How fucked is Hollywood?

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she's done

I just hope Hollywood crashes with no survivors. So the movie industry can be reborn amist salt and smoke.

What the fuck was this girl doing on a beach naked wearing a fur coat in the first place?

why the fuck did you wait like 30 years to say anything ya dumb cunt.

I think it's time that great film studios outside of california came into being

Ever since that Roman Polanski raped that child I've always thought there was something suspicious about him

probably quaaludes and bacardi breezers

foreign film festivals and bollywood have been around a long time now

>Chicago becomes a film making center again
>It drives out all the nigs


If the acuser doesnt have a blue tick no one fucking cares. 90% of these new twitter accusers are trolls from Sup Forums.

fuck off kike

Because if any of these allegations were within the statute of limitations then law enforcement would get involved and everything would collapse.

aw, did i expose your shitty attempt to cause a controversy? fuck off back to your containment board.

i wonder who is behind this post?

It'll crash, but it won't be reborn in America. The Asians will pick up the slack.

What bothers me is these progressive celebrities don't see how fucked supporting the progressive ideals of the industry that rapes them are. The right, conservatives, libertarians and others for all their faults haven't tried to actually legalize pedophilia in one way, or another, on multiple occasions. But the very industry that claims to be so progressive is rife with pedos.

Do these people fail to realize that these false accusations will eventually lose all meaning and normies will call out the bullshit and realize that they are all made up?

>wanna know what I fight for?

I fight for money and my success as individual within a country of individuals.

Oh yeah, well I fight for a country that took land away from its farmers, because they were too priviledged, and gave it to people that can't farm, now we're all starving to death, oh yeah and our government occasionally slaughtered tens upon tens of millions of people. Not other people. Well some other people, but mostly our own people. That's what I fight for.

fucking CHINK circle jerk going on in that scene
fucking chinks

No idea who this girl is.

Ryan O'Neal was a child rapist though. Not even Polanski tier (underage teenage girls, stat rape) but literal incestual, pre-pubescent forced sex.

But Polanski did a bunch of erotic photoshoots with underage girls in the 70's - that was normal back then - see Hugh Heffner and the guy who ran Penthouse too. They used girls as young as ten for nude shoots back then.


seriously he's already a convicted rapist it's not like this is destroying his character

>Ever since that Roman Polanski raped that child I've always thought there was something suspicious about him

god i hope not that looks awful

lol this.

>Hey - you know that guy who was literally found guilty in a court of law of ass fucking a 13 year old, and was known to be in relationships with numerous child models/actresses?

>Yeah...What I'm about to tell you will blow your mind - He took naked photos of me for a photoshoot


she's an artist in california and has 3,000+ followers, fuck off JIDF

Only I may work with pedophiles.

Some Ken M tier shit right here.

I met Polanski as a child in Paris (I'm not French btw) and even had dinner with him when our families happened to be seated together in a restaurant,
He was super cool to me, but I'm not a girl.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with Hollywood.



Rose McGowan was raised in a sex cult called Children of God. She used to date Marilyn Manson. I really think there's more to it than just she got raped by Weinstein. She has probably been a part of a lot of this sordid stuff for her whole life, just being passed around. She was born into it.

*Cut to standing ovation at the oscars and the montage of actors defending him.

This, every roastie in Hollywood will now claim to have been raped/assaulted decades before by a randomly chosen man to get on the bandwagon.

1. I have no idea who she is.

2. Her mom must have pimped her, pity she can't be frank about that.

3. Polanski's not in Hollywood, and France aren't cucks.

Sounds like a Norm Weekend Update joke.

Technically "Art". I'm pretty sure the Supreme Court ruled on this awhile back.

The Great Hollywood Scandal of 2017

That oddly make her hotter. She's too gross for me now, but I will fap to her younger scenes now.

>"this ends now!"

good christ

Rose McGowan was not sexually abuse by Salva because she was not underage and she's not a boy.

I ain't clickin that shit nigga. Not because it's the pictures Polanski took, because I'm sure she wouldn't have the imagination to now sell signed copies, but because she's a literal who. A good rule of thumb is that if an artist has to put the word "artist" in their URL, they're a failure.

>Oh yeah, well I fight for a country that took land away from its farmers, because they were too priviledged, and gave it to people that can't farm, now we're all starving to death, oh yeah and our government occasionally slaughtered tens upon tens of millions of people. Not other people. Well some other people, but mostly our own people. That's what I fight for.
Do you write for the New York Times?

so she doesn't care about sexual abuse unless it's happening to a female of a certain age? what are you saying?

Salva served his time, Weinstein hasn't yet.

Also, everyone's selfish. Only children think pointing out hypocrisy is worthwhile. We're all hypocritical. We all want the death penalty for everyone who opposes us, and cash prizes for ourselves and our loved ones. That's reality.

really beside the point isn't it? she's talking about a culture of abuse within hollywood but she remains silent about an abuser she worked with in the past, even calling him "sweet"

she's a fucking hypocrite

What a jerk.

No, it's not beside the point. Human nature is never beside the point, it IS the point. Hypocrisy is human nature. The only real hypocrites are the people who think it's worth pointing out that people put themselves first and have no ethical consistency.

Also, let's be honest shall we? A woman who, having been raped, decided she would never work with rapists again probably wouldn't be able to work in any industry that contains an appreciable number of men, let alone the entertainment industry.


This is the beginning of either the death of political correctness or the death of hollywood's pedo cult. Either way we all win.

(silence from the Sup Forumstards)

This deserves it's own thread.

you are 100% a jew, and maybe a female to boot

>This is the beginning of either the death of political correctness or the death of hollywood's pedo cult. Either way we all win.
you're welcome

Has anyone pulled the Pizzagate = Hollywoodpedogate yet?

No, I'm a white man, you know, like you pretend to be.

>Only children think pointing out hypocrisy is worthwhile
pointing out someone's hypocrisy regarding child sexual abuse is immature and doesn't actually harm said person's credibility regarding this issue. you heard it hear first folks
>A woman who, having been raped, decided she would never work with rapists again probably wouldn't be able to work in any industry that contains an appreciable number of men, let alone the entertainment industry.
>hurrr all men are rapist pigs!
reddit seems more your speed friend

Can this timeline get any wilder?

Good thing she was the only accuser or Weinstein might be in trouble.


Good thing she supports pedophiles

No, that's not a good thing.

This really is interesting times we're living in. A lot of these shifty filmmakers and execs think it'll all blow over, but I think they're really underestimate the public this time. The past 10 years with smartphones, social networking, and high-speed Internet/WiFi has caused uproar over any possible controversy. And these Hollywood scandals are attracting the attention of the Justice Department.

They've been doing this shit for decades and now the party comes crashing down. Anyone with access to the Internet is now a part of the tide that Hollywood can't curb or control. The left is now eating itself apart and now Hollywood is reaping what it sown years ago.

I truly hope all those victims (especially kid actors like Corey Haim) can finally be avenged and the whole rotten structure of Hollywood is torched so that a better infrastructure and people are in the entertainment industry.

>say white people who constantly eliminate themselves through 2 world wars and deindustrialization that destroyed their natality and made their suicide rate skyrocketing

It isn't going to harm her credibility, obviously. The only people who'd think it would are guys who immediately look for ways to discredit anyone who accuses a guy of rape.

No, I'm just acknowledging reality. If you work with a hundred guys, one or two of them are probably going to be rapists. She works in an industry where the numbers are higher because to some extent sex appeal is what's being sold.

Numales from polddit are defending her. I hope every last one of them gets cucked, arrested, and has to pay alimony.


>alt-kike still acting like Trump isn't involved in the same shit

He was pals with Epstein and that whole pedo cult and was already accused of raping a thirteen year old girl who he disappeared. There's literally as much evidence, if not more, that the kike in chief is a pedophile rapist as there is any of these other people getting accused currently. You won't admit that though. Your retarded political dick waving is too important to you to admit you fucked up and put a child raping kike thrall in office. You are just as complicit as anyone else protecting these degenerates. You should be ashamed of yourselves. But hey, LE KEK LE MAGA XD amirite?

He's talking about China you dumbass.

How fucked is Sup Forums?

The "Jews are making women degenerate" rationalization for redpilled Sup Forumstards' endless liveblogging of every progressive tweet an entertainer makes has become untenable, now that most of the Sup Forumstards are defending a Jew against accusations women have brought YEARS after Sup Forums openly stated that Weinstein was probably a prolific rapist. Finally, it turns out all redpilled politics is just a rationalization of sexual frustration. Any woman saying in the first person what we've said in the third person for years still needs to shut the fuck up because she's a woman.

At the same time, there are far too many of these threads for Sup Forums to be consistently anything other than "Sup Forums goes to the movies".

I'm done with Sup Forums.

Women with high likelihood of sleeping with Harvey Weinstein:

> Jessica Alba
> Elizabeth Banks
> Juliette Binoche
> Cate Blanchett
> Neve Campbell
> Marion Cotillard
> Penélope Cruz
> Rosario Dawson
> Judi Dench
> Minnie Driver
> Anne Hathaway
> Salma Hayek
> Katie Holmes
> Nicole Kidman
> Heidi Klum
> Jennifer Lawrence
> Jennifer Lopez
> Helen Mirren
> Olivia Munn
> Gwyneth Paltrow
> Emma Roberts
> Meg Ryan
> Meryl Streep
> Uma Thurman
> Kerry Washington
> Mia Wasikowska
> Emma Watson
> Catherine Zeta-Jones

so does china

ok, bye Harvey

It all comes down to who does Sup Forums hate more women or jews. I for one still hate the jews much much much more.

their faces all look different to me, just the uniforms are the same that gives off that illusion

Not everyone lives on the internet and not everyone gives a shit who makes their movies.

I can't think of a person in my extended family, including nieces and nephews in their early teens all the way to people in their 70s that give any more shits than a passing "oh, you mean people fuck people to get roles? tell me something else new". Not a single person.

Sure, maybe it'll change filmmaking a little bit, but your average normie isn't deciding NOT to go to a movie they're interested in because someone involved with it got their dick sucked.

Yeah, but mostly, it turns out that Sup Forums hates women. I mean, there shouldn't be one anti-Rose McGowan thread on here if logic had anything to do with it, there are threads about Weinstein going back years in the archive. But Rose McGowan is someone /tv-pol/ fapped to when he was young, before he realized that no woman would find him attractive, and so she's got to be a lying cunt.

Do you really believe this? Do you really believe that if there was ANYONE out there that had any sort of credible evidence that Trump did something like Weinstein did, that they wouldn't be out there screaming about it?

Having some evidence of this type of behavior that is reasonable and making the claim would literally make you the fucking HERO of the left and mainstream media.

I'm no Trump fan, but you HAVE to understand this if you have half a brain. Grab 'em by the pussy is all they got and most likely he just acted and talked skeezy and that's about it. Having real dirt on Trump right now especially as a woman would be an instant blank check.

The alt-kike are heebs, shitskins, niggers, and subhuman pedophiles themselves. How does this still surprise you?

>there are homos on Sup Forums that hate women so much that they'll defend jews

Needs updating. Anne Hathaway had nudes leak.

>Judi Dench

What?!?! Say it ain't so! :(

building a case takes time, especially when it's the president

That bastard raped Judi Dench! I knew it. I could see it in her eyes.

I think we have to call all that kind of posting by its name, it's all false flag stuff so that other elements on social media can screenshot it and make out that all sexual abuse investigations = Pizzagate. I mean, Pizzagate itself was a false-flag thing, designed to make the question of the Clintons' creepiness unbroachable ever afterwards. The guy with the gun was a family friend of the owner, ffs.


Why is it that women only come out against someone only when that person is already down? Always happens.

Pic related is from the sex cult she was raised in. Founded by (((David Berg))). They still exist to this day, under a different name.

Because women only talk when shit is hitting the fan.

They see someone is down and they join the kicking.


She probably helped Hollywood pedos procure victims, since she was raised/groomed by a pedo sex cult.

You can't just accuse the heeb in chief, you have to dot your I's and cross your T's, as that thirteen year old girl he raped would tell you if he hadn't already gotten rid of her.


It Doesn't. Because in the current state of the culture and social media you cannot question someone (a woman) who says someone did something to them. At all. Find me one single person who is has a public presence that wouldn't jump on the Trump accusation train. It takes ZERO evidence to impeach a president. None. Just the will of the congress to do so.

this guy was an archetype. rich, fat, jew, has a lot of connections. he seemed indestructible. now they saw him bleed so they all join in. and even now they cant outright say he fucked them. thats how it works

Nice false flag yourself you fucking kike. You can say it's a false flag all you want but we know it's true and we will fight with every bit of our lives to stop you kike pedophiles. It ends now.

You're a fucking moron.

Every woman who came out of the woodwork with accusations is done. This includes the ones who still had careers. Screencap this.

More from the Children of God.