>background actor makes eye contact with camera
Background actor makes eye contact with camera
Other urls found in this thread:
>responds to a frogthread out of pure cringe
It's not really matter,
It's actually might be realistic because It's just like any direction other people look
I think this is a good reaction, and I have it too, OP. Good thread.
>background character braces themselves for the upcoming loud noise
>background character looks at other background characters for their cue to do their thing
>dog looks at cameraman
Thanks. I hope you have a good weekend.
Why do these make me uncomfortable?
>background actor steals the entire scene
Name half a dozen.
>background characters in restaurant are talking with one another
>can lip read them talking about the famous lead actors
>entire Nolan filmography
It's Thursday…
>background "actor" is in focus and does anything noticeable
But it's still looks realistic
>background character upstages main characters
Always a favourite
>background character reveals himself as the REAL main villain
>background actor teleports between cuts
That's the one. Kek
*kills self in 3 years because no one likes him and he can't let people enjoy anything*
>background actor walks slower than he's supposed to so that he gets noticed by the camera
name ONE time and give your transcription
>seven with Kevin spacey
>Background characters always have a perfect distribution of different races
not where i live, cuckold-dono.
>tfw create entire unrelated storyline for background characters in your head and start rooting for them to get a happy ending
>extra starts making love to the camera with her eyes
>background actors do anything but act normal
pretty good advert desu
>background characters are obviously Canadians
>tfw it was adlof the whole time
formerly chuck's
>tfw no IMDB page for boom mics guest appearances
>random background lady has bigger T&A and is much hotter than female lead
What's so bad about looking at the camera? The camera obviously exists or there wouldn't be a movie. Are the audience supposed to pretend they watching from the point of view of a ghost?
so you can't have a good weekend coming up?
I have a habit of paying attention to only the background characters in shows and movies. Not even memeing.
>background actor messes something up
>never noticed
>recognize at least one extra per episode
>extras always over-act
>characters are walking as a group
>background character stumbles and plays it off
The King of Comedy is a good example of this.
>background character starts walking directly towards the camera
>Watch Kubrick's Spartacus
>after the last major battle, an extra who is supposed to be dead is in the center of the shot
>lifts her head up and turns it the other direction and lays back down
It annoys me when people say Kubrick is an autist of detail. He's really not.
>background character walks back and forth behind the main characters since they don't know what to do
>background character is actually a famous actor making a cameo
that is a classic miscue, also some of the extras are wearing watches
>background character doesn't salute back the main character
Hey, that's me!
>background character is actually the director of the movie
lol the funniest part is that someone actually watched this movie
>Commendatori...buon giorno
Go to bed, Toki.
A true kìnôntŕepreńeur watches each frame of each scene of each film as if he were himself a god, judging the creators of The Work and prepared to rain down vengeance on the unjust
That's the guy that extras in a fuck ton of movies though