Why are so many people shitting on this character? Just because it's a more overt performance in a film full of subtle performances, doesn't mean it's bad. Isn't that the point?
Why are so many people shitting on this character...
I thought he was great in it and I fucking hate Jared Leto
>tfw those contacts genuinely meant Jared couldn't see
Whose shitting on Wally? He's great.
he wasn't necessarily bad, it's just he's a vegan faggot irl and it's hard to take him seriously.
he didn't seem like a blind person. like maybe blinded at mid life or something but not from birth. blind people stare in weird directions and dont sync their eyes but I guess he cant do that
>be a moustache twirling capshit villain compared to the original
wowwww why do you guys hate my (((overt))) performance wowwwwwwww
I loved him as a character, its unironically brilliant to make him a neckbeard weeb
Wallace is the ultimate pleb filter.
This is exactly how i feel. Dennis is so based that he made a guy like Leto give a great performance
>blind people stare in weird directions and dont sync their eyes
But he did just that until he got that future vision shit inserted in his neck and those 5 floatiing "eyes" came in. Until then he's literally staring at nowhere while caressing that newborn replicant.
Leto isn't a jew, moron
they should have actually blinded him for the role
He was good, but the original pick of David Bowie would be perfect I think
They did though
But they did user, those contacts he had on his eyes are literally making him blind.
Do a simple google search before posting.
I really liked him, very grandiose as I would expect from someone with that much influence. Understandable ambition, the methods making him the villain, that makes a good antagonist.
I'd be worried it'd be too distracting. I'd have just see him as David Bowie the entire movie
No I mean sharia acid attack his pretty boy face. XD
You could say the same thing for Jared Leto though
Didn't know they originally planned to use him, that would have been great, loved David in Fire Walk With Me
I don't think people understand that he's not a representative of humanity. He's supposed to be sort of robotic and dramatic. He is literally a fucking CYBORG.
He's not human like Tyrell. He's not supposed to be.
How is he considered a villain? He saved humanity from extinction
Yeah but at least in real life Leto is a dumbass faggot. Bowie IRL already seemed like an alien cyber-God. I guess that could work out great though
wow after reading throug this thread, i realized that he was blind. I guess that explains the flying cameras, i thought they were simply there to get the vital signs of the new model.
He was actually blind (Leto)