George Lucas appreciation thread
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Sandcrawlers look comfy as fuck.
>your dick will never get this erect again
Of course they would, they're an OT design, unlike that retarded Harley Davidson speeder.
The problem is, that's basically the only good sequence in all of the prequels. Well, one of two if you count the Darth Maul battle in TPM.
t. JJ
Nah, I think that JJ's Star Wars had zero good sequences. 2 > 0.
What about this
too bad he didn't go through with jarjar being a great sith lord. that would've been a better twist than vader being luke's father
Some good visuals, but the dialogue and acting is meh... It's alright, but I wouldn't say it's good given the resources the filmmakers had available to them.
Ok, I'll give you that one. That's #3, then.
1. Darth Maul duel
2. Search for Anakin's mother / her death / Anakin kills the sandpeople
3. the Padme's ruminations sequence
If the rest of the prequels had lived up to those three scenes, they would have been amazing.
Joining in to celebrate his padawan
Nah, the prequels had a lot of good stuff in them, like this arena fight, followed up with all the Jedis fighting in the arena (I'd count it all as one scene, though).
The introduction to Revenge of the Sith is really wonderful. While it's not impressive on a technical level (as the Plinkett reviews point out, you can make a full movie in computers), it is a visually interesting sequence.
Then there's the scene where Padme tells Anakin he's pregnant. While most the Padme/Anakin scenes are pretty bad ("I wish that I could just wish away my feelings!"), this one is legitimately good. You get a very real reaction out of Hayden Christensen that shows the mix of joy and confusion and worry his character would be feeling over the news. I feel like it really highlights what he can do as an actor. The clip starts at 2:14 if the link doesn't work.
And, as meme'd as it is, the Story of Darth Plagueis sequence is really great. They set it in a really interesting location, it features a lot of Palpatine (who is great in the prequels), and the conspiratory atmosphere of the entire scene is just so strong and fitting.
These are by far not the only good scenes in the prequels outside the two you mentioned, just a few to show that there's more to the prequels.
And I just want to add: that ending line "Not from a Jedi" in the Plageuis scene is just so fucking good.
Ah fuck, how could I forget the Darth Plagueis sequence. Yeah you're right, that's #4.
1. Darth Maul duel
2. Search for Anakin's mother / her death / Anakin kills the sandpeople
3. the Padme's ruminations sequence
4. Darth Plagueis sequence
I don't like the arena fight. When you have that many Jedi deflecting blaster bolts, etc, it really calls attention to how little sense it makes that no-one just shoots them with regular bullets as opposed to slow blasters. Even a Jedi couldn't block a few machine guns aimed at him or her. Plus the sequence just makes the Jedi look like infantry.
The Padme pregnant scene is alright by itself, and I like Anakin's creepiness, but I remember that in context it came off as ludicrous to me because their emotions had not been built up to correctly through good character development.
I think it was a real mistake to have Anakin tell Padme that he murdered the sandpeople. Her staying with him afterward is just not believable. Would have been better if he had kept it secret.
The best part of the arena sequence isn't the Jedi stuff but the stuff that happens before where it's just the three of them struggling to survive. The Jedi stuff is good, and I don't want to get into a discussion about traditional ballistics, but I'm pretty sure Jedi could just force push bullets back at you.
And we're also just talking about scenes on there own, not within the context of the films. I fully admit the Anakin/Padme relationship is bad, but that scene is great.
Fair enough. I'm still not a fan of the arena sequence, although I do like the old adventure movie feel (one of Lucas' trademarks). The CGI isn't that good and the monsters act like every other big animalistic monster in movies, gaping their mouths open all the time.
As for pushing back bullets, I'd rather see that than deflecting hundreds of blaster bolts. The latter just looks goofy to me.
>And we're also just talking about scenes on there own, not within the context of the films.
True, I do think it's a decent standalone scene. Creepy Anakin is pretty good.
stop being a whiny cunt
How is the Darth Maul battle a good sequence?
john williams killed it with duel of fates
such a goat composer
It's called having high standards, breh
Good music, interesting fight choreography, actually generates an epic feel. The actor who played Darth Maul did a good job of conveying the character's nature without saying anything. The way it ends is meh, though.
The first part of the arena in AOTC in a masterpiece.
Padme is paired off with a massive white cat, clawing her, and sporting a massive mouth filled with teeth (vagina dentata, not even subtle)
Anakin fights a big red bull with a huge horn, which he eventually subdues and rides around on. The image of sex and virility couldn't be more obvious here either.
At the end of it padme ejaculates off the big pillar and lands behind anakin, straddling his big horny bull, and gives him a kiss.
Kenobi instead has a whole forbidden sex thing going on with the praying mantis monster, who snaps his spear in half.
in short: shit is masterfully crafted for an action movie
Its actually funny when people call prequel fight choreography artificial and boring. Have you ever seen real world fencing? I don't deny some dialogues being cringe and some CGI date horrible, but in regards of visuals, soundtrack, sound design, production value, most of characters, thematically, prequels are really good movies.
People just had nothing to compare it with. Mark my words, when the 3rd movie of Jewsney trilogy is released, people will praise prequels. Screencap this.
I really liked rogue one. Don't know why but It felt like a proper star wars film(or at least as close as you could get to one without lucas and in this day and age)
Its really easy to say if the movie is bad or not. Take the soundtrack. You have incredibly talented composer John Williams. The music for the prequels is a masterpiece. Why? Because he had inspiration, there were things behind these movies which inspired him. Every single piece of soundtrack from the prequels resonates so much with every scene and with the viewer.
Now take TFA. When I walked out of the theatre I couldn't believe that the music was composed by John Williams. The same man. It was just generic, bland and uninspiring. Because TFA has nothing behind it, its just soulless, tasteless cash grab. You can't blame John Williams for that. After watching TFA couple times, I can't remember a single piece of score out of it.
based post.
Lucas was a legend we lost to the mouse machine.
Seriously guys?
No no no. The prequels are bad movies with a few good scenes in them.
I mean come on, Anakin built C3PO?
Unnecessary Chewbacca scenes?
Unbelievable romance between Anakin and Padme?
Padme stays with Anakin even after he tells her he murdered women and children in a rage?
The speeder is cool, too, fatso.
I can't remember a single thing about TFA. Meanwhile I remember ROTS as if I watched it yesterday. John Williams can't be blamed for TFA.
Nobody is saying the prequels were flawless films. Far from it. But atleast they contributed to the Star Wars universe and had plenty of imagination and dedication put into them. They are flawed but atleast they feel human-made.
also the sound design is great. just the sound of the vehicles = top notch
can't remember the vehicle sounds of TFA
I really tried to find the webm of the actors dancing around in front of a green screen in Attack of the Clones for you. Where the fuck do you go to find webms?
> I mean come on, Anakin built C3PO?
Yeah, why not?
> Unnecessary Chewbacca scenes?
He is a wookie, Kashyyk is his home planet, why not? He appeared for 5 seconds, nothing bad.
> Unbelievable romance between Anakin and Padme?
> Padme stays with Anakin even after he tells her he murdered women and children in a rage?
You don't know how love works, do you? The romance in general is good, some dialogue is cringe yes, but only some part of it in episode 2.
> Midichlorians?
That's questionable. Some people like it, some dont.
> "Yippiee!"?
Yes, kid anakin and jar jar were mostly awful. Nevertheless, episode 1 is good movie with its great parts.
> etc.
And again if I wasn't a moron I would post some webms of the sterile green screen walking and talking from the prequels. I'm not defending TFA here, it's just funny to see the prequels called "human-made."
Yeah, they're better and have more heart and imagination than TFA. I never disputed that. But they're deeply flawed movies, not just a little flawed. The character development doesn't make sense (granted, this was already starting to be a problem in the original trilogy because having Vader be Luke's father changed Obi-Wan's character).
Fuck me, John Williams' music is pure magic.
>his smile and optimism: gone
Imagine his feelings when he could not come up with anything in TFA, because its just not inspiring. It has no magic, no soul behind it.
The C3PO and Chewbacca choices make the universe seem needlessly smaller and seem like either fan service or toy selling.
>You don't know how love works, do you? The romance in general is good, some dialogue is cringe yes, but only some part of it in episode 2.
The problem is that she never seems so crazy in love with him as to ignore something like that until, magically, she's supposed to be that crazy in love with him for the need of the plot. The trajectory of her falling in love with him is poorly sketched.
As for midichlorians, I just don't see what's there to like. What do people like about that idea?
Why was AoTC so fucking bad?
TPM 8/10
AOTC 4/10
ROTS 10/10
You think that ROTS is among the best films ever made?
Post prequel kino
I love how little sense that makes.
Also another reminder: Howard the Duck is one of the most underrated movies ever
>I wouldn't say it's good given the resources the filmmakers had available to them
The film broke the world record for the amount of special effects.
You're an idiot if you trying to they didn't use enough resources.
i'm trying to watch that THX movie but it's so god damn boring
>TPM 8/10
how can a man be so right
>taking the greenscreen scene out of context
Never change.
Holy shit how did I not see this
I hated AOTC in the theater but I took a film class and watched it on bluray years later and it is absolutely amazing it is too bad most people don't recognize what Lucas is doing and just focus on hammy acting (which is actually proper stage acting and intentionally done that way because Lucas is playing in the sandbox of the gods)
It's too similar to RotJ speeders to rail on them as prequel shit. And you mean "chopper."
Never looked at it that way but this does make sense actually. Based George never ceases to amaze me.
I like these shots his directing style is exposition heavy.
also forgot that at the end, kenobi successfully defeats the image of dangerous female sexuality by brutally murdering the praying mantis.
At the same time Anakin forcefully rams Padme's Big Pussycat with his huge horn. This shit writes itself
We need to bring George back.
Can we just agree that star wars as a whole fucking sucks and that THX 1138 was the superior film?
swoop bikes are cool
George did nothing wrong
>the invisible hand
I cannot think of a better name for a flagship of a trade fleet
Wow I only just got it
Please come back George
He sold us.
He sold us to The Mouse.
i fapped to that scene probably a 100 times when i was a kid
Ah this thread is good and everything... but Old Georgie Boy just needs to hear one thing from you pinheads.
I'm so sorry, George ;_;
why didn't anakin just fly to lars house, then fly to the tusken camp?
I don't have to apologize because I've always been on his side. I hope he makes a return.
I hope you die alone
Fuck you for ewoks, fag. Luke should have went to the dark side and the saga should have ended with him walking into a desert storm alone.
I never post in these threads because I inevitably end up posting a good chunk of the movies and rightly so
>I really tried to find the webm of the actors dancing around in front of a green screen in Attack of the Clones
Are you aware that TFA had plenty of green screen too? Or maybe you thought they went to shot on location on another planet perhaps? Fucking hell Kylo ren's mask itself was most of the time a cgi VFX man
How do you want to be taken seriously? by blaming green-screen usage in a star wars movie you imbecile?
>proper star wars film
heroes are effortlessly winning and one-shotting enemies with barely any resistence. a fuckin blind guy fights better than jedi with years of training with the force.
fuck off
this scene alone is better then the entirety of TFA. The space battle was much better too.
All things aside Lucas really painted an amazin world in Episode 1-3 and the political side of stuff was really great (though really best expanded on in The Clone Wars tv show).
Like all things Star Wars related the Jedi/Sith part was easily the worst part and is what made the movies stinkers.
Love the scene, but why do they have a power generating plant under the royal palace, again?
And what's the purpose of these "energy door" and why are they cycling like that?
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this
It was fun and it had a lot of heart.
>Laser gates, also known as electron walls, were designed to protect high-security or dangerous areas by sealing them off with a wall of energy. Laser gates were installed in the Theed Generator Complex on Naboo. The barriers were strong enough to easily block a lightsaber strike and would vaporize any matter that touched them. These gates were crucial to the death of Qui-Gon Jinn at the hands of Darth Maul as the laser gates prevented Jinn's Padawan, Obi-Wan Kenobi, from coming to his aid against the Sith. However, the generators were unable to keep up the immense energy needed to power the gates, and so they would cycle on and off approximately every five minutes. Each gate remained open for only around ten seconds before cycling on again.
>Laser gates were installed in the Plasma Refinery Complex on Naboo. The barriers were strong enough to easily block a lightsaber strike and would vaporize any matter that touched them. However, the generators were unable to keep up the immense energy needed to power the gates, and so they would cycle on and off approximately every five minutes. Each gate remained open for only around ten seconds before cycling on again.
But ultimately, it doesn't really matter.
Mouth open = Acting
yea they were winning so effortlessly that they all died in the process
Goddamn I never noticed that before.
The prequels are fucking KINO compared to the nu-star wars films
These are awesome user. Got any more?
Not him but you could probably do one with the planets and how they're new, weird worlds in the prequels whereas, in the sequels, they're just rehashes of OT planets.
naboo fighter design was kino, I knew it from an early age
lucas somehow made yellow into a great looking ship
That would definitely be a good comparison
My favorite Star Wars sequence.
>Then there's the scene where Padme tells Anakin he's pregnant
kek poor Anakin got pregged by Padme