Marrying an appliance

>marrying an appliance

he's got a history of spousal abuse, she should watch out

how tall is he

taller than you, cucklet.

wtf how did he grow so much between those two pics?

good for him, I always was disappointed to hear he was an oil-driller

She shrunk

She must be a freak in the sack if he was willing to break away from his oil-drilling tendencies in favor of someone who has the body of Gumby.

Probably saw his reflection in her forehead

how can he be /yourguy/ when he fell for the marriage meme?

He did a man's job.

>be handsome
>be rich
>be hung
>have great white genes
>throw it all away and marry this
the absolute shanty town of Fassbender

i thought he liked them black?

pick one

da fuq



I thought she looked good in Ex MAchina. Why does everyone hate her?

>crying about literally everything

I don't know man I think he might love her or something

She has the body of Brad Pitt in Fight Club.

We're trying to shit on her looks over here, guy.

She was great in Ex Machina because she was portraying a robot, shitlord. She was quite good in the Russian spy film featuring Superman as well. It was a kino comedy that one.

fassbender is very convincing in his roles whenever he is threatening someone

i wonder why that is


>Fassbender marrying a non-black girl

lmao confirmed under 25 years old. You are a Disney manchild.

>Not a nigger
Well there is that

>man and wife

wait what, is not husband and wife? Vikander is now a and and Fassbender is the wife somehow? what?

love is for all ages user, I hope you find it someday

It's not the riddle of sphinx, user.

>Probably saw his reflection in her forehead
underrated bahahahahaha


Ah, I see you are a man of culture as well

>litterally "I'm new money and I'm not even trying to hide it"


>when Sup Forums leaves its board

never understood people getting upset about 'muh genes'. its like they never took biology 101. when you mate with someone your genes arent 'mixed' with them.

you have two copys of chromosomes. you give them one. if someone really wanted to, they could clone your mother or your father out of your dna by simply taking one of your chromosomes and copying them.

so theres nothing 'lost', per se.

wtf, I genuinely think less of him now. I've banged girls hotter than her, what an absolute waste.

t. mulato


>mfw watching Fassbender nose dive his career these last seven years

>if someone really wanted to, they could clone your mother or your father out of your dna by simply taking one of your chromosomes and copying them.
No, only 50 percent of either of your parents' genetic material is available in you.

She looks rather nice in these photos


>womlet pic

>you have two copys of chromosomes. you give them one.
Nah, they're also going to be mingled together from what I remember in meiosis II, so you don't even have to think of it as getting either the one from your mother or father.

Also, genetic information is going to be lost since you can't transmit everything to your offspring.

Vikander fucked Weinstein. Fassbender is a cuck.

Not even that. Supposedly Ibiza is a total shithole now compared to what it used to be. From videos and shit I've seen I can't disagree, it looks like another awful tourist trap with too many spoiled young adults doing too many drugs

Everything you said is wrong

>Also, genetic information is going to be lost since you can't transmit everything to your offspring.
This applies to white couples too you know.

Shame she looks like a man in a bikini

>when a highschool dropout tries to make a intelligent post
comedy gold

>lets get rid of white people by mixing (though its not really getting 'rid' per se, because the mulattos of the future certainly will take the white genes and resurrect the white race)

Using Rick and Morty to mock pseudo-intellectual nihilists is not a new thing for Sup Forums.

>being retarded is not a new thing on Sup Forums
We know, you are not clever.

>white people have DNA
Woah, how'd you figure that out

whoops meant for

>white people are human
You don't say.jpg

>MAN and wife
>not husband
>Fassbender not having a black wife
So much wrong.

Err, didn't say the contrary. Not even trying to get involved in this dumb "white genocide or not" thing. All I'm trying to do is state back the facts as I know them.


The only thing retarded here is your inability to detect irony, apparently. Maybe reddit is more your speed.

lol she does look like a brown gumby

is she from the latino part of sweden?

miami here. i know that fucking feel

explain this oil-drilling meme lads

>the reddit deflect
Getting defensive, aren't you? Maybe you shouldn't have acted retarded if you can't handle being called out on it.

Well, yes, and if you're still there when you're loaded with money in 2017, it only makes it blatant that you're not able to keep up with what rich people do. I knew some people who had homes in Ibiza in 2000, and it was the craze of vacationing spots then, but then dumb Brits trying to pretend they were classy too and just destroyed ant reputation the island had. Nowadays, it's rich people= Menorca, poor people= Ibiza.

It's insane to me that Fassbender shakes hands with Hollywood millionaires every day and yet doesn't know this.

a white woman who takes black dick is a coal burner, the polar opposite of that is a white man who fucks lots of black women.

>snowmen snow...
>but who shovels the snowmen?

Vikander is cute you shitlords

what is the color of oil?

What does Fassbender has, that could "drill" something?

Can you now use you're inbred brain or do you still need more help with that?

Goodbye Reddit

but she's jewish

You acted like a retard the moment you thought you were cool for being above love since you're an ugly loser proud of eliminating yourself from the gene pool.

>Alicia Vikander on pregnancy: 'Half the women in the audience will be thinking: she doesn't know what it's like'
>Vikander, 27, said she “always imagined having a family in the future”, but worried that women in the audience might be able to detect her lack of real-life experience.
>“I’m not a mother,” Vikander said, “and it was the one biggest challenge in this film. The extreme longing for a child this [character] has is something a lot of women share. She also goes through miscarriages, and I know it’s a subject that is not talked about much – but it’s common and it’s a trauma a lot of people can relate to. I always imagined having a family in the future, but I sit there imagining half the women in the audience thinking, ‘She doesn’t really know what it’s like.’”
She wants to get preggo.

jews are white


>when Reddit strikes back

how close to shit is your skin colour?

Isn't Miami just the retiring spot for old white couples? At least they don't have any delusions of being rich. I say this about Ibiza because in Ibiza, you get median wage vacationers pretending like 2017 Ibiza is still what it was in 2000, when it was the "super secret super cool sekrit club" thing, and so they think they're hot shit for being there.

Give me a scale and I can tell you.

Is he gay?


>Harvey's sloppy seconds

Holy shit he is disgusting

>marrying Weinstein's sloppy seconds
el oh el

>Reddit exposed

that's a nice tuck job.

all holywood actresses are weinerstein's sloppy seconds

Is he a pedo? Serious question.

no, they're all raped by their dads first.

>body of a 13 year old boy
I'm jelly. What a lucky guy.

refrigerated kino

>non-black girl
She's the blackest white girl

How is a Swede not white? I thought american white supremacists love the whole vikings thing


good, maybe she would actually grow some tits

Damn...for some girls fitness is a mistake.

I'd love to hit that, and for that very reason. She's like a beautiful boy with a pussy.

on second thought, there is no way that body is remotely fertile enough to get pregnant

>your genes aren't 'mixed' with them.

Yes they are you fucking retard. Look up Chiasmata formation and crossing over you mong.