kill, marry, fuck
Kill, marry, fuck
Kill cox, fuck rachel, marry phoebe
Kill phoebe marry rachel fuck monica
Marry Monica, fuck Rachel and kill Phoebe
Only viable answer, anyone who says different is of a weak mind
no that's Monica, Phoebe and Rachel
Kill Rachel, fuck Phoebe, marry Monica.
All three in reverse order.
Kill Rachel, fuck Phoebe, marry Monica.
Rachel is a garbage human being. Phoebe is a freak in the sheets. Monica satisfies the qualifications for a good mother to potential children.
>Marry Monica
least logical response of any possible outcome. why would you do that to yourself?
>look what she did to chandler
kill cox
fuck aniston
no marry
i'd just drop her off on the side of the highway somewhere
This, plus Monica is independent and makes her own money.
Rachel would be a bore in 10 minutes, and Phoebe would be too much drama to be worth it long-term.
fuck, Fuck, FUCK!
either that or I'd listen to them in the bathroom and masturbate
Not as bad as marrying Rachel. Unless you’re planning on divorcing her within three months
Marry Pheobe, Fuck Pheobe, Kill the two roasties
Monica is ten times more drama than phoebe.
phoebe is resilient and emotionally self-supporting.
Monica is a neurotic mess looking for a daddy (tom selick)
Monica didn't age well while Rachel doesn't look a day older
kill phoebe fuck rachael marry monica
then probably kill her too
She's def best girl
Every woman I know is as broken and neurotic as her, at least she's got the added benefit of being obsessed with cleaning, as opposed to taking a shit ton of pills and stabbing you in the shoulder as a result
I'm a white trash slob and I haven't done what I'm told a single time in my life, so I'd just laugh at her orders while she cleaned up after me
I mean, she would definitely divorce me sooner or later when she realizes that I can't be fixed, but besides the cleaning and neurosis, our personalities would match pretty well
Rachel would follow me into the pit of destruction and I would end up killing Phoebe regardless of my choices
marry monica kill monica fuck monica
Friendly reminder that if you try to kill Phoebe she may kill you first
i admire your honesty and foresight
I wouldn't allow any face surgery so she might look old, but at least she'd look normal
Thanks, man
I day dream and scrutinize my numerous flaws every single day, and I'm getting quite good at it
The other two can be argued, but anyone who doesn't kill Phoebe has brain problems.
I would be saving that poor woman
Monica would still be a better wife
Marry, Kill, Fuck