God I am sick of this shit.
Muh the protag needs to be my same skin color so my puny nigger brain can empathize
>injuns saving themselves
I can only suspend so much disbelief
>Sup Forums bitch about how the film goes on about the white men isolating the native Americans and killing their culture
>the film quite clearly shows that Jeremy Renner's 'cowboy' character is also isolated, with his culture dead
no user haven't you heard this movie is totally anti white just ask Sup Forums
As soon as brown people stop needing to be saved and can take care of themselves, we'll stop. But that's never going to happen is it nigger?
>making fun of alt right and mainstream leftists at the same time
the absolute mad man
clean off the cheeto dust from your fingers first, fat basement-dwelling fuck
is it worth watching though? Is it a nu-western?
why do niggers always resort to the "basement dweller" insult?
Did I strike a nerve nigger? When will you monkeys stop murdering each other and everyone else? Or are you a road building untrustworthy spic?
It's one of the best films of the year
its pretty good. idk what "nu-western" means but if you like Sicario and Hell or High Water, youll dig this.
They aren't capable of saving themselves, OP.
Yeah, that's what I was meaning I've watched HoHW and liked it too so it's what I'm expecting from this. The winter setting looks intriguing too.
it's almost like all of modern media is a shitty litmus test to see what sort of massive prejudices everyone has.
theres always going to be a few retards with keyboards that try and create "controversy" to get clicks
why engage in a storyline if race is such a big deal to you? you wind up losing every time and the only thing you can enjoy is some vicarious homo circle jerk projection of your self.
so it becomes pointless. hur I can't enjoy this movie because it aint got no black man fugin his appointed white wyminz finna FUG BLM!!!
it's fucking retarded.
besides blacks are pretty much animals. every race can deal with watching whatever race takes the screen but african shit heap takes the role and every race is pissed for what reason and you wonder why? not because they're all racist but because your people have fucked up so many times and displayed themselves like such wretched cunts that people are over your shit.
remove blacks and for good measure muslims and you pretty much achieve world peace. the rest of can move forward. all races united in harmony.
but you have some monkey shuffling brainwashed faggot into thinking what he does is actually enjoyable to others.
1% - 2% of the black population should remain because they're decent. but 98% african descent people should be exterminated.
= world peace.
>The quote that concludes the film ("While missing person statistics are compiled for every other demographic, none exist for Native American women.") isn't entirely true. There is one more demographic that the FBI has always refused to compile statistics for: missing children.
What did they mean by this?
>muh white villain
See I can do this too
lel are you east asian or a nigger? either way kill yourself.
Stay out of the west. How do you think the world works out here?
they are indians so they are red not brown and they didn't need to be saved in the film. the protag was close family friends with the victims family and also had a personal investment as his daughter suffered a same fate so he viewed it as a way of making it up to her. there is nothing in the film that indicates the white mans burden, there was a federal investigation and the protag was recruited by the fbi, it was outside of indian jurisdiction.
>basement dwelling
This is why the left can't meme.
Chief Fractured Ass has returned I see.
"meme"ing isn't political you absolute cancer
>upset that people make films about themselves
Go watch a Bollywood movie, fag
I liked how, all the major finds he makes is when he's tracking or finding the mountain lions.
Its a bit of a slow burner really.
It absolutely can be, frequently is, and this post is just another reassurance the left cannot meme. The moral busybody authoritarian streak of the contemporary left as well as its cultural hegemony keeps it from being anything other than a lazy aping of others and often full scale "how do you do fellow kids," tier.
But whites saved you from the disease-ridden, war-torn jungles of Africa.
Did you want to go back?