Lets settle this once and for all

Lets settle this once and for all.
Who is the best Actress named Emma?

its emma stone you nigger. she has that quirky odd thing going on probably because she sucked a dirty dick and every one knows it


god shes fucking gorgeous


Literally perfect.

post her drunk webm

Stone excels in all categories. We've been over this.

Top tier ass, feet, face, personality, acting, fame.

None come close.

the one in your OP
Roberts is the objective best Emma. The other are pretenders to the throne.


this and cute
It's like a perfect mix of cute, beautiful, and gorgeous. She makes my penis HARD!!!

Stone is the normies choice, Roberts has always been our Emma-fu.

The only one with an Oscar, Emma Stone.

reporting for duty

>Top tier ass, feet, face, personality, acting, fame.

What do you think top tier means?

Stone is best. Roberts has too much of those those Roberts thoroughbred racehorse genes. Watson is a nonentity.

What's in the bottle, bros?

The one that didn't get her diddle fiddled by the Goblin King and/or isn't a rapidly aging forgotten child star notable for playing what is now a 50 y/o black woman uglier than whoopi gold(((berg)))

soon tho

emma runner 2049?

Robertsfags are into femdom.

this is true


Sexier; no
Better actresses; yes

Emma Stone > Emma Watson > Emma Roberts

This goes for not just talent, but looks as well.

dumb nigger

Agreed. That's a really solid ordering.

w-wait... did d-dan.... ???

best emma


>ywn have a haremma

i wish she'd spit in my mouth

Stone has always been /ourgirl/

wtf i love krager now


that fucking belly hnnggggg

you could fry an egg on that fucking womb, it's hot, it's churning, begging

it's perfect, no?




who /belly/ here

you can see how soft her feet are by the way the guy's hands move against her supple flesh


I prefer /booty/ desu


do you even know what that means?


there is literally nothing wrong with being skinny-fat

She is perfect and is confirmed as the Eagles waifu of good luck this season

Better than the trannyfag Bella poster.

>those fertile nips

> I want to make her balance a book on her head and spank her for being such a naughty little minx.

Emma Roberts is Best Emma.

I love her paleness!!!!

I am the Bella poster

Good, you've finally gotten good taste after all these years.

> Tits, Hips, Bum, Legs, Face

All perfect and turn my tick to diamond.

I've always had good taste

Watson has the political IQ of a potato even though she's gorgeous so no


I want her and Roberts to take turns pounding my prostate and squeezing my balls while Stone squeezes my neck while licking my ears.

Her bum is underrated.

incredibly sniffable
I bet she has a cigar burn butthole and I'd love to lick it clean.

She's very skilled at using her hips and grinding.

Just imagine...

wtf??? LMAOOOO

why can /boogey bros/ boogey in peace with everyone else?

>the actor received a paycheck to do this

is that harvey?

About 2 weeks too early user.

i-imagine what??

Emma means Blood in greek; really makes you think.

>best Emma Actress
>oscar winner
>a bunch of "can't act to save her life"
oh, so hard to call...

Or a week too late

Her grinding up and down, swaying those hips, all very slow and deliberate, all while biting her lips as she looks into your eyes.

>makes you think
It makes ME hard desu

We are reaching fertility levels that shouldn't be possible.



One she didn't deserve. Have you seen her "acting" and """"singing"""" in La La Land? What a complete joke.

That's what happens when you're dealing with perfection.

Roberts > Stone >>> Bongson

>he actually saved an image from that viral marketing site


Sulkowicz, obviously.

No Emmas can act.

>Tfw no biologically female GF

Yeah no, her sex tape was the most limpdick shit ever.

There's a chad posting page on facebook i cant wait till normies ruin the meme



IS ...





We're discussing respectable Emmas here. Take this slore back to the garbage heap.


How big of an asshole do you have to be to beat up Evan Peters? Dude seems like the nicest guy in the world

refuse to watch her post boob job scenes
ruined herself like Amia Miley

I don't want to hear about any other Emmas

>till normies ruin the meme
spoken like a true virgin

>implying it wasn't a normie meme to begin with


What's with the phat ass? Is she getting thicker?

She was lifting and getting into shape for the tennis movie she did recently.