Are you ready for Jodelle's new film?
Are you ready for Jodelle's new film?
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Is it a SyFy original movie or just a film airing on SyFy?
They cancelled Dark Matter for this?
Dosn't look as bad as I thought it would
If she isn't barefoot I'm not seeing it.
She's so cute
More like never watch
fucking womanlet
Perfect for BDSM
Yeah you could throw her over your knee wherever you were
Dark Matter got cancelled for being shit.
Watch some good syfy like The Expanse, you plebbo.
Expanse is the reddit of SciFi
Are Jodelle and Dominique waifus in this?
And then wtf is Dark Matter then?
What's a Dominique?
I want her to 9gag on my dick
The one playing the hippie, she plays the gay sister from Winnona Earp.
I wanna be the snake in her boot if you see what I mean...