This explains why there's a general for a movie(blade runner 2049) now. The boards actually being invaded
This explains why there's a general for a movie(blade runner 2049) now. The boards actually being invaded
Other urls found in this thread:
Or you know it's has a popular actor that Sup Forums has always liked based on a movie that generally Sup Forums has been receptive of, about an autist who falls in love with a 2d waifu
Also reddit has invaded long before right now, hence why so many Sup Forums threads
idiot redditor retard moron
>literally 90% of the threads are muh waifu got harvested NOO
>best place
Sup Forums is the reddit board which is why you get got general, rick and morty generals and anti Sup Forums spam in every thread.
To any plebbitors that is here, please you have to go back
/tv has always been the most reddit shit board
t. plebbitor
Out of all the boards I've browsed it really seems like Sup Forums is the one with the most actual redditors
>everything I don't like is reddit
Please painfully euthanize yourself
>everything I don't like is the wicked witch of the west
Sure thing, Glinda
Bane and game of thrones opened the back gate and then star wars 7 tore down the fence and we still haven't recovered
>containing discussion so that there's not 10+ threads about a single film is sign of being "invaded"
Just think about why your post is stupid, OP. Quit being a faggot
gas the kikes race war now
>it has a popular actor that Sup Forums has always liked based on a movie that generally Sup Forums has been receptive of, about an autist who falls in love with a 2d waifu
No no, that can't be it...
>i just lost the game XD
Please, there is nothing for you here. Just go back, this website sucks ass there's not even an upvote system
embrace satirical antisemitism
>supporting generals
When did the cancer that killed Sup Forums join Sup Forums lads
Fuck off back to plebbit SCUM
These fags would sacrifice everything before uttering the boo boo words that give Sup Forums an inch.
Hear that lads, TV is the place to be.
>being pro-generals
First redditors went and got our waifu threads banned during the waifucaust of 2013, now they're coming back to laugh at us during the waifu harvest of 2017. it's not fucking fair bros, why is Reddit so mean and repulsive?
Redditors would actually raise this shit board’s quality significantly.
Also fuck off back to Sup Forums thx
>reeeeeeee why don’t nobody like us we won the election god dammit !! Its da jooooooos! This is white genocide!! Reeeeee
Fuck off
and yet after 5ish years of reddit being on this board its only become worse
compare this new version to the original pasta
t. reddit
>implying at least 80% of redditors don't also post here
it's current year, user. this entire site is compromised. it's full of normies, retards, and women.
>seething anger
I came here to laugh at you OP.
Ha ha ha ha.
(Reddit spacing)
Ha ha ha.
what's wrong with liking reddit
t. reddit
But op you are the redditor here. Are you trying to be ironic?
Hey reddit: Niggers!
That's right I said it. Niggers.
chapocuck detected
>that's still better than everywhere else right now for talking about it
really scratches the old hemispheres
This board has been a reddit colony for years now, /got/ brough this cancer in and Star Wars sealed the deal
n i g g e r s
>no u this is the power of reddit...
>blade runner 2049
is reddit
it's pretty simple, the more popular this site gets the more it degenerates because popular = stupid people
I believe that every autist obsessed about reddit is actually browsing it.
>Reddit memes
t. reddit
what I love about these threads is that for as long as we've known about this dude, every thread where he was mentioned was about how fucking obvious he was couch casting. Then all of a sudden he stands accused in the media and faggots here starts claiming his innocence and that women are always exaggerating. I wonder what will happen when Dan the man is exposed
/r/drama is unironically the least "reddit" reddit. it only sucks when they get invaded from /r/all
the tyranny of the hive created by the voting system
fuck you newfag and fuck reddit
>fuck white people and fuck drumpf
well fuck you too mate
r/drama is rebbitors LARPing as channers for upvotes
which actually makes it the most rebbit
this is bullshit, Sup Forums itself is a hivemind but instead of votes it's memes and (you)s etc, what makes reddit so shit is the culture and censorship, also at this point i wouldn't be surprised if most of the top posts on there are sponsored and/or bribed
you would know wouldn't you
>I wonder what will happen when Dan the man is exposed
What do you think? we'll praise him as /ourguy/ then we'll shit on him like we shit on everything and everyone else
Now Sup Forums gets to feel like Sup Forums feels most of the time.
I was just surprised at the amount of fucking retards here that had no idea it was happening even though its been shitposted about for years
at leas this threads answered my question
thats the spirit user
Wrong. Blade Runner 2049 Generals are a bulwark against the Redditry flooding here to cry about Pretend Rape.
redditors kys
Yeh it was better when whole board was on capeshit, Star Wars and GoT
Been here since 2008.
Redditors came here in force ~2012.
Big trip exodus from 2011 flowed into memes making their way to reddit and reddit making their way back here. Capeshit and the like were always here because of Sup Forums, and we always had retard casuals because of Sup Forums and Sup Forums, but REAL reddit didn't happen until 2012 ish.
Now it's drowned in it.
Basically anyone that complains about Sup Forums is a blatant redditor.
You can't really say the same for capeshit, because of Sup Forums.
But to anyone who has been trapped here for a long time can spot them relatively easy.
Go back there.
You should go with him
people that likes film that I like are the true reddit
I've been here for more years than I'd want to think about but you're right about the Sup Forums thing. The people who cry and moan about "Sup Forums" as if it's some distant boogeyman are definitely new and probably the sort of people who use Reddit.
fuck off /pol
how do we save it
Fuck off to Sup Forums, dipshit
No wonder /STD/ exists.
typical niggers
could you be anymore plebbit
This board actually has some great taste when you ignore the meme movies. Drive, Only God Forgives, and especially 2049 with it's hologram waifu nonsense are meme movies.
>not Sup Forums
Back to
why are reddit snowflakes on Sup Forums so triggered by trump and Sup Forums? is it because they lost and are humiliated?
relax, dipshit.
> redditor comes here
> ironically posts something with word "nigger"
> not censored, no consequence
> hey this free speech thing is ok
> "kill all nigers i hate being cucked Jews jews jews"
Wa lah a year later you have another Sup Forums addict ;)
Glad you learned an insult today, dipshit
friendly reminder this single post is the frame of reference newfag alt-left cummies use for screaming about the Sup Forums boogeyman in their safe space
Same thing that happened when Fury Road. 2049 is history repeating itself. As soon as they leave this place will go back to normal and real cinema will be discussed.
>13 points
Go back to raddit
Well he's not wrong for the greater part of it.
you Sup Forumsfags already have a safe space, it's called Sup Forums, we have every right to want you to fuck off since you constantly want to divert things off topics that are relevant to this board so you can talk about the shit you should be talking about in Sup Forums.
Hey guys, I'm new here.
Go easy on me please... I've heard stories...
Go to Sup Forums for a month. Then come back.
This entire site is pretty much /reddit/ at this point. Their cancer knows no bounds.
Is this the part where "Sup Forums" takes the side of Weinstein and tourist ledditors lose their shit as a result?
safe spaces are dumb
make me
Every board in the Sup Forums belongs to Sup Forums
why cant mods rangeban this guy complaining about Sup Forums in every thread
maybe you would feel better back at your reddit safe space instead of constantly crying about Sup Forums on Sup Forums like some rump roasted lefty
>everything i don't like is Sup Forums