How do you pick a movie to watch for the night? I can't decide on what to watch

How do you pick a movie to watch for the night? I can't decide on what to watch

I don't. The movie picks me.

'you just have to feel it man

My gf decides.

Give the last 3 movies you enjoyed and I'll give you a couple recs.

can your gf please decide for me?

tfw i have hundreds of movies in queue, not counting netflix and hulu

i just end up browsing Sup Forums

>he doesn't purchase Marvel Studios Loot Crates™
>he doesn't watch whatever short is unlocked by the Marvel Studios Loot Crate™

Lol get with the times grandpa

Blade Runner 2049, The Nice Guys and Jurassic World(except for the ending, wtf was that)

what if I don't feel it?

There are quite a lot of ways but your main resource should be you and your acquired knowledge and taste.
Expore film just like you explore music. If you like a certain film, check out the other films from the director of that film. And if you like all of his films, then check out his entire filmography, ideally chronologically.
Just like you find an album from a band and then check the rest from that same band.

Or if you like a certain aspect from a certain movie, then check out who worked on the execution of that filmmaking element. If you liked the visuals see who was the cinematographer of that film, if you liked the soundtrack ofcourse see who did the soundtrack, same with actors etc.
You could also expore it by periods (the 70s are pretty much universally called the best film period, again depends on the taste of the viewer) or by specific waves in filmmaking or genres.

Then when you have enough gained knowledge and information you pick films just based on what fits your current mood.

Post a thread on Sup Forums and dubs decides which movie I watch

>watching a movie
>not shitposting with your chums on Sup Forums

thisKiss Kiss Bang Bang
Spooky Buddies

you were going to recommend those regardless of what he said, right?

thanks anons, gonna see what I can come up with

I used to go through a similar situation, I'd click on one file, watch 10 minutes, not "feel" it, switch to another film, watch another 10 minutes and so on and so on, until by the end I've watched the first 10 minutes of 3 or 4 films, not watched any of them and I fall asleep in front of some Youtube bullshit.

Nowadays, I usually force myself to sit through the first thing I choose otherwise I just continue to accumulate films that never get watched. I also find that having fewer films inside of a folder helps narrow down the time it takes to actually choose something.

>spooky Buddies

I'm watching Stay


The Goose and Ewan...How could one go wrong?

I watched Event Horizon last night, it was ok. If Sam Neill wasn't in it I'd probably hate it.

Most of my movie decisions are based on runtime desu

By playing a game instead.

then you are free. consider yourself lucky and go outside to enjoy life.

>oh look at those movies I have
>well what's the film with the shortest running time
>oh it's that one!

yeah that was sooo harddd op, my god everyday is a struggle to watch a MOVIE! what a hard decision, JEEEZZZ LOUISE!