Godly uniforms edition
Star Trek /Discovery/ General
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How would you fix Discovery?
Hard mode: you can't cancel it
STD lol
>less than 300 replies
>make another thread
Did you do that just so you could title the thread before someone put STD in it?
100% retooling. Fire everyone. Say season 1 is non-canon.
we have a thread here though:
>Say season 1 is non-canon.
That wouldn't be nice to the actors. They've done nothing wrong. It's the writing that's the problem
The previous thread was also created at 280 tbf
Michael was bitten by a parasite on a remote planet and went into a coma. Discovery were only her fever dreams.
That wouldn't fix the show. People would hate the show more than they already do.
Who gives a fuck? The question was what fixes the show.
>the tritanium hull has been sharpened to a razor fine edge
>she's coming for you, STD
I cancel it. Since that is an option.
>That wouldn't be nice to the actors.
There's only 2 actors on that show and one was killed already. The rest can go.
It's literally perfect : the aesthetic, the tech, the characters, the Klingons, the best captain.
This is objectively not worse than TNG's detachable saucer
>Captain Ketchup Bottles
He's pretty much the smartest man on the planet. You should listen to him.
I'd have no problems with it if it was named NX-1801
The saucer was always detachable. ToS too. They just couldn't pull off the FX.
STD used the license from Bad Robot meaning the license is through Paramount which means it is kelvin timeline.
CBS execs can say its prime timeline all they want but legally it is not prime timeline since STD is not made using the prime timeline license from CBS.
/timeline debate
>show cancelled after first season
>final episode ends on cliffhanger
>snowy Kelvin Spock on the monitor
its supposed to only be one season, execs and the high ups planned an anthology of 3 seasons with 3 diff settings, though how different, or new characters, or even maybe following a different race we do not know yet.
We also know that CBS has said repeatedly over years they refuse to spend a dime on Star Trek as seen with STD, so unless someone like Elon musk pays for the second season as before it will not get made.
Elon musk kind of owes trek since he is a white male and they said his name so now he may get sued if he doesnt comply with what the cast wants which is him to pay for a second season or risk a lengthy court battle since they said Elon Musk in the show and he owes them now.
yea id say theres a 99% chance the std crew sues elon musk for all hes worth unless he funds season 2 out of pocket
make the klingons speak english for their scenes
stop focusing on michael so much
add more characters
CBS is going to jam Elon Musk up with so much legal paperwork he will have to cave in and pay for the second season. The cast did say his name on the show ELON MUSK which is an unconstestable fact and will hold up in any court of law.
I think what we need to do as trek fans is start boycotting buying Tesla cars to teach Elon Musk a lesson as his business crashes and burns since as a white male he owes STD the funding it demands!
be easier to make a new show than try to fix anything wrong with the current abortion which has no saving just like kurtzmans 2017 mummy failed.
Guess CBS really did hire the lowest bidder to work on STD since noone else is touching kurtzman with a 10 foot pole after his shoddy record on past trek movies and the mummy and now this DISaster that like an STD only those who are young and uninformed catch but not enough to warrant any PSA's about.
when not ripping off the kino aesthetic of tron or ideas from dune and an opening from westworld combined with the ripoff of theme music from GOT. What is left they can rip off?
Their literally throwing all the shit they can at a wall to make the most glorious shit sandwich ever made.
Airlock death is BSG.
* An episodic series exploring humanity at its best was already done in TOS and TNG
* A serialized series about war and making morally questionable decisions was done in DS9
* Rehashing TNG with the B-team was already done in VOY
* Humans on the frontier was already done in ENT
It's time to do something new. Instead of a Starfleet crew, make it some independent traders or something with the war as a backdrop. Also, don't make one character the focus. Having multiple well-defined characters worked well in all the other Treks.
As seen even with the uniforms this is not prime timeline. As others have stated this is using a kelvin license meaning its legally not even allowed to look like the prime timeline as seen in the attached picture.
STD is worse than the JJ movies, that isnt saying much consider what box office bombs they ended up being as the series went on with the first being unable to attract any fanbase at all to keep the series out of the red financially.
This show is so fucking bad it defies imagination how it ever got into production. The writing is the worst I've ever seen, the plot is absolutely retarded, the characters are total garbage, the ship itself is stupid, the effects are stupid, everything about this show is stupid.
TOS was a mistake. It's so outdated that it should not be canon.
widen the scope a bit, federation vs klingons is too narrow a focus, otherwise it's not terrible.
>It's time to do something new.
I'm sorry but Jews have shown time and time again they have no imagination whatsoever and have to become parasites off the imagination of the goyim, and for whatever reason they're not doing that right now, call it hubris perhaps.
These uniforms are objectively shit.
Another uniform from "The Cage"
I want a show set in Starfleet Academy
Have the story take place at the start of the 24th century like any fucking sane franchise would do.
>yfw 20 years of fucking prequels.
*25th century
It's STD. Why do you have to be such a giant faggot? Can't take a joke or what? And, stop posting those bloody crazy fuckme boots uniforms, they're pathetic.
Stalemate war with Klingons, shroom drive gets banned by federation because it eather causes some catastrophy or whatever. Introduce some nonamerican actors. Mike's role is reduced to regular actor, at the same time she's is sent to acting school. Discovery is sent on regular deep space science and reconnaissance missions. Introduce Romulans.
>Introduce Romulans
Wouldn't that contradict muh canon? Introduce Cardassians instead. They're always great fun.
I unironically find the klingon scenes kino
Not sure how I feel about this matriarch arc though, probably a place for them to shill muh feminism, but I still like it so far. More than the human side, easily.
>Not sure how I feel about this matriarch arc though, probably a place for them to shill muh feminism, but I still like it so far. More than the human side, easily.
It's just going to be a brothel. Voq will get laid and that will temper his spaceautism
>comes to Sup Forums
>can't take a joke
Just accept the /STD/ like California depenalized HIV you huge ass faggot.
Aren't jokes supposed to be funny?
I think we stopped caring about canon with star-wars-trek movies, there's no need to stop now. Let them hide in some corner and come back with a glorious republic. I'm just for them over Cardassians since they're overdo a comeback.
>click on thread
>shitposting about the shorthand and how "bad" the show is, with little actual discussion
We get it, you dislike DIS because it wasn't yet another rehash of TNG. You also have the maturity level of a 12 year old boy, and think STD is so hilarious. Now fuck off, and let us discuss the show in peace.
You wouln't know op.
Call it STD, and we immediately have one of your quips out of the way, and are only bickering on how bad it is.
What's with all this glare? Glare new bloom or what?
My favorite comedy show is Seinfeld. What's yours?
>What's yours?
Family Guy. That's why I find the acronym STD so fucking hilarious
Many are saying that any scifi who doesnt watch STD is a nazi. This is having a massive uptick in sales for CBS who are seeing a spike in growth due to people signing up to pay CBS to not be labeled as nazis and called out in social media.
Looks like the media is confirming how trash STD is: youtube.com
>stop focusing on michael so much
Does anybody even give two fucks about Burnham? I mean she is this brilliant Vulcan educated tragic main character sbowflake the producers want to shine the spotlight on, but man is she a bore. Lorca and Saru are stealing the show. I even have more interest in watching scenes with the space fungus expert.
STD declared by critics as the greatest Trek ever since it throws out canon and celebrates diversity.
suck it orshills.
>helm bring us about
>Sorry. Can't see shit, Captain!
whats funny about an empowered black female and STD?
theres a joke in there somewhere.
uhhh the creators of STD said they faced a challenge with canon and decided to break free of it instead of letting it hold them back so they could dream big and give people the star trek fans have been asking for. That is why STD is the most popular scifi show ever made.
literally fake news.
Jewish producer Aaron Herberts said the klingons represent whites because he hates how white people are proud of who they are.
>why don't the uniforms look like early 60's scifi costumes where everyone is in turtlenecks
>why isn't there a coffee stain in the middle of the set that they couldn't afford to re-carpet
I see these stupid fucking arguments every god damn thread and they're fucking stupid. Same with the Klingons looking different. Fucking dipshits think they're hot shit trekkies when in TOS they were basically space-Genghis.
At least complain about some actual canon that they're getting wrong and not muh costume designs and muh holograms aren't invented for another 200 years.
>the media
>that balding irish ginger altliter
a license isnt fake news you braindead tard, clearly you know nothing of trek if you dont even know what license the show is using.
if only STD was fake news, because remove the name star trek and its just a generic space battle show.
The new Klingons are shit all around, including the masks and costumes.
Greetings those of you fat losers who like STD
The experiment is over and sadly you failed, you will now face the end of your short pitiful lives and this show never even existed
>you will now face the end of your short pitiful lives
Just as planned.
everyone hates orville though, its openly called the worst show on tv and I posted on my facebook that if anyone I know likes orville to unfriend me because I dont want to be friends with nazis.
Please post the same to your social media to take out the trash.
Can you snap away JJ 09 and Into Darkness too please?
snap your fingers again and bring back gogo boots and a skirts!
JJ 09 was fine.
God fuck those uniforms are shit. I liked how easy ti was to tell the colorcoded one apart. Event he grey jumpsuits from First Contact and DS9 were more treky and easy to tell apart. These just look all the same in the dark on dark of Discovery.
How can the hologram of this guy sit on the table? Is there a table where he is, in the same relative spot?
>Godly uniforms
Those aren't The Orville uniforms.
Dear STD creators:
All season one was a prelude to a alt universe. Everyone in it has been dead from the moment Michael and Captain Chinalady beamed back to the Chinaprise. Discovery was a ship idea but never implemented. This had been a Q side quest and another 'test' of humanity.
they look like a dreidel threw up then again the show is made by Jewish people so maybe that is the look they were going for.
She's getting way too much focus, that's for sure. I'm near certain there was never a character in Star Trek universe that was as prominent as her. I mean that 'context is for kings' dialogue is cringey as fuck.
Get some perspective. They're both shit.
Wait, tritanium was not invented until TNG . . . yet another timeline lapse
Those look like $15 Walmart Halloween quality costumes, including the robot's. Shit uniforms for a shit show.
Make it more episodic and less focused on Michael, add a little more TOS influence in the design of things, remove the view window, make the two front consoles one front console.
the two shots of the ship in space look like a video game with good graphics
>Those aren't The Orville uniforms.
The left image here is from orville which shows why everyone hates orville and the uniforms proving there is nothing to like about the show.
Orville is trash as the uniforms show you can literally tell who is doing what job by looking at what their wearing, not only that you can tell what rank they are which destroys any realism in a scifi based show.
Notice on the right the uniforms are all blue this is useful in the military so noone knows who is doing what job in case of a sniper. Notice on STD its almost impossible to notice what anyones rank is making it dark and mysterious.
thanks alex kurtzman but your movies suck more than your inbred genes due to being one of them.
its called a hologram and it uses technology which was never seen on star trek before because their rewriting everything you losers thought you knew about trek but SURPRISE you dont know shit since their making it up all over again.
what the fuck is up with the Klingon Bird of Prey and is it some Lexx shit from the side
And yet, oddly, still better than the Actual trek uniforms . . . huh
STD is like "Hilldawg Pepe" levels of cringe and faggotry I swear.