but why?
But why?
Other urls found in this thread:
He learned the truth
how far did he go?
Can one of you faggots fill me in on this
sometimes a male penguin will just start walking into the snow until he dies for no obvious reason
not far enough
I wonder if that little fucker genuinely knew too much. Maybe he somehow had a level of intelligence just a little bit higher than penguins are meant to have and achieved a sliver of self-awareness and became away of how limiting his body and his penguin way of life really is.
>became away
*became aware
he believed Todd's lie
Far enough to even as decide to use even go want to do look more like
That got a genuine chuckle out of me
he found out his newly hatched son likes anime
he missed her... tan...
>no obvious reason
Pretty sure his mate died, penguins get devastated when their partners die, then they commit suicide after their eggs hatch. Like how Elephants get so depressed they don't eat and starve themselves.
You're welcome.
aber warum?
why else OP :(
rip grape-kun
He decided to venture further than any penguin had done before. And even though he would have no one to tell his experiences to, he would die knowing he had seen more than any other penguin.
iktf penguin bro. Godspeed
Lest we violate the prime directive.
>he would die knowing he had seen more than any other penguin.
is this the power of autism?
He was just a retarded penguin and they added the story of him walking to his death to evoke emotion.
he had happy feet
go away
mas porquê ?
Penguins are one of the few animals who have partners for life.
Sup Forums had a better response to this
that its retarded or got memed by Todd to climb the mountains
Parasite in his brain.
meme has no emotional depth. no empathy. hence why they lock themselves in their rooms all day playing video games and wanking to big tiddy anime goth girls
>night falls
>exhausted, he keeps stumbling over but perseveres
>Aurora borealis illuminates the sky
>No, something else
>an alien spacecraft
>he's taken aboard and his mind slowly augmented beyond normal penguin capacity
>his body modified to defy time itself
>he's given a ship and his freedom
>some say he's still out there, looking
why the fuck did Sup Forums autocorrect to meme fucking phone
Why didn't the eagles carry him to the mountains?
i know you were trying to say Sup Forums but what the fuck are you taking about anyway
>implying faggots here dont lock themselves in their roms watch shitty netflix movies and wank to late night tv shows
Scenes women will never understand
that penguin found out about the rampant degeneracy in penguin colonies. He say child abuse, pedophilia, rape, homosexuality, and even necrophilia. When penguin saw the darkness, he chose the light.
That penguin chose to seek God.
yeah i dunno why i'm being fucking retarded today
let's be honest lads... anyone who uses this website locks themselves in their rooms everyday
why all the fussin and feudin?
I'm at work, speak for yourself you filthy NEET.
>Sup Forums had a better response: it's retarded
yeah, really clever, woowee, shit, that's deep, funny stuff, kys
>working on a sunday
retail fag detected. enjoy earning sheckles for mr. noseberg.
he was running to his waifu
Press F to pay respects
i was paraphrasing but you`ve missed the main punchline you faggot which was about Todd
so go fuck yourself
hahahah look at this and laugh
I actually make really good money and don't really work during the week, teenager. Enjoy Burger King shifts.
>you will never understand this "having employment and money is laughable" meme
You are literally the mom's tendies meme.
what would happen if you fed the penguin and gave it water, following him on its journey? Now that would have been interesting. Herzog was too much of a fag and stuck to the regulations regarding non-interference with animals. A true visionary would have said fuck it and seen where the animal led him. Major chance missed
t-thanks senpai
I’d pay so much money to see something like this. Not even meming
me too
>I'm at work
Sup Forums Antarctic expedition when?
there are mountains in antartctica that have never been climbed. When i was 15 i set myself the arbitrary goal of being the first man climbing one of those. I guess we need to charter a large freighter
I was thinking about this earlier and reached the conclusion that like random genetic mutations, this type of behaviour could eventually be beneficial from an evolutionary point of view, basically once in a while one or more individuals goes astray and meet their deaths, but in the span of hundreds of thousands of years there's the possibility that one of these expeditions end with them finding a new place to live in, this would lead to the creation of another colony of animals that doesn't compete directly with the original one increasing the total population of the species.
Penguins going their own way
Penguins do not care about increasing their own species numbers.
he didn't want to go back to the colony
It literally was already explained why he did it:
>Herzog was too much of a fag and stuck to the regulations regarding non-interference with animals
he was probably ready to get on with his life but one of his buddies told him his wife got blacked all the while he sat on that fucking egg and that's why he had a little mongrel baby pop out of the egg
>I need to even make a suicidal penguin about Sup Forums shit
it's ok, Sup Forums is the most reddit shit up here so it's trash anyway
If anything is the most rebbit, it's is Sup Forums.
you're so high, every other post here is something about rick and morty or something like this "but why?" LOLLOLOLOOOL
it's turbo reddit autism, they ban any racist commentary here and on reddit, it's a safespace for 15 year old autistic kids who are gender fluid
I didn't expect these feels ;_;
And Sup Forums is essential a thedolan colony. What's your point?
>every other post here is something about rick and morty or something like this "but why?" LOLLOLOLOOOL
Only if you're a schizo and go out of your way to look for it, you must be new.
>they ban any racist commentary here
No, they don't. You sound retarded.
>it's a safespace for 15 year old autistic kids who are gender fluid
The fact that you actually believe this of Sup Forums, is really telling.
Lurk moar.
>actually getting mad that mods ban your racist, off-topic horseshit
Wew, lad.
come on man, Herzog claims to be super fascinated with the behaviour of this penguin and asks "WHY"? Then doesnt make any attempt to inquire what happens to the bird, follow him from a distance etc. Claims that humans must not interfere. If he were that extreme and interested in "the abyss" or whatever as he thinks he is, he would have followed the penguin, fed it to keep it from starvation and seen where this would be going. Non intereference is retarded because it is clear that the penguin is dying anyway.
>158 comments and no mentions of at the mountains of madness
jesus christ the rampant millennial utter faggotry
>Non intereference is retarded because it is clear that the penguin is dying anyway.
Right, that's called leaving nature alone you idiot. The world has been functioning without zoos or your fascination with them for millions of years.
And it would continue to function even if Werner fed this penguin a couple of fishies
they even ban nudity, it's not even Sup Forums anymore
you post-2015, r/the_donald retards killed this entire site.
At what age do penguins learn to fly
criminally underrated
shit, you used to be able to post the toppest emma watson fanfic/artistry without even having an eye batted around the chamber of secrets, now you get warned for waifuposting
it's full blown reddit
There are pinguin sluts as well
Then get out.
this lol. Penguin had downs.
no, i like to goad reddit autists like yourself
You're fucking retarded.
I always wanted to do that with Greenland. Most of the interior is still unexplored
Are penguins the most JUST animals?
fantastic post
got me