>ITT: Oh, that exists: TV Edition
ITT: Oh, that exists: TV Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
>"Eh what's that like a complete box set what's odd abo-"
>Theme song made by Pitbull
Along the same lines...
>The Exorcist TV show
>The Lethal Weapon show
>The Knight Rider reboot
>American Sherlock Holmes
I remember this. Val Kilmer was supposed to voice the car but dropped out just before the premiere because of some scandal and was replaced by Will Arnett.
old Sup Forums loved this show. Now nobody talks about it or remembers it
Only Glau fags liked it. No one else gave a shit.
>He knows about Glaufags
so there are some oldfags still left. I thought I was the only one
oh shit is that rollo?!
there is an insane amount of content out there now. the guy who runs FX predicted that there will eventually be an implosion in the TV/streaming industry because of the sheer number of options consumers have.
>Tfw we are only like 2 years away from
>Content curator Youtubers
>Literally tv guides but told by people
>Just people sitting there and recommending you stuff
>They will be succesful as fuck
Everything is a cycle lads.
get ready for the Miami Vice and Starsky and Hutch reboot next year!
I don't really understand the economics behind it. Ratings for individual shows are dismal compared to what they were 20 years ago, but obviously the advertisers are still putting up money. Fifteen years ago people were saying scripted shows were too expensive to keep making and in the future 90% of shows would be reality TV, but that didn't pan out either.
Knight Rider refueled wasn't too bad. The man didn't have the onscreen charisma of the Hoff.
They shouldn't have made kitt into a transformer though. That really killed it.
The camouflage thing worked, whereas the car transforming into a pick up truck made no sense.
Deanna Russo was hot as fug
>>The Lethal Weapon show
Its good.
You should be the first one user
We are still here, user.
I remember. And it was one of the best shows on tv.
don't forget you're here forever
Holy shit, I forgot about all those fucking summer glau threads
What happened, did Sup Forums just stop liking her?
Other way around.
The Rush Hour show that came out last year was really bad.
Glaufags died when ABATAP took over.
Wayans is cool as Murtaugh. The other dude sucks as Riggs.
It's basically your routine cop procedural show. Also, the main duo have zero chemistry
I only post Summer on posts which I feel are genuine Sup Forums kino posts
>Bill Paxton was in a Training Day tv show when he died
Lol wtf?
>the future 90% of shows would be reality TV, but that didn't pan out either.
Thank God.
Same oldfag feels here. Been here since the finale of GoT season 7. What happened to this board?
I feel like we'll be posting The Orville in this thread in a year's time.
Other way around and there was no scandal Will just did ads for another car company and someone figured that he shouldn't do the voice of KITT.
Just by looking at the poster I could tell Wayans would be ok but Riggs would suck. It was exactly like the Lone Ranger movie having Depp as Tonto and that fucking nobody as the title character.
She hasn't done anything for awhile now. Does she even have a show?
it's actually pretty good. definetely better than all the sequels. it has a good 'spy' atmosphere
>The Minority Report TV show
>Crappy show based on a crappy 80's movie
What's next? Police Academy The Series.
It's not fair.. it ended at the most critical point, never have I wanted something more than S03E01.
In adition to a TV show, there was also a radio show based on The Third Man starring Orson Welles as Harry Lyme.