She so fucking hot
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so r u
Ooga booga we vikangz now
What's up with this chick? Why is she shoehorned into everything when there are far hotter black actresses available?
Even the chick who replaced her on Dear White People is far more attractive.
She was beautiful in West World.
little ears that curve upwards and inwards at the top, short pug/pig nose, wide set apart eyes that bug out.
very very hot.
Looks like she has down syndrome
Are you high?
she looks like a mini laguerta
bitch please!
Zendaya all the way!
we wuz ayylamao n sheeit
she looks like weed smels lmao
I don't think I'm racist, but I've never found a black woman attractive.
I thought I had once, but then I found out Rita Ora isn't black. Sometimes I like their tits...the spice girls one is okay.
The ome in OP and Rihanna aren't ugly at all...but I just don't find them attractive.
I also don't have much of a thing for Arabs or Latinas, but I've fapped to plenty
I fell in love with her in Creed. But for some reason I don't really find her attractive in anything else. Her character being deaf probably had something to do with it.
>cast a gifted aryan man who works out every day for this shit
>this bitch
>some generic darkie
Has JIDF increased their staff?
her character was literally the only bad thing about creed
>Sometimes I like their tits...the spice girls one is okay.
supreme taste youtu.be
she looks like pepe
Yeah. That was literally what I was thinking of. GOAT mv opening.
tfw no black gf
Literally tailor-made for getting chalked by the BWC
I WANT TO BLEACH anyone but the piglet in OP's post
She looks like someone slammed her in the face with a shovel and then tried to fix it by injecting her face with botox but only used it on her cheeks and forgot the rest of her face. Bitch is ugly af and can't act, just another bland negress Hollywood wants to shove down our throats to prove how diverse their casting choices are now.
"What do we have here?"
Tessa looks at you...
"A contender...for my tight pussy..." she says, biting her lips and breathing deeply.
As a latin American, I pity your utter shit taste. That skin color is associated with poor people here.
I'm the biggest nigger lover of a white guy you'll ever find. My feelings for black woman are so strong that I've already accepted that I will be destroying my bloodline by marrying one. With all that being said, I find that bitch super unattractive.
i feel like she only looks good with that hairstyle. i checked out her instagram a while back and she looked pretty not great, and her hair was a big reason why.
appalling bad actress as well. she single handedly almost made westworld unwatchable.
your seeing the wrong black women user :)
This thread is about black girls, not hairy white girls. I know what you're implying but I literally have no idea what a baboon has to do with black girls. No lips, no butt or breasts, hairy.
Probably their big buck nigger teeth sloping for head wide nose and shit colored skin.
The skin is such a different type it's just not comparable. Also those other two things apply to Asians too.
You're obviously a nigger if you can't see the resemblance
>the character "Valkyrie", the blonde fair skinned white woman named for the Valkyries of Norse legend, beautiful warrior angels who rode gloriously into battle to choose the dead and deliver them to paradise
>let's cast a flavor of the month nigger actress, YAAAAAS SLAY QUEEN
this is even more egregious and disgusting than Heimdall being played by the meme nigger
The resemblance you're seeing is through cultural lenses. Sure I also see that ape faces are a bit flatter like African and Asian faces. But for example to an innocent child the hairiness would be more striking than any facial features. Africans and Asians are almost hairless whereas Indo-Europeans are almost apelike in their hairiness.