This guy is mentally ill...It's fascinating to watch...He fucking snaped !...He's so passionate about it...
These fucking purist, nostalgic fanboys act as if they're part of a sect. The very existence of 2049 is basically a sacrilege to them.
Luke Anderson
I like how this guy manages to shit up four boards with his garbage, contrarian opinions, Quite an achievement.
William White
we know this is you op
Hudson Phillips
my god, he's making fun of origami too now?
Kayden Parker
he's right
Jonathan Clark
Sup Forums, Sup Forums, Sup Forums and... ?
Noah Morris
I razorfisr. he tries a bit too hard to be dennis miller but he's alright
Isaiah Nguyen
>watched it every day for a year I get its a great movie, but shit. I don't think I could watch my favorite movie every day for a week
Cameron Flores
Sup Raz0rfist
Samuel Sullivan
Sup Forums and Sup Forums
Nathaniel Clark
i like* razorfist
Logan Parker
stop shilling your own fucking channel you non-white fucking cunt
Nathan Cooper
The funny part is that this is how the average nostalgia tard acts, It's quite common on Sup Forums
Eli Rogers
>watched it every day for a year
literally autism
Oliver Flores
What does he do for a living anyway? I know he claims he only shoots his videos at his parents' house, but he lives there too, right?
Robert Bailey
stop shilling your stupid channel dude
Julian Hill
>hey look how stupid this guy is >anyway could you give him some views, thanks >maybe you could subscribe too
Blake Roberts
Why do you get upset that people prefer the first one? I like the new one, I still think the first is objectively better. I don’t even think that’s contrarian, the first is one of the best movies ever made.
Parker Torres
hes right but i'm not watching it
anyone that looks like the guy on the right, watches game of thrones and thinks the younger daughter characters actress is attractive has to have shit taste
Aaron Murphy
Charles Carter
Listening to his political opinions makes me puke. The idea of hearing his film opinions? Fuck that. I hope he dies in a fire.
Connor Myers
Reminder that this guy defends the SW prequels
Ethan Gray
Sup Forums
Logan Perry
Why is he using pirated footage in his youtube video?
Easton Torres
I sort of enjoyed his channel until it became the suck Trump off hour every other video.
Benjamin Butler
Ugh. I hate this type of faggot. he would've been semi successful on tgwtg a few years ago. Instead he's shitting up this board with his fucking black and white, cunty sunglasses and dumb leather jacket. Can you try harder to hide how much you look like a gay nerd? I can already tell by the way you talk and your god awful attempts at humor so don't bother. Fucking kill yourself.
Parker Thomas
>I razorfisr. he tries a bit too hard to be dennis miller but he's alright Is he always like that ? Dude sounds fucking insane...Just the way he speaks. Like a lunatic.
Cameron Harris
He's been deriding the film since it was announced. Not surprised he hated it. It's weird that he liked TFA so much more, given that his complaints would seem to apply much more to that movie than they do to 2049
Wyatt Clark
>Why is he using pirated footage in his youtube video? Because he didn't want to pay for it ? Thing is, the pirated version lasts about 2h15minutes, so it's not the complete version.
He was already shitting on the film before seeing it out of principal. He had already made up his mind.
William Fisher
It's is retarded try hard sense of humor. Stringing words together and talking fast. Shooty-mc-tighty-yogapants LOL
Oliver Bailey
>It's weird that he liked TFA so much more, Not weird...he's a fucking hypocrite..It's just that Scott's Blade Runner is his baby. The very existence of 2049 was an insult to him. He fucking hated it before seeing it. He's not being rational about it, he's acting like a female...Not logically but with his emotions and nothing else. Zero objectivity.
Henry Perez
Why would anyone care what this retard thinks?
Robert Nelson
Guy is too emotionally attached to the original. Seeing Villeneuve's vision for Blade Runner is like seeing some stranger put his hands on your girl
Leo Martin
>I am razorfist
Thomas Rogers
shills are so desperate to discredit /ourmovie/ that they'll take this literal faggot's word as gospel in order to try and prove their point, its pretty sad.
Levi Wood
He's 100% correct though. 2049 is a 6/10 movie. Unforgiveable
Colton Moore
Please answer
Wyatt Lopez
>Guy is too emotionally attached to the original. this
Caleb Howard
Giant Bait made for youtube views.
Dont fall for it
Nathaniel Brown
Landon Miller
TV BTFO he's 100% right
Colton Sanders
this would've been everyone if the movie was actually trash. Guys living on an alternate timeline.
Colton Hughes
He's living RENT free in the minds of Sup Forums nerdboys