woah....so this is... the power.... of the simpsons...
Woah....so this is... the power.... of the simpsons
Other urls found in this thread:
>no brown people
Sweden would be a great place of it was still white
But i dont really want to repeat the same thread over and over
You can predict what every other post will be
Is Sweden the next France?
What is the joke here? Can someone explain?
yes and they're all becoming the next South Africa
seeing a naked women in sweden is a normal thing
that sweden is great
Chuckholm, Sneeden
stockholm, sweden
formerly stockholm, sneeden
oh man, yours is better
Chuck's Sneed and Swede
It is widely known that Sweden is home to beautiful blonde women but I don't get the joke in OP's pic.
swedish men are gay
Formerly white's?
that used to be the case before the invasion
reminder, the person who posts sneed is an underaged /asp/ and Sup Forums spammer from india
dang I'd love to be the captain of that ship
>a few blacks
Hows it feel to live in a fantasy world user? is that persecution complex you've created for yourself paying off?
All those women and children and scientist and doctors and lawyers and dreamers
i want that ship to go through a time loop and end up in the 1600s. then we'll see how happy they are to be headed to europe.
Tell us how you really feel user. You didn't tell us about the fiction you've made your life to be, please elaborate
who are you quoting?
Seems like the UN report was wrong.
>In 2010 Sweden had the 15th place in the HDI rankings but according to UN forecasts, Sweden will be #25 in 2015, and in 2030 on the 45th place.
>deflecting the point
Thank God Sweden will be the sacrificial lamb to demonstrate the Idiocracy of neoliberalism
>it's ok because it only dropped 30 places
In 2016 Sweden is 14th. So it's even better than in 2010.
>Sweden will be 45
>Russia is currently 49
So you can't read? It didn't drop at all.
it will by 2030 is the point, the boats aren't going to stop coming
Fucking lol. You're as illiterate as the people you denounce.
Isn't it the other way around?
is 15th to 45th not dropping 30 places?
are you just going to sit there and lie?
Numales consider blondes airheads while also thinking women should be allowed to steer society.
Doesn't mean they are regressing, just that other countries are improving
so this.... is the power.... of the simpsons....
>Sweden will be #25 in 2015
>Is #14 in 2016
According to this report in 2015 it supposed to be 25# but it's 14#. I think it's safe to ignore this projection.
300 othellos
but why isn't Sweden improving anymore?
Well, yeah...
I'm sure it will get better the more the demographics shift to being like Africa
>#15 in 2010
>#14 in 2016
Data says otherwise.
so data says it will get worse the more it becomes like Africa?
did you read the post you were responding to?
If I was a rich man, I would bring this men to europe. Bathe them. Clothe them. Get them a Cosmetic surgery procedures. As best as possible. Basically make them as good looking as possible. Give them basic english langauge lessons. Give them fancy cars and gadgets. And then tell them "find the white pussy". No rape, no hookers. Those men who cannot manage to get a single white pussy within a week, I would send them back to africa. Those who cannot manage to knock up a single white bitch within a week, send them back to africa. Those who cannot manage to knock up 6 white bitches within a year, send them back to africa.
God I wish I was a rich guy.
Data says it was supposed to drop 10 numbers by 2015. It didn't. Do you really not understand what's going on here? That the report isn't reliable at all?
It is. The "projection" is pretty dumb because just because some countries are on a slight progress now doesn't mean it will stay that way for 20 years. There is no saying the Swedish HDI will keep falling at the same rate. Its a "user projections" thing anyway.
What's going on here is that the nation's demographics are creeping towards being like South Africa and if you think it will lead to any situation other than the exact one in South Africa is delusional.
I just feel bad for Norway and Finland who will have to wall of their borders
Will Japan be the first country to reach a 1?
Are you the individual who posted the original link?
Are you a truck driver?
are you the individual with the insatiable nigger fetish?
That Sweden is very liberal and not shy about sex and nudity? I don't know what swedes are actually like, But that's the stereotype. That and good meatballs and disgusting candy.
It's 90's Simpsons. Give them credit, no one can read the future.
Reminder that emigration from Sweden is the highest it's ever been.
>That Sweden is very liberal
how do you reconcile being a liberal pro-LGBT nation while letting in people who throw gays off rooftops?
So you are. Let's wrap this up:
You posted this link: stating Sweden was gonna drop in rank to #25 in 2015. That didn't happen. It rose one rank in 2016. If you swear by this report, which states by 2030 Sweden will drop a shitton, you have no logical ground to stand in because the report is already unreliable. Smell ya later, loser.
There is literally nothing wrong with multiculturalism
>South Africa
>nothing wrong
yeah ok
Sweden used to be a place full of beautiful unraped women. The joke is how far society has fallen.
>nothing wrong
yeah ok
you close your eyes and ears and think about how progressive you are and how you are showing those evil white men who is the boss
their holy book condones that behavior
Europeans, especially Northerners are degenerate who try and defend walking naked in public.
Idk where you hail from, but I'd rather either of you random Sup Forums posters in charge of arranging the world than the vast majority of people.
My niggas be on point.
anime's gonna blow your mind someday
The Nordic countries have a reputation of being sexually liberated which goes back mostly to being more comfortable with nudity in their media and the sauna culture in Finland.
sn eed desu desu
>Stockholm, Sweden
>migrants are great
>meanwhile the countries they fled from are complete shitholes
can a liberal please help me understand where the logic is in this?
Wow just look at all those women and children
2010: didn't have to worry about rape at teen concerts
2016: have to hand out bracelets that say please don't rape in arabic at aforementioned concerts.
Seriously though, Europoort like to make fun of America, but how do they reconcile the fact that multiculturalism only breeds tensions until you make everyone come together to be some beige colored mass of consumers united under a culture of having no culture or history or anything? Or do people actually think that's good?
Whitey is responsible for their shitholes. Deal with it.
I've hit a point where I support these Muslims more than the woman.
There's your problem.
Nope. That's me. Black girls are superior.
>supporting white girls getting raped
Nice one, Abdul.
well, they DID get president Trump right.
>deal with it
no them
cognitive dissonance, or just plain old hypocrisy/lack of intellectual integrity. Trying to support women's rights and Islam at the same time is objectively stupid, but of course that won't stop anybody whose identity or social status depends on defending brown people.
>Whitey is responsible for their shithole having anything of value
t. Every person from Africa and the Middle East I've known. They basically run their civilization out of the building Europeans left behind.
the fact that liberals actually believe this should terrify you
they clam that its diversifying the world but it is the opposite, if you take shit parts of Africa to Sweden you dont make the shit African place more Swedish you just make the world more African.
it's the same reason Canada doesn't want Amerifugees, and Canada is liberal.
Nah, just that women responsible for their own whorish behavior my name is John, btw.
Empire of Dust. Good documentary about negroid inability to keep civilisation going.
Well, I mean I live in a western country and I sometimes entertain the idea of emigrating elsewhere once I have the money despite not by any means having a terrible life where I am right now. So if I, a middle class european man have a right to emigrate just because I'd find it to be an interesting experience, how cynical would it be of me not to extend that same right to people who have to suffer under genuinely poor and hard to bear living conditions?
I think choosing where do you want to live should be a right, not a privilege and preferably a universal one. Of course open borders are so far an utopian pipe dream but in the long term it should be something a free society should aspire to.
You are, and will forever be, my fellow cracker.
>girl gets drugged and wakes up on the street
>"oh well, can't control my dick, she deserves to be gangraped"
Literally 3rd world tier