Why did he say that?
Does he believe in God?
Why did he say that?
Does he believe in God?
Lol he's just a dirty skinjob. It's not like he has a soul or consciousness or anything.
I love how goose has at least 1 autistic freak out every movie he's in
He even had one in Gangster Squad where his character is supposed to be a super Chad, but he freaks the fuck out and Josh Brolin punches him in the face.
>babby's first existential crisis
Why did he get so mad at the prospect of being a real human bean?
I was expecting him to have his usual high pitched scream
literally, in his case
He was mad thinking his whole life was a lie
How would you feel if you found out everything you thought about yourself was a lie?
My little brother fell asleep watching this and told me it was boring. I thought it was the best film I'd seen in a long time but I couldn't tell him how wrong he was without sounding pretentious. what do?
>that scream in only god forgives
Honestly made me kek
well right now I'm an autistic permavirgin neet so I guess I'd feel pretty good
>The Place Beyond the Pines
>The Nice Guys
>Only God Forgives
>Blade Runner 2049
can we have ONE (1) Ryan Gosling movie where he doesn't scream in his whiny girl voice? Just one?
>yfw it's not even his memory
When did he scream in Drive? I know he sperged out and stomped on that guy's head in the elevator, but I don't remember him yelling.
>not liking goose autism
back to where you came from
Cut him out of your life forever. Better to be alone than have a pleb brother.
>Got bamboozled by fake memories into thinking he got bamboozled by other people into thinking he got bamboozled by fake memories
The guy next to me fell asleep, I ate all his food. It was alright.
I distilled and evaporated 6 months worth of piss down to a crystalline substance which I sprinkled liberally over my food when I went to see the new Blade Runner movie. Sadly I fell asleep and when I woke up all of my food had been eaten ;_;
Brainlets. He's happy about being replicant Jesus. The reason he was freaking out was because his mission was to find and kill the child, and now he confirms that HE is the child he must hunt down and kill. So he either has to turn himself in or lie about completing the mission. He doesn't want to lie because he is one of those obedient Nexus 9's (but he does anyway), and he doesn't want to turn himself in because he thinks his life is worth something since he's so special.
He kind of yells at breaking bad when he finds out he told him about the girl after the stomping scene
Don't think I didn't see what you did there pal...
look at all those fucking great movies
the goose can do no wrong
>happy when he finds out he's space jesus
>holo-wife even supports him and makes him feel special
>finds out robo jesus is a girl
>holo-wife is just programmed to like him
being K is pain
Crazy stupid love
>La La Land?
He should have screaming right at the end in the jazz place when the producer and the whore watch him play.
I just rewatched it a few hours ago and this scene hit me even more the second time.
You know it's coming, she tells him that "someone lived this" and you expect it to happen, but the shot of him contemplating his entire existence goes for so uncomfortably long that the built up emotions are at peak for about 15 second straight, he makes a similar completely lost stare like when he first found the horse, but instead of a cut this time we finally get the first emotional release of the film that comes out in the form of a bonechilling existential vocal outburst. Superb execution