How to fix Blade Runner 2049

REMOVE the original flashback of K seeing the wooden horse get hidden in the furnace. Have him only describe it when he's speaking to his superior. The audience instantly recognising the orphanage from K's dream makes the scene lose so much of its power

REMOVE stupid dumb exposition about "the world is built on a wall", let people figure it out for themselves why the baby and any trace of it needs to be destroyed

REMOVE stupid dumb exposition lines like "mine are 1s and 0s", if you aren't intelligent enough to figure out what Joi is referring to here you aren't intelligent enough for BR

REMOVE the very final scene of Deckard meeting his daughter. We don't need to see this. The final image of K on the steps while Tears in Rain music plays is so much more powerful

REMOVE any reference to a robot rebellion, it's tacked on and outright doesn't fit with how Blade Runner is about personal journies and development

Just remove all the retarded "hey audience, are you a fucking dumbass mongoloid? Here's a recap of something that happened earlier in the movie when Goose is looking at something funny." scenes.

>tfw this is easily achievable with simple edits

Kino edition will be achieved when the rip comes out, I might even add in more Vangelis from the original

Have the rebel leader say "We all found the horse."

Replace the entire soundtrack with Vangelis' score from the original and I'll not only suck your dick, but I'll also give you money.

Well clearly they didn't have enough because normies are fucking stupid

REMOVE Anything I don't like!

How's high school going buddy?

This is a good list. I would like to add in the scene where Joi explains the significance of the date "the date of your birth" to K

but they didn't though

and it was never explained why he was implanted with only the horse memory to begin with

I wonder if this will get a director's cut like the original did. The theatrical release of the original is pure ass.

Wholeheartedly agree.
However the flashback is kinda necessary as a visual cause later when we figure out Stelline is the daughter, we do it by cutting from that flashback to stelline.

you have to remember that studios will always interject because they will always have prejudices about the audience, and often times they're right. so this could easily be fixed in a director's cut but the theatrical release is always going to have edits to appease the execs to make them feel secure

>“The thing is, the movie you’re going to see is the director’s cut. There will be no further … maybe there’ll be a ‘studio version’ [laughs], maybe a producer version, but not a director’s version. That’s my director’s cut. So I don’t think there will be further versions. If there are alternate versions, they’re not from me.”

>Director's cut
>of a movie which could have nearly an hour of shit cut out of it

solid, only one I disagree with is the 1s and 0s thing, I don't think someone not knowing what binary code is necessarily makes them unintelligent. plus "1s and 0s" means nothing to someone who doesn't know what binary code is anyway. Hell maybe K doesn't know what binary code is.

>REMOVE stupid dumb exposition lines like "mine are 1s and 0s", if you aren't intelligent enough to figure out what Joi is referring to here you aren't intelligent enough for BR
This is my biggest one

I wish just once they would assume that you understand. Maybe make Joi say something subtle so you know she's thinking about the topic rather than her literally saying it.

When she said
>I only have 2
That should be enough to tell you she means 1 and 0

I don't recall this scene. Could you describe it to me, I am trying to remember where joi says it and in what context.

K looks for a dna match and on the screen you see 3 of G A T C (I don't remember which 3) in multiple sequences and Joi comments that her dna is made of 1 and 0 like in a computer programme.

I didn't get why there were 3 instead of 4 but I put it down to my ignorance and went with it.

>REMOVE the original flashback of K seeing the wooden horse get hidden in the furnace. Have him only describe it when he's speaking to his superior. The audience instantly recognising the orphanage from K's dream makes the scene lose so much of its power
I disagree. What you want is this scene to be a surprise, it would be just a mistery scene build up with the "oh he was talking about that horse before". The way it is executed in the film almost like a nightmare coming true, slow tension building of will the horse actually be there hidden, this way the reveal of K questioning the existence of his being comes of much stronger and impactful.

>REMOVE the very final scene of Deckard meeting his daughter. We don't need to see this.
Also highly disagree. The audience needs to be shown the actual interaction between Deckard and his daughter for the audience to be aware that K succeded in his last self-sacrifice. For all we know she could be dead. Also it needs to be shown for the visual juxtaposition of real snow starts falling on K while fake snow starts falling on the daughter.

I agree with the rest.

I partly agree on the first point, there was so much set up for the horse that it lost a lot of impact when he actually found it. The flashback was fine, but they shouldn't have shown the date on that was the same as the tree, should have only shown it when he pulls it out of the furnace.

This is actually solid, I thought this was gonna be autism

Exactly, basically that's what I was thinking you just reminded me. Cut her off at "I only have 2"