why did speilberg portray wehrmacht soldiers as skinheads?
Why did speilberg portray wehrmacht soldiers as skinheads?
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Soldiers had their heads shaved to reduce lice and make helmets fit better, even the Romans did this.
I thought that guy was the same bald guy on the radio station place, but he was SS.
Never fucking knew this until now.
Does Spielberg support killing prisoners of wars? It's against Geneva's convention. Why is everything permitted to jews, but the other way around is a crime against humanity?
The point of the movie is that nazis don't deserve the same rights as others because of their atrocities.
but those atrocities never happened
t. krautnigger.
>Only jews can get away with their atrocities
That's what I'm saying. i hope he falls down along Weinstein soon. Eventually they'll trash Indiana Jones 5
How can you say that user? Didn't you read about those machines that masturbated men to death? What about the rollercoasters that dumped people right into ovens? What's next, you're doing to tell me that they didn't have dogs that bit people when they played an incorrect note to songs on a piano? You make me sick.
former Waffen-SS soldier notes this in his letter to Spielberg
>holocaust denier
Yeah, fuck off Im related to people who were there.
It's not an atrocity if you're putting down nazis because those people commited war crimes and genocide. Atrocities against war criminals aren't attrocities. It's Justice.
>Or else, your Jewishness came to the fore
It's stylistic choice, but not that someone as retarded as you would understand a superficial art element as that.
You realize that the average German soldier had fuckall to do with the holocaust, right? I love how people so easily claim that they would have totally stood up against the Nazi regime if they were in Germany at the time. They were fighting for their own country and their own interests, same as any soldier on any side in any war.
but you realize thats the same kind of argument the nazis used to justify their atrocities?
>it was real in my mind
>Yeah, fuck off Im related to people who were there.
It was the responsibility of the individuals to prevent the holocaust. The individual soldiers are just as responsible as people like Hitler.
lel he ain't wrong
Facts are facts. Nazis based their actions on lies, our actions against the Nazis are based on facts.
because "its ok to punch nazis"
the latest phase is "everyone who isn't like me is a nazi"
Its not ok, but its something both sides did nigger, learn your history
Your argument is, "its okay to murder Germans, because some German higher-ups did bad things." So the argument "its okay to murder Jews because some Jewish higher-ups did bad things."
Or are you denying all the mass atrocities carried out by Stalin's NKVD which was like 50% Jewish?
If you say killing German POWs is fine because of what Hitler did, then I can say killing ordinary Jews is fine because of what the NKVD did. That's accordign to your logic.
>Prisoner-of-war camps in the United States during World War II. In the United States, at the end of World War II, there were 175 Branch Camps serving 511 Area Camps containing over 425,000 prisoners of war (mostly German).
Eugenics was practiced in the United States many years before eugenics programs in Nazi Germany
>The United States during the Progressive era, ca. 1890 to 1920, was the first country to concertedly undertake compulsory sterilization programs for the purpose of eugenics.
>Gas chambers have been used for capital punishment in the United States to execute death row inmates. The first person to be executed in the United States by lethal gas was Gee Jon, on February 8, 1924. An unsuccessful attempt to pump poison gas directly into his cell at Nevada State Prison led to the development of the first makeshift gas chamber to carry out Gee's death sentence.
You don't get it smartass, Spielberg is advocating shooting prisoners on sight in this film, it's not reality, it's his message.
Fuck off, nothing in history can compare to what the nazis did during the war.
Not really since Milgram experiment blew that out. Even today it being done in natural or other scenarios turns out the rate of going through with it is high. As humans we are quite a fault in that regard.
Wow, old Axis forum was full of retarded neo-Nazi kiddies. And this brave Waffen-SS soldier is a rather famous Nazi. He is often cited by the stormfags to prove how great was the life under Hitler (Hans was a brainwashed Hitlerjugend kid - born in 1927).
that's not true, the genocides carried out in bolshevist russia were much larger and bloodier.
That's not true. Clean wehrmacht is a myth. We, of course, aren't talking only about the holocaust. Einsatzgruppen were almost always assisted by those average German soldiers (or Ukrainian collaborators).
>this delusional
They weren't. And what genocides? Purges? The famine? Because dying in Gulags doesn't count as genocide.
>but dying in nazi camps does
You don't even know the difference between death camps and concentration/labor camps.
>he thinks russian gulags and prison camps aren't a death sentence
Gee you really are retarded
The difference is that there were jews in nazi camps and there were no jews in gulags
They aren't. In fact, most of Gulag prisoners survived their sentence.
There were Jews in Gulags. And the difference is rather big. One is a labor camp, the other is a death camp.
>i'm going to take all your food so that you have none left and starve to death
>lel not murder :DDD
If you want to know why people hate the foreskin-vampires, just look at your comments. Anything bad that happens to you is the worst thing ever and we must be constantly feeling guiltty for it; whereas anything bad that you do to other people isn't as bad because it didn't happen to jews.
Jews are honestly the most racist people on earth, fuck you guys.
>i'm going to take all your food so that you have none left and starve to death
>lel not murder :DDD
Things that never happened, and I'm a Pole, not a Jew.
An even better question:
>why did he use a slav to portray a german soldier
>Things that never happened
of course it happened, look up the holodomor
>i'm a pole, not a jew
Its scary how little difference this makes, you guys are basically crypto-jews
Holodomor is a completely different thing and it has very little to do with Gulag deaths.
the guy they let escape? pretty sure it was the same person? thought that was the whole idea, the shoe being on the other foot etc
>>i'm going to take all your food so that you have none left and starve to death
>>lel not murder :DDD
>Things that never happened,
learn to read you fucking dumb kike
Yes we do. labor camps is what the western allies liberated and conveniently all the concentration camps were the ones the sovets liberated,
Pure coincidance, research is illegal though goyim.
ah I fucked up the made up words, doesn't matter you get the picture.
What the fuck are you talking about?
The only genocide people ever think the whole country should be blamed for is the holocaust.
What did your ancestors do during the Boer War? The Trail of Tears? The Holodomor?
krauts would send teenagers with a week of training to the front towards the end there , makes sense they'd be shaven since thats how soldiers look like on the first 1/2 weeks of boot camp.
the german soldier they let live earlier on in the film was the guy who stabbed the american fellow later on
I very much doubt that as they're played different actors. Why lie about that?
Things that literally happened to my family in East Germany.
It doesn't mean much when you collaborators claim they treated you nicely.
What about the Bolshevik massacres of German civilians in the Polish Corridor in the 1930's?
No, the Soviets liberated many labor camps, for example Stutthof, Sachsenhausen, Theresienstadt and others. You really shouldn't listen to stormfriends, they tend to lie.
No one said they treated anyone nicely, but starving people to death was never the Soviets policy (except maybe Holodomor).
>What about the Bolshevik massacres of German civilians in the Polish Corridor in the 1930's?
There weren't any bolsheviks in Poland in 1930s. There was a small illegal communist party KPP. Most of the KPP leaders ended up in Polish prisons or were executed during the Great Purge.
>all the concentration camps were the ones the sovets liberated
How did the Soviets liberate the concentration camps in the Netherlands and West Germany?
i stand corrected
So the difference is making it "official policy"? You're an idiot if you think it wasn't on purpose.
Please explain the massacre that took place in the village neighboring my grandparent's village then. Communist radicals associated with the Bolsheviks murdered German civilians. It was not unprecedented either.
don't argue with Sup Forums fags, they do not know their history
Very nice anecdotal evidence. What village? When it happened? What communists? Polish communists in 1939?
too bad they got the wrong village
>One phoney dude's writings are enough to discredit the thousands of other testimonies
Concentration camps on German soil and death camps on polish/soviet soil make sense actually
Why are deniers grasping at straws like that? They're flat earther tier
You mean the massacre which has never been recorded anywhere apart from your Sup Forums post?
You do know Poland was a far-right nation in the 1930s before Hitler invaded, right? As in they weren't Bolsheviks.
It's only my family's history faggot, so clearly I don't know anything
1937, small village near Stolp (the names have all changed now that it's officially Polish territory), communist radicals raided the houses of several German families and shot them
Clearly yours got the wrong oven
I didn't say the Polish government sanctioned it, did I?
Why would the communists do this? How do you know if they were communists?
Fake news. You're lying.
German soldiers weren't doing this. Look at any photo from the fighting in Normandy.
Spielberg admitted it was a historical error.
Because they declared themselves to be communists.
I don't know what reasoning goes on in communist heads, but I look at the actions of antifa today and I see how it happened.
It was probably Nazis doing a false flag.
Why, because the history written by the Allied victors doesn't say so? Particularly an unsavory part of history, painting communists in a bad light, in an area that was controlled by the Soviets for decades after the war?
Two years before this? Why?
I'd say it's more likely they saw the outrage produced by events like these and decided to cash in on it by staging more.
No, because there's no proof for anything that you're saying. Sup Forumsyps like you are either born liars or just gullible.
But Słupsk was in Germany. Why are you talking about Polish communists then? Maybe they were German communists?
>be the self proclaimed master race
>claim that the jews control the media, science, sports, politics and the banks
>claim the holocaust didn't happen but Hitler hated the jews and tried to kill them
Really activates those almonds
I never said Polish communists, idiot. Actually read my posts, perhaps? They could have been German, but the point is that they were communists who associated themselves with the Bolsheviks. Also Słupsk is not the real fucking name of that town, fuck you.
What country did you grow up in? I think it will explain a lot.
Kek. Słupsk is the town's name. Now and forever. It will never be German again.
>Also Słupsk is not the real fucking name of that town, fuck you.
>In alten Urkunden wird Stolp als Ztulp, Slup, Slupz, Ztulpz, Schlupitzk und Schlupz geschrieben.[3] Ein Dorf namens Slup wurde bereits 1013 urkundlich erwähnt.[4] Möglicherweise leitet sich der Name vom altslawischen Wort stlŭpŭ für Säule oder Ständer ab – also vom Fischständer im Fluss, einer Vorrichtung zum Fischfang.[5] Zur Burg gehörte eine Kastellanei, ein auch als Land Stolp[6] genannter Burgsbezirk.
From German Wikipedia. It was a Slavic settlement, so the name Słupsk is probably more accurate than the German name.
It's not like I want it back after you ruined it with your ugly commieblock buildings, but you can have some respect and give it the correct name during the time period being discussed.
>>claim the holocaust didn't happen but Hitler hated the jews and tried to kill them
Wrong. Hitler didn't try to genocide the Jews. He had half Jews in his army.
>"if it wernt for me youd all be speaking german!!!"
>most of the world speaks english because they won
>What about the Bolshevik massacres of German civilians in the Polish Corridor in the 1930's?
Stolp wasn't part of the corridor. If some communist terrorists killed people in Germany then it's not Polish fault. But German communists were either dead or in concentration camps in 1937. Maybe some small groups survived, I don't know.
Of course this alleged massacre didn't stop Hitler to sign a pact with Stalin, so it seems like he didn't really care about his people killed by the communists.
the kraut should fear the anglo
This guy gets it.
That's why israel needs a nuke or two.
The worst thing that can happen to a commoner if his nation loses a war is having to learn a new language and culture. America has already lost most of its culture. There's no reason for Americans to fight.
Fun fact: the surrendering soldier that gets shot during the D-Day sequence is trying to say that he isn't German but Czeck or something enrolled by force.
I appreciate seeing fellow victors in wehraboo threads like these.
dunno, compared to limp dicked tarantino everything appears better
It the whole Europe and their colonies, Russia and America to defeat a very small country. Had the nazis acquired the nuclear bomb earlier, this moron would have said what?
>"Don't shoot! I'm bulgarian! I was conscripted! I never hurt anybody!"
Best writing ever.
pretty sure he said "look I washed my hands!"
As opposed to the millions of deaths by bolsheviks that are documented?
That doesn't make the original claim valid. Nice try though.
Holocaust deniers don't usually deny that there was a Holocaust, they usually deny that several stories were wrong or the numbers were fudged or that there was systematic killing.
The letter seemed to be mostly about historical inaccuracies in the movie though
The Holocaust was an attempt to exterminate Jewish people in Europe. They deny it.
because private ryan is nothing short of brilliant propaganda.
germans are depicted as rat like skin heads whereas it's tradition up until today to abuse a small loophole in the armys regulation.
it states that your neck and side of your head to the tip of your ears have to be shaven.
that leaves the soldier to wear his top hair as long he pleases in realms of reality.
hence undercut being called hitler youth cut.
now check out the american soldiers, all have their normal civillian hair. look pretty.
check how germans die and check how americans die. germans drop dead no questions asked. americans suffer and plea for their moms. deaths by german hand are gruesome brutal and barbaric. deaths by american hand is quick clean and ok.
What are you implying with that picture?