/rlmg/ It's up
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very cool
we have already discussed this
Would you watch a Rich Evans Fast Food Review Show?
I have not yet began to fully not give a shit.
very cool
The best part is these videos are as tone deaf as the actual content they satirize. Make fun of studios pumping out mindless cash grab squeals by creating videos that are almost identical one after another to ride the success of the initial novelty of the idea
very cool indeed.
yes, it's kino
v e r y
c o o l
very cool
are you saying you dont like signature midwestern humor and forced memes? oh uh dont let reddit see your post.
very cool
very cool
Why do they pretend they're cynical and ironic after they literally LOVED TFA and have never given a Disney marvel film a bad review?
Hey, look what Doug was cooking today?
Why do they have a pile of ninja turtles on the table?
they also have a pinhead funko doll and a bunch of other non disney stuff
I want an actual show about rich eating shit in his car now
>they are all michelangelos
You guys... you guys understand who those dudes in the pile are, right? I can't tell if I'm being trolled or not anymore.
>hurr you said the wrong turtle name I'm such le nerd
Yes. I'm glad RLM are aware of the genre.
oh god it's still happening.
how do I wake up from this nightmare?
do you guys know what those figures are or not???
This is the best one so far. When you think about it, it's really just about family in the end.
Cause they're sellouts.
>muh conspiracy theories
This is past "irony" and is now full blown retardation.
RLM satirize popular youtube popculture 'critics'.
They become the very thing they are satirizing but it's cool because irony!
Fanbase plays right into it unaware that phrases like 'very cool' are used to make fun of idiots like them, the trend-following, meme-spouting idiots.
very cool
>"very cool"
>picture of a desert
How easily can Mike lift Jay?
very cool
pathetic Disney shills
He can probably fuck him right in the ass while holding him up in the air while jay's limp cock just flops around, you know.
I can't tell if they're doing a shoutout to reviewbrah or if they're making fun of him, if they are making fun of him, rlm is done
They're definitely making fun of him, you autist.
fuck rlm then, they're fucking with forces way out of their league
Its kinda sad seeing middle aged men copying/making fun 24 year olds who are far more successful/richer than these cucks
These are the words of someone who can't handle people having a laugh at your expense in a good-natured way, and thinks everyone else in the world is that way too.
Are you implying that I'm reviewbrah?
They represent the pile of shit that is the Turtles franchise.
>forces way out of their league
Like your autism, right?
Yes that'd be one.
>DC is the thinking man's comic book franchise
No I'm implying you're a whiny crybaby pussy who can't handle the bantz.
Those are Jabba's guards, bro.
Very Cool.
>making fun of reviewbrah
>he gets kicked out of home, demonitized and then made fun of by a annoying fat fuck for no reason
he had a hard life
reviewbrah was my first thought too but joey seems closer. very cool ep anyway.
The angle the camera is set up at as well as the way he spoke is definitely reviewbrah. I really don't get why they made fun of him when there are far worse examples of 'sitting in car and eating' videos that exist.
Why did reviewbrah get kicked out of his house?
There are more food reviewers than reviewbrah. He's not even the top.
JFC they were not making fun of him. If anything, they were making fun of Rich, and how shit his food review channel would be if he tried to emulate Review Brah.
RLM are jealous of reviewbrah.
He released a kino train review today
>implying they are not going to like all the movies they are shit talking now
Too far. Fuck RLM. How can they watch and review capeshit while not understanding the merit of food reviews?
When did RLM jump the shark?
>Mike in the shitty star wars suit
Best joke in the episode
>and how shit his food review channel would be if he tried to emulate Review Brah.
shit? It was way better than prerec
first post very cool post
A cat turd that landed outside the cat box is better than Pre-rec.
It either happened when they liked a movie you hated or hated a movie you liked or when Sup Forums told you stop liking them.
probably because he's a failure with no real job?
>shitting on reviewbrah
too far
>That feel when I don't watch popular youtubers or other geek culture garbage other than RLM itself so the jokes on this are lost on me.
I find it surprising and depressing that they had enough material to make more then one episode of Nerd Crew.
Mike has lost it.
That guy looks like what would happen if Mike and Rich got beamed up together like what happened on Voyager.
joeys food tour and there are others besides reviewbruh you moron
>there are others besides reviewbruh
this is like talking with a vegan about complete proteins
sure, there are others, but why would you care about them when you have reviewbrah
>I don't know why they released the trailer during football
Because disney owns ESPN and did it at a time where they could make even more money.
Reviewbrah doesn't deserve this, he's too pure for this world