You're following Monster Madness this year, right?
You're following Monster Madness this year, right?
No, for someone who says he loves horror movies james is awfully out of touch with them.
james eats a lot of paste in class
How many more horror movies are left where he could discuss them enough to fill up a YouTube run time ?
I though the last year one was going to be his final one.
Yeah more like zero
Italian horrors alone would be enough to cover all episodes.
how many foreign horror films has he reviewed? two?
Many. James is not interested in horror movies that are about ghosts or psychological horror movies for example. He only wants to talk about stuff he knows, which are monster movies and slashers basically.
More like zero times a million
He briefly mentioned Zombi 2 once and he dismissed it completely, what a pleb
I don't watch Youtube bullshit, so no
OMG ur so much of a better person already, in which way are you also unique???
I haven't even followed the previous years, i just hang out with you faggots for the memes.
He's made about 50 billion videos covering horror and the "history of horror" and as far as I can tell he's never mentioned Bava once. Fucking idiot.
Wind your neck in lad, no need to get so defensive.
Can someone explain what Sup Forums gets out of watching these washed up youtubers like nostalgia critic and AVGN?
theres a thread up for a razorfist video for fucks sake
Nah, I only watched AVGN til that shitty movie.
Around the time of Toxic Avengers and Ikari Warriors was the time I dropped James.
>brief plot summary with an also brief statement of whether he liked it
Do people find this shit entertaining?
>razorfist video
no idea who he is but I mostly follow these thread for the saucy news, I don't watch their videos anymore
Did I hurt ur little special butt???
Perhaps people actually like watching them and talking about them.
What's that hilarious werewolf from?