so is his career over?
are we seeing the end of stoner-flicks?
so is his career over?
are we seeing the end of stoner-flicks?
Twitter was a mistake
Imagine some old fuck on Sup Forums trying to impress the kiddies with a meme and coming up with a twitter handle resembling something from AOL circa 1998.
N'aw. They are innocent until proven guilty haha!
Only 10 retweets? That's nothing. I make more than that in a day. Prob'ly, I got more retweets than Obama, Trump, & Ellen DeGeneres put together.
Literally who?
This bitch has 5 followers and a new account. Fake.
Slandering time
One last call for attention
Accuse somebody of rape
Slandering time
You can't prove they've touched you
But they can't prove they didn't
wow theres alot of seth rogen fans here, who knew?
>If you're offended by a book arguing leftists are totalitarian assholes, it's a good indicator your'e a totalitarian asshole.
No, it just means you don't like liars and frauds like Dinesh D'Souza and Stefan Molyneux.
I wish something like that Black Mirror episode would happen IRL but instead of targeting "bullies" the robot bees just kill everyone with a Twitter account.
Dude just disassociate from your family lmao
even if the account is fake i think we should roll with it and get him to lash out as hard as possible with shit like
Lets hope this happens
honestly is anybody surprised by that? his face is the very definition of a scumbag
That doesn't even make sense
I’d seriously be ok with this.
Like as much shit Sup Forums gets no community is honestly nastier than Twitter. Twitter is a site for bullies in psychos disguised as a happy little place where people can connect.
It's a false flag. The person behind the twitter doesn't even make the effort to not use a stock image as avatar.
>I said I was the proof
Why wouldn't you accuse someone of rape?
Seriously, if people demand proof you can just call them victim-blamers or some retarded shit like that.
Let's also hope that Kim nukes LA. I think it would be easier.
>I met that celebrity one time and he wanted to fuck me after I cock teased him for free champagne
>I could get famous if I ruin his life
>Celebs will want to fuck me when Im famous!
This is your mind on woman.
please don't
my oneitis has a twitter account
>tfw have used my shill twitter accounts to accuse 5 celebs of rape over the past few weeks
>one of them got >5k retweets
Step it up guys
Are you denying or defending totalitarian leftists?
women were a mistake
Show footpusy
Im running out of popcorn here
Man this week on Sup Forums is fucking amazing
Every fucking day there's some hilarious shit coming up
t. a man of impeccable IQ
If you're offended by someone saying "nigger", it's a good indicator that you're a motherfucking nigger.
Jesus Christ Seth, calm down
how long til twitter bans her account and she "commits' suicide
100% agree. Twitter is a place where people can gain this egotistical momentum from retweets on unfounded statements, which results in more unfounded tweets and agression which eventually leads to... a Trump presidency, people taking Rose McGowan's side with out a court decision, etc.
Did Weinstein do it? Maybe, who knows. Did Trump do it? Maybe, who knows. Are both sleazy fucks? In my opinion, yes. But, the fact is, a society that values unfounded statements over our justice system is a very scary society. In high school, three of my friends were arrested and sat in prison for a year on the basis of a child gang rape charge. I went to high school with the girl. She was promiscuous. She went out, got drunk, fucked three dudes at the same time. Next day, the whole school finds out,l and she cries rape out of embarrassment. Eventually the charges were dropped after an overwhelming lack of evidence, but just to think, three teenage boys lives fucked up for a year on a very false claim all because society values a woman's story over a man's when it comes to sexual assault.
I don't mean to go on a tirade but this has really been bothering me.
>he doesn't like Stefan
Defoo yourself
Wow, what a pathetic attempt to troll Rogan. Who is that fucking nobody anyway? Trump supporters are fascist cunts who will soon get a taste of their own medicine ... :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
Can we get the "I met [Celebrity] in a grocery store" copypasta viral guys??
So these Hollywood sluts suck some dicks to get in the public eye and later scream rape to get into the public eye yet again. Win win for the ladies it looks like.
Imagine going through this effort every day
It's downright Sisyphean.
We must imagine Seth Rogan happy.
>this is the leftypol faggot spamming Sup Forums
holy shit literally a deformed umpa lumpa
Let's just kick over all the rocks and let Hollywood tear itself to shreds
Stefan desperately trying to stay relevant as a ancap nazi alt-right paleoconservative libertarian err...
This post reeks of Chapo stink
ill never understand why some twitters go bottom to top while some go top to bottom.
confuses the hell out of me
>not an argument
>if everyone is a rapist noone is
Suddenly everyone is molested by everyone.
This whole shit is gonna get watered down and will be forgotten in few weeks.
kill yourself Sup Forumsscum
Hate to sound like an SJW but we need to bring attention to this, no one is listening to her so far.
If you've got a Twitter, retweet her
Yep, found the soyboy
Seriously, every single time someone posts a twitter screenshot I have to spend time figuring out whether I'm supposed to read it top to bottom or bottom to top. Sometimes it's almost impossible to tell, as well.
no one knows what that means. go back to your containment board
not a moment too soon
Unless they’re a nigger, then their just guilty
t. reddit
Imagine some old fuck on Sup Forums who always cries "falseflag!" "fake news!" "propaganda!" creating a fake news falseflag event to capitalise on a news event and further his propaganda.
This is what soy does to a boy.
>In different shapes, sizes
>No, it just means you don't like liars and frauds like Dinesh D'Souza and Stefan Molyneux.
If you can expose their arguments you can gain a significant following.
Just yelling "THEY'RE LIARS!" won't get you anywhere.
Make me, crybaby.
Could someone just make an account and accuse Dan Schneider of rape? Could someone make an account with pics of a hot guy and accuse female celebrities of rape?
Are there any other good websites to discuss film etc other than here or leddit?
This is a thread about Seth Rogan and it completely devolved into 14 year old alt-righters and 14 year old leftists calling each other names. Just like every other thread. This place is a pit.
>award for keeping silent for decades, ensuring other girls were harvested
says the retard crying about ctr/shareblue/soros/leftypol/chapo/latest bogeyman of the month
you have to go back
Jesus christ that pure unfiltered autism
Nevermind my political views, this post is just awful and annoying
Blacked, riced..
No shit,you twat. It isn't like they feed
off of this, is it?
A lot of the "loony" conspiracies of the past have been outed as truth the past few years and none of it's shocking anymore.
>yfw she got molested by that midget actress
Imagine the shame.
Hey, I share with you a little secret - I am exclusively on the Sup Forums, but I use Sup Forums style posts and pics you rile you numale faggots, for my amusement.
>hurr durr the twitter account is new obvious Sup Forums falseflag
Are you retards arguing that Trump's accusers, who came out like 3 weeks before the election and disappeared forever after it actually have more of a case ?
God ledditors are so fucking cringeworthy.
>Sup Forums memes about Harvey for years
>it comes true
>now all sorts of people are getting outed
>hollywood is imploding
have we started the fire?
t. jimmy kimmel ass nigga no sense of self-awareness
Holy shit, are there any male celebs who haven't sexually assaulted someone?
Delusions of grandeur.
>i just pretend to be retarded
t. Sup Forumstard brainlet
>t. hothead
Nope. Kill them all.
I'm not Sup Forums dummy. Do you even realize the hypocrisy you're displaying by saying that?
That last scene where they're playing Exit Music for a Film while all the plots unravel and the people get outed as cheaters and pedos was pure K I N O
Terry Crews. He got molested by Quentin Tarantino instead.
It just keeps happening. Are we seriously witnessing the fall of Hollywood?
t. reddit
everyone who isn't a braindead liberal is a Sup ForumsNazi, dum dum
we can only wish.
top marks
you have to go back Sup Forumscuck
Holy shit it's exactly like the image
At this point any Jew working in Hollywood should be guilty until proven innocent.
all socialist media was.