Explain this guy's character
also /office/ thread
Explain this guy's character
also /office/ thread
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Raymond Reddington undercover.
Micheal ruined this series with his over acting
It was getting a little over the line by the end but there were a bunch of seasons without him
>Some people doodle at work when they let their mind run.
>They draw houses.
>Funny how the houses are *always* colonials and the penises are *always* circumcised. Don't you think?
I don't know why, but that observation he made in The Office turned out to be one of my favorite lines from any show or movie.
it was pretentious
the thing a redditor thinks is deep
While not exactly a profound philosophical revelation, it was a particularly funny line and a relatively astute observation.
t. toby
Should have ended when Michael left desu
I don't draw beheaded penises
I thought Robert California was the best new character of the later seasons. And how he convinced the CEO to give him a couple of millions dollars to travel to eastern Europe and research Slavic women was a nice touch. Truly Reddington undercover.
I couldn't imagine a sweeter ending
>seasons 8 and 9
>a bunch
Are you a retarded person?
Now don't tell me you don't draw dicks every now and then, because that's bullshit.
But if you really draw them with foreskin, that's insane. I've never heard of somebody ever doing that. Even thinking back to all the dick graffiti I've ever seen, it's always been circumcised dicks.
So do you doodle it with it completely pulled back and slightly wrinkly, the glans halfway out, or the entire dick covered with a skin nub on the top?
It was only two
felt like more huh
how does Sup Forums feel about The Blacklist?
>Explain this guy's character
I only like him because it's James Spader.
Season 4 was the beginning of the end.
And then they turned him into some beta stupid pussy male retard who can't handle his wife
The inconsistencies with his character are aggravating. Although, he's not nearly as bad as Andy and Kevin's decline.
>Andy becomes Michael 2.0
>Kevin becomes an actual retarded person
I'm convinced the writers just hated Ed Helms. There was no reason for his character to nose dive like he did.
take that back
ed pls go
> a person with anger issues can't randomly snap and do something stupid
you misunderstand, i hated his character, it's an insult to steve's GOAT character.
yeah I noticed that
Kevin seemed fine, if not a little oafish then flanderized into full retardation
wtf was the justification for that
>wtf was the justification for that
They ran out of jokes for him and needed something else. So making him an actual retard was the simplest solution.
>it's an insult to steve's GOAT character.
Fine, we'll call him Goodwill-tier quality Michael Scott. The point is that they tried to force him into that role, but it failed because Steve Carell played that role so well and that type of character had run its course. Even Michael was becoming shit tier in season 6, although him having his maturation arc in season 7 before he leaves is surprisingly decent.
>wtf was the justification for that
shit writing to where they needed that dumb fat guy stereotype since shit like link related isn't enough for them
>penises are *always* circumcised.
Or they're just erect.
nice bait, gtfo
Who was in the wrong here?
the guy on the left was being a sperg
>blantely insults her crappy artwork to her face
>very obviously in a casual friendly scenario
this is half how I expect you spergs to act
>Explain this guy's character
A literal genius, but at the same time the epitome of an eccentric character. He added some novelty to the show near the end, but got old pretty quickly.
Oscar was literally a faggot in every way.
But Pam was silly to think an 8th grade art project from a mid-late 20 year old should be in a gallery.
But pam was a creator, and thus he art was worthy of being on display (as well as being subject to criticism.) Also Gil was being a spineless dickbag for criticizing pam's "lack of courage" in hushed tones to his partner.
>Raymond Reddington undercover.
raymond reddit more like. he is zany for zany sake.
Who is the best minor character and why is it Hank the security guard
>and why is it Hank the security guard
I don't agree, but he's good because he's not an intense stereotype and he's used sparingly.
>mhmm... needs more penis
That was his funniest line. When he drank that soda which tasted like penis unintentionally.
Kevin was retarded from the beginning. Just that you weren't exposed to him a lot to notice it.
in the beginning he was more eloquent and behaved more like a normal guy, he also had relationships, plus he was actively working
by the later seasons he was an incel just doing retarded dumb big fat guy stuff, he didn't even do his job at all
>he didn't even do his job at all
That's because they didn't bother showing him working. Why would they, because he was a side-character and they barely showed the other characters doing their jobs.
>*always* colonials
wha tis colonial penis
>defending intense flanderization and shit writing
wew lad
kevin was retarded from day one nigger
>eagerly waiting for an opportunity to showcase you tv show "knowledge" and spout your flanderization buzzword around, even when it's not warranted just to feel smart
There are other, bigger shortcomings of the later Office seasons, yet you choose to focus on a minor character's, which wasn't even that severe.
>which wasn't even that severe
this is some shit bait if I've ever seen it
>yet you choose to focus on a minor character's
It's almost like this thread and that reply chain in particular was talking about Andy and Kevin. Hmmm, I wonder why they kept talking about Kevin!
>implying people don't become caricatures of themselves in real life