pretty heavily eclipsed since it's massive release, though it's obvious why.
Great. Cassavetes plays the husband which is cool too.
think i might watch some vhs only kino
>The Haunted Palace
That's one of the weaker ones.
>page 9
for fucksake guys
Could be worse
It's criminally shitty
Just finished Fright Night and there are some things I don't understand.
For one did the vampire basically fuck the MC's girlfriend and take her virginity? They were both almost naked and it seems a good amount of time had passed before the MC and Peter made it to the house.
Also who the fuck was the vampire's assistant and what the fuck was he? They make it clear that he wasn't a vampire but they never explain what he was and why he was serving the main villain.
Lastly what the fuck was with that ending? They literally showed the obnoxious bestfriend getting staked in the heart but they made it seem he was still alive going by that cheap ending
Also It's pretty obnoxious about all the potential nudity we could have gotten but didn't. Never got to see the short haired blonde chick in the beginning. Never got to see the mom, and not even the main character's gf. The only tits we see are of some random brunette when the MC was spying on them. They should have delivered more.
What are some good movies like Alfred Hitchcock's works or stories like twilight zone/black mirror?
I'm sorry but your post doesn't make any sense. You started by talking about quality stuff like the works of Alfred Hitchcock and Twilight Zone, but then you do a complete 180 and mention Black Mirror which is literally a hunk of shit. Please explain what you're asking for. Do you want something that is both good and bad?
turns into shit at the end.
only the last season of black mirror is shit, you snob and generally unlikable person.
No the ending is fine. The issue with it is that it's a little too long and there are some scenes that drag without any horror going on.